Pretty CEO's Soldier Son-in-law

C279 Time Is Life

C279 Time Is Life

Gao Fei had stayed in the army for six years, especially during those four years in the Falidian Foreign Legion. After knowing the whiteboard, he had a good understanding of the most advanced cold and hot weapons in the world.    


Thus, he could tell with one glance that the saber that was stabbed into Yan Hong's heart was the D-80 Tiger-Teeth Combat Military Blade that was used in the current service of the Divine Kingdom's Special Forces.    


The D-80 Tiger Teeth Combat Knife was made of special alloy steel. Not only was the blade light and nimble, but its sawteeth could easily cut through 3000 volts of high voltage electrical wire (the other side of the handle was insulated).    




Most of the 40mm long military knives had pierced into Yan Hong's body. However, because Gao Fei came in time, the person didn't have time to take the knives away. Coupled with the natural reaction of Yan Hong's body, her muscles clamped onto the sabre's body.    


Too much blood.    


It didn't matter how much blood Yan Hong had lost.    


Most importantly, even if not a single drop of blood flowed out from the cut, Yan Hong was dead for sure.    


Because the knife was directly on her heart, from the perspective of the expert who killed Gao Fei, the person who stabbed Yan Hong was also an expert in this field. He knew where to strike from, in order to be able to fatally injure her in one blow.    


"Yan Hong, this little woman who told me that she is shameless and that she likes to be chased around by me from the back. On the surface, she doesn't care, but she cares about me more than anyone else, that's all."    




Gao Fei was at a loss. He thought of the first time he met Sister Hong, thought of the first time he did it in her office, thought of Su Beishan and his daughter playing with each other in the dining hall of Su Family, and also thought of her falling out with him because of Shen Yinbing.    


Wait a minute, these flashed through his mind like a movie.    


Honestly speaking, Yan Hong's biggest impression on Gao Fei was that she was especially crazy and dedicated when she did that kind of thing. It was like conquering the entire world for a man to fully enjoy her.    


For Yan Hong to protect Shen Yinbing, Gao Fei was still very angry and intentionally avoided her.    


Furthermore, she was also very tactful. If it wasn't for Shen Yinbing's matter, she wouldn't have taken the initiative to look for him.    


Perhaps he would never think of having such a little woman again.    


In his heart, she was just a friend who did not need to spend money!    


But now, when Gao Fei saw that her heart was stabbed with a military knife and her face was pale without moving an inch, he suddenly realized: he cared about her just like he did not notice her before, just like how she cared about him!    


The sound of a car horn came from the road above. The sound of the car's engine whizzing passed, waking Gao Fei up from his daze, he then carried her out of the car window like a madman and shouted, "Yan Hong, Yan Hong!    


Bang!" Can you hear me!?    


Lying in his arms, Yan Hong's face was deathly pale and her eyes were closed like a lifeless doll. Her limbs drooped powerlessly, but her pair of bare feet still stuck to his chest, giving people a feeling of helplessness …    


Miserable alternative beauty.    


"You … You won't die just like that, right? Would you be willing? No, no, you won't! I know, you can actually hear me talking to you, you just don't want to open your eyes, you don't want to talk to me, you want to sleep, right? Let me tell you, you definitely can't sleep, absolutely can't fall asleep! Because once you fall asleep, you will never wake up again. You will never have the chance to have me accompany you properly! I promise you, Yan Hong, as long as you can wake up, I will always accompany you, just like loving your wife, cherishing you and making you happy! So, you absolutely cannot die or sleep, do you understand!? "    


Gao Fei, who was carrying Yan Hong, bent his body like a prawn and tried his best to climb up, shouting as he ran.    


When Gao Fei shouted till the end, his voice was filled with a sobbing tone. Sweat dripped down from his forehead and onto Yan Hong's exquisite face. It rolled down from the corners of her eyes and fell onto the grass like tears flowing down her face.    




When he first carried Yan Hong out of the car, Gao Fei also thought about going down to the village in the valley. After all, the road was only a few dozen meters down and the terrain was a little more stable.    


However, when it was a crucial moment, even if Gao Fei carried Yan Hong to a small village, so what?    


Do you really expect that there would be a Saint Hand like Hua Tuo hiding in this kind of natural village, taking out a military knife for Yan Hong and bringing her back to life?    


That was impossible. More importantly, it would be a lot longer to go to the hospital when Gao Fei found the car from the small village than it would take for him to carry Yan Hong onto the road.    


Time was life.    


These words were vividly interpreted at this moment.    


In fact, from Gao Fei's perspective, even if Yan Hong was put into the operating room now, the chances of her survival weren't very high because the knife was too deep and it was precisely the fatal point!    


However, Gao Fei had no intention of giving up. He used all of his strength and climbed up as fast as he could.    


In a short 67 meters, Gao Fei was panting like a tired cow. The veins on both sides of his forehead were popping up.    


When they were about to reach the highway after climbing another three to five meters, Gao Fei tripped on a tree root hidden in the weeds and fell to the ground.    


If Yan Hong wasn't in his arms, if she was fine, Gao Fei could have put out a hand to support himself on the ground.    


However, he was currently hugging Yan Hong with both hands, trying his best to maintain his balance so as to not aggravate her injuries from the shock. As a result, he didn't dare to reach out or even kneel on the ground.    


Just as Gao Fei was about to lie on the ground and hit Yan Hong, who was in his embrace, his head suddenly stretched forward!    


When he was about to lie on the ground, he actually used his forehead to firmly prop on a tall rock.    


With a muffled bang, blood splashed all over Gao Fei's forehead. However, Yan Hong, who was in his embrace, did not move at all.    


"That was close."    


When his forehead hit the rock, even though he was pretty good at kung fu, his forehead was still not a rock after all. With a single strike, he had created a triangle.    


However, Gao Fei didn't care at all about this kind of child's skin injury. He suddenly raised his head and took large strides to continue climbing.    


Blood mixed with sweat dripped onto Yan Hong's lips, making her pale lips finally look a bit brighter.    


Gao Fei actually climbed for more than 10 minutes at a distance of 60 to 70 meters. This was under Gao Fei's best efforts, after all, the slope was too steep, almost 70 degrees. If it was a normal person, they could have fallen if they were not careful.    


She was still holding Yan Hong, whose life and death had yet to be determined.    


Opening the back door of the BMW, Gao Fei carefully put Yan Hong in and let her lie flat on the back seat with her feet on the back of the passenger seat.    


From the time he took Yan Hong out from the completely scrapped Ferrari to now, Gao Fei had not tested if she still had any signs of life.    


He did not dare to do so. He was truly afraid of testing her meridians, but he discovered that he no longer had any pulse.    


He still didn't dare to do so. However, just as he was about to close the car door, he quickly placed two fingers of his right hand on the great artery at the side of Yan Hong's neck.    


The moment their skin made contact, Gao Fei's nervous heartbeats seemed to have stopped. However, he could keenly feel Yan Hong's Microsoft pulse and breath coming from his fingers.    


Gao Fei was ecstatic as he screamed out, "Yan Hong, you'll definitely be able to hold on!"    


After she received Gao Fei's call, Shen Yinbing felt a strong uneasiness and immediately called him back, but no one answered.    


Of course, Shen Yinbing knew what Yan Hong had gone to do today.    


In fact, Yan Hong went to Gao Fei, just as she had expected.    


Because she found that for some reason, she was no longer able to calmly talk to Gao Fei when she was facing him, so she was eager to have someone to find Gao Fei in her place. She felt moved by that guy and told him to obediently take out that old book so that she could give it to her father.    


As for Yan Hong, she was without a doubt the best candidate. She tactfully went to look for Gao Fei.    


As for whether Yan Hong could get the book back from Gao Fei, Shen Yinbing wasn't sure.    


However, she knew that Yan Hong would definitely do her best to help her complete this mission.    


Because Yan Hong was just like a mother, always taking care of Shen Yinbing and doing anything for her.    


What she did next was wait for Yan Hong to give her a message.    


However, Shen Yinbing didn't receive Yan Hong, instead, she received a call from Gao Fei.    


"Did something happen to Sister Hong?"    


Holding the phone in her hand, Shen Yinbing rushed out of the office and just happened to see Hei Zi, who was leading people on a tour of the company's building. She shouted, "Hei Zi, hurry, come with me!"    


Hei Zi did not know what happened and did not dare to ask. He immediately ran to the elevator and opened it.    


Shen Yinbing didn't know that when she was driving the White Bmw out of the parking lot, there was a pair of eyes looking at her from a window on the thirteenth floor that was filled with pride.    


The moment they got out of the parking lot, Hei Zi asked, "Director Shen, where are we going?"    


"Go, go to the Racetrack!"    


When Shen Yinbing answered Hei Zi, she realized that her voice was trembling.    


At this moment, she suddenly became extremely afraid. An inexplicable feeling of fear surrounded her heart.    


She had experienced this feeling twice before, once when her father died and once when Hai Bo was killed.    


This was the third time.    


Could it be that something was going to happen to Sister Hong this time?    


If something were to happen to Sister Hong again, it would mean that the three people who had loved her the most had all been viciously murdered.    


No, no! Sister Hong, don't let anything happen to me. I don't have a dad, I don't have Hai Bo. Now, you're the only one left. If anything happens to you, what will happen to me in the future?    


Shen Yinbing clenched her fists and urged, "Hei Zi, hurry up, don't worry about the red light!"    


Under Shen Yinbing's constant urging, Hei Zi also became ruthless. He didn't care about the red light or the green light at all as he ran like his life was on the line.    


Hei Zi's driving skills were quite good. After passing through a few red lights, they quickly arrived at the largest slope of the Yanzi Mountain.    


From afar, Shen Yinbing, who was stretching her neck forward, saw the black car parked on the road. When the car reached the bottom of the slope, she saw the license plate: It was the black BMW 7 that she bought for Gao Fei.    


At this moment, Hei Zi also noticed it. He shouted without turning his head, "Director Shen, this is Gao Fei's car!"    


"I know, hurry up and go over!"    


Before Shen Yinbing could finish her sentence, the car had already rushed to the highest point with a whooshing sound and stopped behind the car with a creaking sound.    


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