The First Son-in-law

C449 We Can't Do That

C449 We Can't Do That

"How could this be?" Mei was shocked. "Why is it only a run-down boss of a small place?"    


"Sigh, who knows. I also thought that the matter would be very simple. I didn't expect that he would actually have such a relationship. It seems like the water in Yangjiang City is very deep!" Lin Xuemei sighed. Good things had become bad things. At this moment, she was very upset.    


"Yes, I know." Mei's reaction was beyond Lin Xuemei's expectation. She thought Mei would panic. She did not expect that the other party was very calm.    


"Mei, why don't you tell your family about it? Anyway, this kind of thing is not your fault," Lin Xuemei said with a sigh. She felt depressed. Originally she wanted to use this matter to establish her power, but she did not expect that she would kick a stone.    


"Sister Lin, I know what I should do. In a while, I will call Uncle Gao," Mei said in a deep voice.    


"Mei, this matter seems to be a little tricky." After receiving Mei's call, Teacher Gao also felt depressed. With such a powerful relationship, why are you cooped up here?    


"I know. Have you found out about the other party's background?" Mei knew that since the other party had intervened, he must have more or less known about her relationship. If he knew her background and was so awesome, then he must be the person who stood opposite of her grandfather.    


"He is also an old revolution. He is also very hard to deal with." Teacher Gao's heart was filled with regret. If he had known this would happen, he would have continued to do so. Now it's better. Something big had happened. Although they were on the right side, you broke his hands and feet. This doesn't seem right. Even if they were on the right side, it didn't make any sense at this time.    


"Okay, I know. Uncle Gao, don't worry. No matter what happens, you will put all the blame on me." Mei said righteously.    


"Mei." Teacher Gao smiled bitterly in his heart. "In the end, you are still too young. You said that if you put the blame on you, it will be on you. " I have a lot of responsibility on my side. I privately used soldiers to create conflict with the local people. This is a taboo to begin with. Furthermore, If you say it's your responsibility, then it means I've listened to your orders. But why should I listen to your orders?    


"Mei, remember. When the time comes, just say that it was my lucky encounter. You must not say that you asked me to go over. " Just say that it was just in time for something to happen. In addition, I know you. So this happened. "Later, tell your friends clearly." Teacher Gao knows better than anyone else that if the other party really takes off his big hat, The old man might not be able to protect him, but... If he were to ignore that, he would just say that he had helped him after he met him. The nature is different.    


"Yes, I will remember it." Mei was not a fool. She naturally knew the purpose of what Gao laoshi said.    


"Mei, what's wrong?" Seeing that Mei's expression was not right, she asked. He could faintly hear some of it.    


"I didn't expect that kid to really have some skill. He actually found someone from the capital." Mei clenched her teeth tightly. "No matter who it is, I will let him have a good look."    


"How about we go over and take a look now?" Qin Feng felt anxious. Since Lin Xuemei had made this trip to the muddy water, Now, Now that both sides had found such a tough relationship, Qin Feng was naturally worried about Lin Xuemei. Although he knew that Lin Wanjiang's background wasn't small, but... It wouldn't be worth it to have a whole Three Middle School meeting for something like that.    


"Okay." Mei quickly walked towards the car and happened to meet Hanyu, whose face was still red.    


"Mei. What's wrong?" Hanyu saw the unhappiness on Mei's face.    


"It's nothing. Something happened to Sister Lin." Mei opened the car door and immediately frowned. That smell was really too unpleasant.    


"Mei, that..." Qin Feng coughed twice and did not know how to deal with it. "That we, that..."    


"Don't be so wishy-washy. You don't look like a man at all." Mei sat back in the passenger seat. "Hurry up and drive!"    


Hanyu got into the back seat of the car with a red face. She did not say a word. At this moment, she was slightly regretful. She regretted being too impulsive just now.    


When he arrived at the hotel Lin Xuemei mentioned, Qin Feng saw a familiar car at first glance. Immediately, his heart jumped to his throat. How is this possible? Why is this car here?    


"What's wrong with you?" Seeing Qin Feng staring at the car, Mei said in disdain. "Isn't it just a broken military vehicle? What's so good about it?"    


Mei had seen enough of this since she was young.    


"What do you know?" Qin Feng scolded her with a dark face, but he was getting more and more excited.    


"Only you know," Mei replied. "Call Sister Lin and ask where she is."    


"I don't need you to tell me." Qin Feng stared at the car while he took out his phone and called Lin Xuemei. After confirming their location, they walked quickly to the meeting room upstairs. Nowadays, any hotel would create these few meeting rooms. For some training activities, Tian Dynasty. There was nothing much, just a lot!    


When he pushed open the door of the conference room, the atmosphere inside was very depressing. Two rows of people were sitting on both sides of the conference table, looking like they were ready to fight. When he saw the person sitting at the head of the table, Qin Feng finally could not control himself.    


"Master." Qin Feng's voice was a little shaky. He could not believe that all of this was real.    


"Qin, Qin Feng?" The general with the golden wheat tassel on his shoulder suddenly stood up. "Is it really you?"    


"Sir, it's me." Although Qin Feng knew it was inappropriate to call him master at this moment, he still couldn't help but call him master because he was used to it. It had been five years. After five years, no matter how unfamiliar it was, it had become a habit.    


"Why are you here?" He was a general after all. He quickly calmed down from his initial excitement and patted Qin Feng on the shoulder. "How are you doing now?"    


"This..." Qin Feng looked at it briefly and found Lin Xuemei and the senior teacher looking at him in surprise. At this time, the senior teacher Qin Feng was talking about also realized that it was not appropriate for the two of them to reminisce under such circumstances.    


"You two are together?" The senior teacher Qin Feng was talking about was surnamed Shi. He was now the boss of the General Staff Department. He was sent by the other party to settle this matter. Everyone said that the world was big, but they did not expect such a small day to come.    


"Sort of!" Qin Feng braced himself and said. He knew that today's occasion was troublesome. On one hand, it was his former boss, and on the other hand, it was his woman's side. Both sides were very difficult to deal with.    


"Oh, okay." Qin Feng did not understand what this good word meant. He could only force himself to walk back to Lin Xuemei's side and sit down.    


"This is the Chief Shi that you followed before?" Lin Xuemei asked softly.    


"Yes, it is." Qin Feng nodded numbly. His heart was full of mixed feelings. If he had known this would happen, he would have thought of a way to stop Mei. Now, he had met his old chief on a narrow road.    


"There are no outsiders. I will get straight to the point." In terms of position, he was the highest. In terms of negotiation, he was the victim. Therefore, Boss Shi took the lead to speak.    


"You saw it just now, Qin Feng. We've always been close to each other. He is here today. I can only disobey a military order. Just now, my request... However, it's appropriate to reduce it, but... You guys have to give me a condition that I can go back and report back, Commander Gao. We are both in the army, so you should be able to understand my difficulties better. "    


"That's right." Although they weren't on the same level, Boss Shi's level and identity were still there. Teacher Gao could only agree with him. This made Mei who was at the side very dissatisfied. Immediately, she stood up. "Seeing that you are old, I will address you as uncle. That's right, he was beaten up. But have you ever thought about what he did? If Uncle Gao didn't happen to meet me, I would have been beaten up by him.    


Do you know what it means to rape someone? You're still saying that you're the victims. You're still a general. Are you being unreasonable? "    


"I am just speaking the truth." Boss Shi frowned. However, due to Mei's identity, he could not flare up. The fight between the higher ups was a matter of the higher ups. There was no need for the people below to fight together. This was what Boss Shi was thinking. He just did not dare to say it out loud.    


"The truth? What is the truth you are talking about?" Mei did not care about the other party's identity at all. She had seen a lot of generals and generals.    


The major general couldn't even enter her eyes. "The truth should be, I was almost raped, and then I crippled him in self-defense."    


"Then you overdefended yourself." After all, he was an old fox. He was definitely able to catch the words that he could use and immediately choked Mei with one sentence.    


"You... you are arguing irrationally." Mei angrily sat down and did not know how to respond.    


"Teacher Gao, Teacher Shi." Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit tense, Qin Feng stood up. " "How about this? I will go and see the injured. I will give you a plan later. How about it?"    


Boss Shi and Commander Gao looked at each other. Commander Gao looked at Mei beside him and nodded in agreement.    


"He's staying in our division hospital next door. I'll ask them to take you there," Commander Gao said to Qin Feng.    


"Thank you for your trust," Qin Feng said. "Why don't you go to the waiting room and have some water?" Qin Feng knew that as long as they were sitting at the conference table, the people on both sides would not be able to relax. They would still be in a tense situation.    


"Boss Shi, why don't I go and rest for a while? I believe that Qin Feng will be able to settle this matter." Teacher Gao stood up with a smile. This was his territory, and he had to be a good master no matter what.    


"Qin Feng has been with me for five years. I don't need to worry about him." Although their conversation was normal, Qin Feng knew that they both said something at the same time. That is, Qin Feng and I have a good relationship!    


This gave Qin Feng a headache. He could not afford to offend either side!    


"Why did you give this burden to me? Do you know how difficult this matter is?" After exiting the door, Lin Xuemei pulled Qin Feng to the side. "Now is not the time for you to show off your abilities. This is a problem that two big bosses can't solve. Can you solve it?"    


"Then what should we do? Both sides are not outsiders. We can't just waste our time like this, right? The problem has to be solved!" Qin Feng shrugged helplessly. "Now, we can only pray that the victim can withdraw the lawsuit. He is the key to the problem."    


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