The First Son-in-law

C90 Love Is a Blessing in Disguise

C90 Love Is a Blessing in Disguise

Niu Zhuang looked drunk and his skin was red. He squinted his eyes and looked at the scene in front of him. This figure seemed a little familiar.    


Zhao Yuan's eyes lit up when he saw this. He walked around Qin Feng and came to Niu Zhuang's side. He became full of confidence.    


"Brother Niu, it's this kid! He humiliated the Black Tiger Gang!" Zhao Yuan pointed at Qin Feng and scolded.    


Niu Zhuang burped and was a little impatient. As the second in command of the Black Tiger Gang, he hated dealing with such trivial matters the most!    


It made him look like a hired thug!    


Niu Zhuang was angry. "Kid, what's your background? Have you inquired about the Black Tiger Gang?"    


Zhao Yuan also roared, "Kid! Aren't you very awesome? Another one! Say something! "    


As he spoke, he picked up the bottles of wine on the floor and threw them at Qin Feng.    


At this time, Qin Feng suddenly turned his head and grabbed the bottle.    


Niu Zhuang frowned slightly. His reaction was quick. He was a martial artist.    


However, he could not tell what the beer looked like in front of his face.    


"Say something! What kind of background do you have? If you don't have a background, you'll die. If you have a background, you can just hand over some money." Niu Zhuang waved his hand. His patience was getting lower and lower.    


Qin Feng slowly put down his beer. He had a strange smile on his face. "Niu Zhuang, Second Master, you are so cool."    


This voice made Niu Zhuang, who was drunk, suddenly sober up.    


"Qin... Master Qin?!" Niu Zhuang's voice was hoarse.    


Then he fell to his knees. "Qin, Master Qin."    


Zhao Yuan was stunned. When he saw Niu Zhuang kneel down, he reacted quickly. He also knelt down abruptly, but his body could not stop trembling.    


He knew that something big had happened!    


Qin Feng slowly walked over with the wine bottle in his hand. "Tsk tsk, Niu Zhuang, you can do it. It's impressive."    


Niu Zhuang was also trembling, "No, no, Master Qin. Misunderstanding, misunderstanding..."    


Qin Feng suddenly smashed the bottle of wine on Niu Zhuang's head. With a bang, the wine fragments splashed all over the place.    


Niu Zhuang knelt there motionlessly, not daring to move.    


At this time, the sharp knife also came.    


Seeing this scene, he was frightened, "Master Qin? What's going on?!"    


Qin Feng looked at him. "Ask him."    


As he spoke, he did not care anymore. He went back to take care of Zhang Fei.    


Zhang Fei was already drunk and was muttering, "I, I can still drink..."    


Qin Feng smiled. If he knew this would happen, he would have used another method. Ordinary people drank too much. It's not good for the body.    


"Qin Feng, you bastard! You betrayed me!"    


Qin Feng didn't know whether to laugh or cry.    


Behind them, Zhao Yuan and Wang Dong were already being beaten up.    


Niu Zhuang came over carefully, "Master Qin, I drank too much horse piss just now. Please forgive me."    


Qin Feng said lightly, "Keep a low profile. If this goes on, Black Tiger Gang won't last for long."    


"Yes, yes, Niu Zhuang knows his mistake. Then the two of them... "    


Niu Zhuang did not say anything to apologize. Did Qin Feng still need him to apologize?    


Qin Feng was suddenly stunned. "Don't kill them. Let them sign the contract."    


"Okay!" Niu Zhuang nodded.    


He picked up the contract and asked the two half-dead men to sign it.    


Qin Feng carried Zhang Fei on his back. Her bag was hanging around his neck. "I'm leaving now. Don't let them die. Otherwise, the contract will be useless."    


"Hey, okay. Take care, Master Qin."    


Qin Feng left.    


Niu Zhuang's expression changed instantly. "Haha, you two are good. You made me lose face in front of Master Qin. Today, I will let you know why the flowers are so red!"    


Razor sneered, "If Master Qin didn't use you, you would have fed the fish."    


Zhao Yuan and Wang Dong could not admit their mistakes even if they wanted to.    


Niu Zhuang shouted, "Close the door! Bring my tiger-finger over!"    




Qin Feng stood on the roadside with Zhang Fei on his back and took a taxi. As for the car, he could only come back tomorrow.    


Seeing Zhang Fei slip a little, Qin Feng pulled Zhang Fei's butt and bounced it up.    


Zhang Fei's two huge meatballs hit Qin Feng's back fiercely.    


Qin Feng's body stiffened and he muttered, "I can't tell even during the day... Women are really magical..."    


"Qin Feng... you bastard! Zhang Fei was still talking drunk.    


Qin Feng smiled bitterly. Zhang Fei will probably not let him go when she wakes up tomorrow.    


He was actually helping an outsider to mess with her. He was so angry that he could die.    


Qin Feng finally found out Zhang Fei's address and let the driver have a destination.    


The driver looked at the two of them through the rearview mirror and said, "Young man, your luck with women is not shallow."    


Qin Feng laughed, "No, my boss."    


The driver heard him and said, "Yo, the beautiful boss fell in love with me? That's exciting! I love office romance!"    


Qin Feng smiled bitterly," Haha, no, no. Pure."    


The driver showed an expression that all men understood. "No need to explain. I understand. After tonight, it won't be pure!"    


Qin Feng decided not to explain.    


Zhang Fei was lying on her lap, drooling.    


Finally, after putting in a lot of effort, they arrived at Zhang Fei's house.    


Zhang Fei's house was in a small district and the room was only about 70 to 80 square meters. Qin Feng thought that the house would be very tidy but the reality was very messy.    


Qin Feng put Zhang Fei on the bed with great effort and finally let out a sigh of relief.    


Qin Feng wanted to rest for a while, but Zhang Fei suddenly sat up and vomited.    


The clothes she threw up were on the bed. All under the bed!    


This made Qin Feng dumbfounded. At this moment, he really wanted to say two words.    




After getting drunk, the smell of vomit would always spread very quickly.    


Even though Qin Feng opened the window for ventilation, the smell still filled the room.    


Looking at Zhang Fei who was drunk like mud, Qin Feng sighed. Well, he still had to do his duty.    


Qin Feng started to clean up the mess, clean the floor, and clean the bed.    


He changed the sheets.    


Then... he looked at Zhang Fei's clothes.    


Then she started to help her change her clothes...    


Actually, Zhang Fei was wearing very simple clothes. The upper half was a shirt and the lower half was a pair of pants.    


Qin Feng unbuttoned the buttons one by one.    


That huge monster was completely out of Qin Feng's sight.    


"Damn, this is even bigger than Liang Ke'er!" Qin Feng thought coldly.    


He had no choice. This was really too big. He couldn't ignore it at all.    


But putting on clothes... it feels like at least two cups are smaller...    


Although it was very tempting, Qin Feng held it in.    


Last time, he had already suffered once. This time, he could not make any more mistakes!    


Qin Feng took off Zhang Fei's clothes and pants and did not help her put on her clothes. It was too troublesome. He directly covered her with the blanket.    


At this time, Zhou Ningmeng suddenly called.    


Qin Feng's expression was a little funny. Did she really come to investigate?    




"How is it?!" Zhou Ningmeng asked.    


"Everything went well. The contract was signed. Manager Zhang was drunk. I was at her house." Qin Feng felt that telling the truth was better than anything.    


Zhou Ningmeng raised her eyebrows. "You're not going to help her stop the wine?"    


Qin Feng heard her and said in embarrassment, "Ah, Manager Zhang insisted on drinking. I can't stop him."    


"En, got it."    


Qin Feng looked at Zhang Fei who was sleeping soundly. "She has already fallen asleep. I will be back soon."    


"No need. It is already very late. You just need to take care of Manager Zhang."    


After saying that, he hung up the phone without listening to Qin Feng's answer.    


Qin Feng shook his head. He was still angry...    


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