Super Talisman Master

C36 The Representatives of the Five Academies

C36 The Representatives of the Five Academies

Qin Chuan stood in front of the window. He looked at the dark clouds outside through the window. There was no expression on his face, but there was excitement in his heart.    


He liked the weather when it rained. Every time after it rained, he liked the weather when it rained. ... The ground in the slums would become very clean, and the air would also become very fresh. Although this clean and tidy state would not last for long, it was enough for Qin Chuan.    


He was already very satisfied to be able to taste some sweetness under the heavy pressure of life.    


Qin Chuan once thought that his life would probably be very dull, or that he would be a handyman for the rest of his life in Old Suen's shop. Or he could find another job to earn a living, and then find a woman who was similar to him to get married and have children. Then, his unfulfilled ambition would be entrusted to his child. He hoped that his child could become a great figure respected by everyone.    


In fact, this was not his fantasy, because most of the people in the slums lived like this.    


However, the appearance of Sea of Runes had completely changed his fate. At the same time, it had also indirectly changed his view of this world. Living in such a world where the strong prey on the weak, strength was the foundation to ensure his survival.    


Those without strength could only struggle to survive.    


A series of footsteps sounded behind Qin Chuan. Zhou Lin slowly walked over. She looked at Qin Chuan with a complicated expression and said in a low voice, "You should go to Hidden Dragon Platform. According to the rules, you are the challenger. You have one hour to familiarize yourself with the environment."    




Qin Chuan turned around and smiled at Zhou Lin. "Please lead the way."    


Zhou Lin looked at the faint smile on Qin Chuan's face and pursed her lips. She wanted to ask Qin Chuan if he was confident in winning, but she gave up in the end. Because she felt that the outcome was already decided.    


Ever since the Six Great Academies set the rules for the Battle of the Hidden Dragon Platform, every city in the Federation had built a huge stadium as the special venue for the Battle of the Hidden Dragon Platform. It was the first time the special stadium of the Hidden Dragon Platform in Qingzhou Mansion had been used since it was built ten years ago.    


In order to cater to the rules of the Six Great Academies, the Qingzhou Mansion had invested a huge amount of money to build this huge stadium that could accommodate 100,000 people. At that time, all the officials thought that it was just a project related to reputation. No one would have thought that they would use this stadium today ten years later.    


As the chairman of Qingzhou Mansion, after Hsu Rulong learned about the Battle of the Hidden Dragon Platform, his expression had always been very ugly. He stood on the viewing platform. His eyes were gloomy as he looked at the young man who was meditating in the middle of the arena. He whispered to the secretary beside him, "He must be Qin Chuan."    


"Yes." The secretary said in a low voice, "He came over an hour ago. He had been walking around the ring. Later, he did not move at all. I don't know what he was thinking."    


"Since the rules allow him to enter the ring an hour earlier, no matter what he does, it is within the rules. We don't need to care."    


Hsu Rulong said lightly. He didn't care about cheating. If Qin Chuan thought that cheating could change the outcome, he would be too naive.    


"After the people of Six Great Academies enter the arena, let the ordinary audience enter."    


Hsu Rulong gave the order to his secretary, then he walked to the room with the best view.    


As the highly-anticipated challenge of the Battle of the Hidden Dragon Platform, it naturally allowed the curious audience to enter the arena to watch the match. However, if one wanted to enter, they first had to buy a ticket worth 100 dollars. When the ticket was just released, it was already bought clean by the audience. Now, someone had raised the price to 800 dollars for a ticket. The supply was still not enough to meet the demand.    


The ordinary audience needed to line up to check their tickets, and the representatives of Six Great Academies could naturally enter through the VIP channel.    


The person who represented the Star Dragon First Academy this time was called Qian Wuliang. His parents wanted him to have an endless amount of money, so they called him ___. With Qian Wuliang's current status and identity, his parents' wish had been fulfilled.    


Qian Wuliang was a fat man with a smile on his face. He was playing with two Crystal Ball in his hand. The two Crystal Ball were smooth and round, and as they spun, they emitted a faint white light. The two Crystal Ball looked very rare. He was also a very kind person. Therefore, some people who did not like him gave him a nickname, "Gutless Qian." He did not care about it. On the contrary, he accepted it with a smile.    


"Qian Wuliang, why are you standing here?"    


The Immortal Sword Academy representative, Su Qi, looked at Qian Wuliang, who was blocking the entrance of the VIP channel. He frowned slightly and said, "You blocked my way."    


"I know. I was actually waiting for you. We are all representatives of the Six Great Academies, so we should enter the arena together. " Qian Wuliang chuckled, not caring about Su Qi's cold attitude towards him.    


"Gutless Qian, are you afraid to go in alone? Don't worry. The people here won't dare to bully you. After all, you are the representative of Star Dragon First Academy."    


While Su Qi and Qian Wuliang were talking, another slightly short woman walked over. Her name was Suen Yu, and she was the outer circle elder of the Profound Heaven Sect, one of the top ten sects in the Federation. At the same time, she was also a teacher of a subsidiary academy of Blackheaven Sect.    


Qian Wuliang looked at Suen Yu, who looked ordinary but liked to wear makeup. He smiled kindly and said, "Elder Suen, you are really getting younger and prettier day by day."    


Hearing Qian Wuliang's flattery, not only did Suen Yu not show a happy expression, she even showed some disdain. She said, "I look down on people like you who flatter everywhere."    


After saying that, Suen Yu no longer paid attention to Qian Wuliang. She gently pushed him from behind and Qian Wuliang's body floated to the side as if it was weightless. This made Suen Yu a little surprised.    


"Gutless Qian, your Flying Cloud Technique is becoming more and more profound."    


"Don't praise me anymore."    


Qian Wuliang was still smiling. Regardless of whether others were scolding him or praising him, he always had a sincere smile on his face.    


At this moment, the representatives of Cosmic Star Academy and Federal Military University, Wu Tieniu, had also arrived. However, no one welcomed them. Hwa Zhan was not welcomed because he was the representative of Cosmic Star Academy, and Cosmic Star Academy represented civilians. Wu Tieniu was not popular because he was a cold person and did not want to talk to anyone.    


"Everyone is here. Let's go in!"    


As they were talking, Su Qi took the lead and walked into the tunnel. As for the representative of the Black Moon War Academy who had yet to show himself, he seemed to have been deliberately forgotten by everyone.    


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