Super Talisman Master

C41 Final Winner

C41 Final Winner

If anyone else had been recruited by the Star Dragon First Academy, he would have been thrilled. He wished he could pack up his luggage and follow Qian Wuliang. But Qin Chuan was different. In the past, Qin Chuan might have been happy and excited because of Qian Wuliang's invitation. But now, he... He was very calm in the face of the Star Dragon First Academy's invitation.    


Although the Star Dragon First Academy was good, it wasn't what he wanted.    


Qin Chuan's calm performance was seen by everyone. Some praised him, while others frowned.    


Hwa Zhan was very happy. Zhou Meng didn't lie to him. Qin Chuan really hated these schools that had connections with the Aristocratic Sect. He had no interest in the Star Dragon First Academy. Qin Chuan wouldn't be interested in the other schools that had connections with the Aristocratic Sect.    


In this way, their Cosmic Star Academy would become the biggest winner!    


"You don't seem to be interested in Star Dragon First Academy?"    


Qian Wuliang looked at Qin Chuan in surprise. He did not seem to understand why Qin Chuan was so calm. He had recruited a few students in the past few years when he was teaching in the Star Dragon First Academy. Each of them was very excited when they were recruited by the Star Dragon First Academy. It was the first time he had met someone as calm as Qin Chuan.    


When faced with Qian Wuliang's question, even if Qin Chuan didn't want to talk to him, and have to answer. Although he had displayed some amazing talent, he hadn't fully grown yet. At this time, it wouldn't be a problem for him to display some of his pride appropriately. However, if he acted too conceited, he would inevitably cause some unnecessary trouble. This would be detrimental to his future growth.    


Therefore, at this moment, Qin Chuan put away the coldness on his face and looked at Qian Wuliang with a complicated expression. He said in a low voice, "I'm sorry, Senior. I can't accept your invitation."    


Qian Wuliang was very satisfied with Qin Chuan's polite rejection. He didn't really care about it in his heart, although Qin Chuan's talent was very good. The Star Dragon First Academy was the leader of the Six Great Academies after all. There were many geniuses there. There was no lack of a genius like Qin Chuan. The only thing that made him curious was, why would Qin Chuan reject his good intentions? Could it be that Qin Chuan had already made up his mind?    


Thinking of this, Qian Wuliang couldn't help but look at Hwa Zhan, who was standing beside Qin Chuan.    


Just as Qian Wuliang turned to look at Hwa Zhan, the people from the other courtyards also turned to look at Hwa Zhan. Given the familiarity Hwa Zhan had shown to Qin Chuan, it was very likely that Qin Chuan would choose Cosmic Star Academy.    


Everyone felt a little regretful about this result. After all, Qin Chuan had a 100% chance of becoming Talisman Formation Master. In the five courtyards, there were many students who had the potential to become Talisman Formation Master. However, there were less than a hundred students who had truly become Talisman Formation Master's students!    


From this, it could be seen how precious Qin Chuan's talent was.    


Even Qian Wuliang, who represented the Star Dragon First Academy, could not change Qin Chuan's mind. If they showed up now, there was a high chance that they would return empty-handed.    


Hwa Zhan could see the helplessness and regret on the faces of the others. He tried his best to suppress the urge to laugh. He patted Qin Chuan's shoulder with satisfaction and said, "For the next six months, you have to work hard in your cultivation and strive to become a Qi Refining Stage cultivator before you enter the school. This way, you will not disappoint Zhou Lin's expectations of you. "    


Hwa Zhan only said that he wanted Qin Chuan to become a Qi Refining Stage cultivator before entering the university, but he didn't say which university Qin Chuan would enter. However, everyone present knew that Hwa Zhan's words were not encouraging Qin Chuan. It was more like announcing to them that Qin Chuan would definitely enter the Cosmic Star Academy!    


Furthermore, Hwa Zhan was very smart. He knew that his relationship with Qin Chuan was very shallow, so he repeatedly mentioned Zhou Lin in front of Qin Chuan to shorten the distance between him and Qin Chuan.    


"You are not bad. You must work hard to cultivate in the future."    


Qian Wuliang gave Qin Chuan a meaningful look. Although he was very optimistic about Qin Chuan, it did not mean that he was optimistic about Qin Chuan after entering Cosmic Star Academy.    


Just as everyone thought that the matter regarding Qin Chuan was about to come to an end, Wu Tieniu, who had been silent all this time, suddenly walked up to Qin Chuan. He looked at Qin Chuan calmly and said, "Before I came here, the old chief told me. If you can survive the Battle of the Hidden Dragon Platform, I will invite you to join the Federal Military University. But it seems like you will most likely not accept this invitation. "    


Qin Chuan looked at Wu Tieniu with regret. If it wasn't for the fact that he had a better choice, he wouldn't mind joining the number one Military University in the Federation.    


"Sir, I have a friend who is going to join the army after graduating from high school. If you don't mind, you can look for him."    


At this time, Qin Chuan would not forget Wang Bo. He started to recommend Wang Bo in front of Wu Tieniu. He hoped that Wang Bo could join the Federal Military University for further studies.    


"I will think about it." Wu Tieniu didn't reject Qin Chuan directly. He glanced at Liu Yunshan, who was standing in the corner of the room. He said faintly, "Let's talk about another thing now. Some people used the warriors who died in Black Wind Defense for their own selfish desires. This made the old chief very dissatisfied. He once told me. If you can survive in the Battle of the Hidden Dragon Platform, let me erase this family from this world. Do you have any objections to this?"    


As Wu Tieniu's voice faded, everyone in the room subconsciously looked at Liu Yunshan, who had collapsed to the ground. Hsu Rulong shook his head when he saw Liu Yunshan's reaction. He had known Liu Yunshan for many years. It was really difficult for him to associate this old man with the patriarch of Liu Family who was in high spirits.    


He had offended someone he shouldn't have offended. He had used something he shouldn't have used. He had brought this upon himself!    


"Sir, this has nothing to do with the Liu Family! You can kill Liu Yao and Liu Cheng! I can also kill them myself, but the Liu Family is innocent! "    


Liu Yunshan, who was lying paralyzed on the ground, burst into tears. He wailed and begged for mercy from Wu Tieniu. He couldn't let the Liu Family be destroyed by his hands just like that!    


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