The First Son-in-law

C214 What Does That Mean

C214 What Does That Mean

"Ah!" Qin Feng sucked in a breath of cold air and forced himself not to push Zhou Ningmeng out of his embrace. He knew that Zhou Ningmeng must be using this method to vent the dissatisfaction in her heart.    


"This is your punishment." Zhou Ningmeng bit Qin Feng's skin and stared blankly for a while before raising her head and looking at Qin Feng.    


"I'm sorry. It's all my fault." Although she felt pain in her body.    


"Ningmeng, what's wrong?" she asked. Tears streamed down his face.    


"I'm not good. I shouldn't have bitten you so ruthlessly. But I really hate you. I hate you for treating me like that. I hate you for leaving home. I hate you. Why?" Zhou Ningmeng threw herself into Qin Feng's arms and started crying.    


Ningmeng, it's all my fault. I shouldn't have done that." Holding Zhou Ningmeng's face, Qin Feng wanted to kiss away the tears on her face. Helplessly, Zhou Ningmeng's tears flowed like a spring. It was really not something that Qin Feng could solve by himself. Helplessly, he could only tightly hold Zhou Ningmeng in his arms. Let her tears flow down his wound...    


The wind gradually calmed down and the rain stopped. Zhou Ningmeng's tears finally stopped flowing.    


"Ningmeng, let's wash it out. I will bring you to eat something." Qin Feng gently stroked Zhou Ningmeng's cheek and said in a loving manner.    


"I don't want all of these things. We will go and buy new ones later." As she spoke, Zhou Ningmeng stuffed the towel and other things into the garbage can in the bathroom.    


It can't be! Qin Feng muttered in his heart but did not stop Zhou Ningmeng. At this time, he did not want to cause trouble.    


Fortunately, Qin Feng had already prepared the new towel that he had taken out from the closet in front of the bathroom. Zhou Ningmeng wrapped herself around herself and went back to the bedroom to change into new clean clothes.    


Qin Feng originally thought that he would wear the old clothes that he had just replaced sadly because his suitcase was still with Lau Xiao. He did not expect Zhou Ningmeng to bring in a brand new set of close-fitting clothes for him to change into and then bring a new set of sportswear.    


"It's not bad to wear this when I have nothing to do when I go out. I am not the person in charge. There is no need to make myself very serious," Zhou Ningmeng said softly while tidying up a set for Qin Feng.    


Qin Feng's heart was touched. What is life? This is life for two people. What is love? This is true love!    


"Ningmeng, it was all my fault in the past. In the future, I will definitely treat you well." She hugged Zhou Ningmeng into her arms. Qin Feng caressed her passionately.    


"I believe you..." Although he was still not sure. "Let's go out and eat something and then go to the supermarket to buy something."    


"Okay, I'll help you dry your hair." Qin Feng turned around and found a hair dryer. Everything returned to normal.    


"I don't want all of these things." After cleaning herself up, Zhou Ningmeng went into the kitchen and threw all the things that the mouse might have touched into the rubbish bin. Then, she arranged everything into a big bag and handed it to Qin Feng. "When you go down later, throw it into the garbage pond."    


"En." Qin Feng felt his heart ache when he saw Zhou Ningmeng throw away all the seasoning and vegetables, but he had to do as she said. Of course, he also knew that Zhou Ningmeng was being careful. If he was really not careful and let the mouse infect him or something, it would not be worth it. How much could he spend to buy these things?    


"Ningmeng, are you guys going out?" The two of them walked out of the corridor and met an aunty in the corridor. Zhou Ningmeng greeted her warmly and she also responded warmly.    


"En, Qin Feng went out with the boss a while ago and he came back today with great difficulty. We are preparing to go shopping!" Zhou Ningmeng tightly held Qin Feng's arm and acted like a little bird. Her face was full of endless happiness.    


"No wonder I didn't see Qin Feng a while ago. It's good to go out with the boss. I can broaden my horizons!" Nowadays, the aunties also knew that they could not say anything. Although they were very clear about what had happened between Zhou Ningmeng and Qin Feng, it was not easy to ask that question in front of the two of them.    


After finding a clean restaurant to eat, the two of them drove to the largest shopping mall in Baodong County. Almost all the things in the bathroom and kitchen were thrown away by her. Tonight, Zhou Ningmeng really wanted to buy a lot.    


For food and drink, the two of them pushed the two shopping carts slowly. It caused the waiters to point at them continuously. Of course. The enthusiasm is much higher for the other customers, too, in their hearts. They had already labeled Qin Feng and Qin Feng as rich second generation wastrels because they found out that these two were just picking up expensive things to buy. Everything was the best in the mall.    


However, they knew that they didn't see the essence of the matter clearly on the surface. Although there were many things to buy, they were all carefully selected by Zhou Ningmeng. Those that were floating on the surface did not have much use. Zhou Ningmeng would definitely not buy it. Although the money that her father left for her could not even use one in ten thousand yuan to buy these things. But Zhou Ningmeng was not the kind of person who burned money. She would not be like those second-generation rich second generation people who were exposed online lighting cigarettes with money. Using money as fuel to eat hotpot, in Zhou Ningmeng's opinion, In Zhou Ningmeng's opinion, those people were brainless. If they had the leisure, they might as well take the extra money to do some good deeds. One must know that Zhou Ningmeng had donated more than half of her annual salary. However, it was not donated to the Red Cross. Instead, she donated it to the person she really needed. Zhou Ningmeng was also very worried. She felt that donating to them could only nurture worms. She could not let her money be used well.    


"A total of 2,980 yuan." The cashier's heavenly voice almost knocked Qin Feng down. In such a short time, his monthly salary was not enough. My God, when did the price rise so ridiculously?    


"2,980 yuan." Qin Feng quickly found his wallet and counted the money in it. It was only 1,600 yuan in total, and he was still short of 1,200 yuan.    


"Ningmeng, have you brought any money? I don't have enough money." Qin Feng looked at Zhou Ningmeng beside him.    


"You said you brought money, so I didn't. What should I do? It's not easy to choose, but I can't send it back, right?" Zhou Ningmeng looked upset. If she had known Qin Feng only had a thousand yuan in his pocket, she would have brought her own card.    


"What's wrong, beautiful girl? Is there not enough money? Let me kiss you. " I'll pay for it. " Qin Feng was about to say that he could go and get some money when a disharmonious voice sounded not far away. Following the voice, Qin Feng saw two guys with yellow hair on their heads. Both of them had cigarettes in their mouths and a gold chain as thick as a thumb hung around their necks. He didn't know if they were wearing weird clothes or not, but it was obvious that they weren't good people.    


The current Qin Feng had long tempered his temper, because he was ready to show off in the circle. Unless he had no other choice, he would not let the other party taste his fists from time to time like he did in the past.    


"Brother, it's windy outside today. Be careful of your tongue when you talk big." Qin Feng sent two cold beams over at a moderate pace. Although he did not say anything excessive, he had already sentenced these two to death in his heart.    


"F * ck, I never said anything big." The kid in front of him spat the cigarette in his mouth onto the ground in a very confident manner. He took out his wallet and took out a stack of money with a swoosh. It looked like there were at least ten thousand yuan in it.    


"Kid, did you see that?" The blonde knocked on the cashier counter with the money in his hand. "You have to have the capital to pick up girls. Sister, come with me. This money belongs to you."    


As he spoke, the yellow hair's eyes swept over Zhou Ningmeng from time to time.    


This time Zhou Ningmeng came out and wore a tight turtleneck sweater. Below it was the kind of cowboys who were tied up. Her graceful figure was revealed. Her long black hair was casually draped over her shoulders. Her slanted bangs were just right across her eyelids. Her long eyelashes blinked. Her watery eyes seemed to be speaking, and her small nose was at a moderate height. Her pink face and white jade-like skin were glowing under the light. How could such a person, who was so beautiful that even women would be jealous of him, not attract people who were a little difficult to keep in their hearts and felt that they were great?    


"Haha." Qin Feng smiled disapprovingly. Although the volcano in his heart was on the verge of erupting, he did not think much of it. But he still wants to settle this peacefully. "You're already starting to use the standards of a qualified insider." Young man, do you think it's amazing that you have so much cash? "Do you know what I usually do with this cash? It's for breakfast. As for the money for picking up girls like you said, it's all here!"    


He took out a bank card and handed it to the cashier. "Waiter, can you help me check how much money is in there and see if it's enough to buy these things?"    


"Sir, your card..." After checking the balance of the bank card, the waiter looked at Qin Feng with some difficulty.    


"It's okay. Just say it out loud." Qin Feng looked at the two blondes with pride. Boy, let me show you what a rich man is.    


"Qin Feng." Zhou Ningmeng hurriedly pulled him back. She knew Qin Feng's background. She did not want Qin Feng to make a fool of himself in public. There were a lot of people paying the bill at this time of the day. Everyone was looking at them as if they were watching a show.    


However, she was too late. The waiter had already opened his mouth and started talking. He had even said something that almost made her faint from embarrassment.    


"Sir, the balance in your card is 38 cents." As he spoke, the waiter gave Qin Feng an apologetic and sympathetic look.    


"Hahahaha..." With a bang, everyone who heard him burst into laughter. Especially the two yellow-haired kids. They laughed so hard that they almost fainted.    


"F * ck, how dare you show off at thirty cents? I can't even afford a cigarette!" The yellow-haired guy took out the Zhonghua cigarette from his pocket and showed it off. "Come, come, come. Anyone who sees will get a share. Brother, smoke!"    


As he spoke, the blonde started to smoke nearby. Of course, the wolf light still tightly wrapped around Zhou Ningmeng's body.    


"How is that possible?" Qin Feng cried out in shock, "Did you see wrongly?"    


"Sir, I didn't see it wrong. Why don't you come and take a look yourself?" The waiter took the monitor helplessly. It really showed that it was 38 cents.    


"I'm sorry. Everyone seems to be quite nervous. Let's have some fun and make a joke. This card is for me to charge my phone fees. The real land card is here." When Qin Feng saw the card on the table, Speaking of which, When the cashier reported the balance, he thought that Hanyu's phone call in the afternoon was to tell him that she had transferred the money away. He did not expect that he had accidentally taken the wrong card. The card she gave him was from the middle line, but the one he handed over was his wage card at the Construction Bank.    


As he spoke, Qin Feng took out the mid-tier card from his wallet and handed it to the waiter. He prayed even more in his heart. Hanyu, it's all up to you now.    


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