The First Son-in-law

C355 Everything Has Changed

C355 Everything Has Changed

"Mr. Zhong, Lou Lixin is in a car accident." After reading the message, Qin Feng couldn't help but cry out.    


"What did you say?" Zhong Hongtao and Xie Sitian stood up at the same time, disbelief on their faces. They looked surprised. Needless to say, this news was no less than a bomb because Qin Feng knew the weight of Lou Lixin. If he really died in a car accident, for Yangjiang City, Although he was just an entrepreneur, it was still a shock to Yangjiang City. He was just the boss of a company, but... This person was very concerned with the important bosses of Yangjiang City. Some people even said that... He's the spokesperson for the bosses, Now, he was in a car accident. This seemed to indicate a problem.    


"Lou Lixin is in a car accident. He is in critical condition." He repeated the message word by word. Qin Feng looked at Zhong Hongtao nervously. He did not seem to be angry. It was probably because this news was so shocking that he had forgotten to be angry. However, Qin Feng knew that... After that, I suppose I'll beat around the bush and teach myself a lesson.    


The reason why he found someone to care about Lou Lixin was because of him. However, Zhong Hongtao didn't want anyone to know that he was concerned about the most popular person in the Yangjiang City, but he had actually sent a text message in front of Xie Sitian. Xie Sitian was an old fox in Yangjiang City. He would definitely be able to see the message clearly in an instant. It was all his fault for being so impatient just now. He had actually cried out in shock all of a sudden. However, the old fox was still an old fox. Who was Zhong Hongtao? After a brief moment of shock, he immediately thought of the problem of leaking the secret.    


"Qin Feng, where did you get such news? Are you sure?" Zhong Hongtao stared at Qin Feng's face. Xie Sitian was also nervous. He didn't seem to have woken up from his shock. Zhong Hongtao seemed to be older than Zhong Hongtao.    


"I subscribed to the news on my phone. I don't know if it's true or not, but I don't think it's fake. After all, Lou Lixin is a public figure." Fortunately, Qin Feng had already thought of a countermeasure. Although it was not very brilliant, it was better than nothing.    


"You can't trust all of this news. Go and check it immediately. If it's true, report it immediately." Zhong Hongtao waved his hand. He had the momentum of commanding thousands of men and horses, but in reality, there was only Qin Feng, a small soldier.    


"I'll go now." After saying that, Qin Feng quickly put away the tea set and prepared to leave.    


"Hey, what did you say? Is it true?" At this moment, Xie Sitian's phone rang. In front of Zhong Hongtao, Xie Sitian picked it up. After hanging up, he looked at Zhong Hongtao with a serious expression. "The message Qin Feng just received is true. My men also called, and I heard that... It was a premeditated traffic accident.    


Xie Sitian's words were as if he had made a deal with Zhong Hongtao. At this moment, he had already realized what was going on. Everyone was only concerned about Lou Lixin. It was unknown whether it was good or bad for Lou Lixin to be cared about by so many department heads.    


At this point, Qin Feng no longer needed to leave. Because everyone had already been honest with each other, there was no need to hide anymore.    


"It seems like the other side is really ready to attack." Zhong Hongtao sighed. "We shouldn't have interfered in such a matter, but now it seems like we need to do a joint operation."    


"Good things don't come out. Bad things spread far and wide. It won't take long for all the bosses to know about this. When the time comes, the boss will definitely have an explanation." On the other hand, the big butler knew what the boss was thinking the most. Zhong Hongtao agreed with Xie Sitian's words.    


"That's right. I think it will be another bloodbath." Zhong Hongtao sighed. "Sigh, killing people doesn't require a knife."    


"I have to go back now. Maybe the boss is looking for me now." Xie Sitian did not dare to stay any longer. He quickly got up and said goodbye.    


"Mr. Zhong, I'm sorry. I couldn't help it." Seeing Xie Sitian walk away, Qin Feng quickly admitted his mistake to Zhong Hongtao.    


"I don't blame you. No one would be able to hold it in if they knew about this." Zhong Hongtao's attitude was beyond Qin Feng's expectation, but after thinking about it carefully, he felt relieved. That's right. How could he hide this kind of thing? Normally, he would only lie to himself if he did not poke his nose into this layer of window paper.    


After cleaning up the mess, Qin Feng prepared the meeting materials for Zhong Hongtao. He went back to his desk and busied himself. Now, he realized that sometimes, he was even busier than his boss at the company. He had endless materials all day long. He didn't know when this thing would end.    


While he was troubled, his phone in his pocket started ringing again. He took it out and took a look. Qin Feng felt a headache coming on. What is this woman trying to do?    


"She hasn't come to me for a few days. Has she forgotten about me? Do you want me to tell Boss Hongtao to bring you here?" The content of the text message made Qin Feng so angry that his teeth itched.    


Sigh. It was all his fault for thinking too highly of his future. However, what could he do if he did not care about his future? He could never be tied down by such things. Otherwise, all his previous efforts would have been in vain. Therefore, Qin Feng could only endure it. He could only endure the unhappiness in his heart and face it with a smile.    


"I believe you should know about the situation in the nearest city. I have been very busy recently." After thinking about it, Qin Feng sent a text message.    


"What's wrong? Did this matter attract your attention? Hehe, aren't you worrying too much?" The other party's message was quickly replied. There was no lack of mockery in the lines. Qin Feng knew that this was to mock someone at his level for being concerned about such a big matter.    


"Although our level is not high, we have to care about some news and interesting things. Otherwise, when we chat with others, there will be no more topics to talk about. We are not like some people who are able to see through the heavens with their hands and eyes. We don't need to care about the current situation to know the inside story." Qin Feng was not a good person. He immediately replied with a mocking tone.    


"Little thing, you really know how to return a favor." Who was Zhao Haixia? Although she was a woman, she was still a woman. One must know that she was backed by a certain big shot. Even if she only learned the same thing every time, She had learned most of the things in the circle. Zhao Haixia was originally working in the circle, but it was Deputy Director. Some of the lines in the circle were very clear, and with the guidance of the expert behind it, It was impossible for her not to understand what Qin Feng was saying. He could naturally understand Qin Feng's childish words in an instant.    


"Haha, what is it? Compared to the methods of some people, my methods are far inferior. Sometimes, when you are sold, you still have to help others count the money?" When Zhao Haixia said that, Qin Feng immediately thought of that night and asked a woman to give him medicine. This was a very embarrassing thing. Qin Feng felt that this thing could become the shadow of his life.    


"Little thing, I'm doing this for your own good. Let me tell you, Lou Lixin's matter is not something you can handle. " Be smart and stay away from this matter. Otherwise, even your boss won't be able to protect you. Let me tell you, don't just look at your relationship with Xiao Yuanshan. If something really happens to you because of this, even Xiao Yuanshan might not be able to protect you. " If it was just a joke, Of course. It was a kind reminder.    


"Mr. Xie is concerned. I am very busy here. I will not waste my time with you. As for that... " Delete it or not, that's your problem. If you really want it to spread widely, I won't care. However, there are a lot of high-tech people nowadays. I don't think you mind if I ask someone to put your profile picture on. Qin Feng used the ellipsis to replace the rest of the sentence. He could imagine Zhao Haixia's angry expression after receiving the message.    


"You are heartless and I am unjust. Do you think I can only see you clearly from your camera angle? I cannot see you clearly. But don't forget, Nowadays, everything can be faked. There's still a rumor on the Internet about a certain school taking graduation pictures, and each class deliberately leaving a few empty seats in front of them. Then, I can also use this method to send your profile picture up. At worst, we'll all die together. In any case, I don't care. At most, I'll just go to the police station. But you, Zhao Haixia, also can't get better. Qin Feng had heard of it before. This was what Han Qinglian hated the most. Zhao Haixia's influence may not be lower than Qin Feng's. Qin Feng was sure that Zhao Haixia would be affected as well. That was why he dared to act so impudently. However, Qin Feng did not go too far because he still had a plan that had yet to be realized. He still hoped that Zhao Haixia could help him achieve a pleasant surprise, but... Right now, he did not have the time to argue with Zhao Haixia because he had already heard the sound of chairs coming from the inner room. Needless to say, Zhong Hongtao was about to come out. So, he quickly turned off his phone. He picked up the briefcase on the table and quickly walked to the door to wait.    


"Let's go to the meeting room for a meeting." Qin Feng could see it. At this moment, Zhong Hongtao's face was full of vicissitudes of life. He couldn't be blamed for this. Since he had made his choice, he had to follow this path. The most taboo thing to do was to switch sides at the last moment. A person like this... Such a person would never end well. Not only did the original faction no longer view him as one of their own. Even the faction that had just joined would only treat him as a traitor. Traitors had never had a good end since ancient times. Especially those who came together with benefits as their ultimate goal. As long as they feel that you have let them down, they will definitely not remember that kind of friendship from back then. It was even to the extent that they wished they could directly trample you under their feet and fiercely stomp on you a few times. Because no one is a saint. In normal interactions, they would more or less reveal some of their true feelings. And it is precisely because of these true feelings that makes others think that you are very awesome. It seems that you are very strong, and people do not like other people being strong. So, when there's a chance to get rid of you, you're a cow. They'll never let go of such a great opportunity.    


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