Super Talisman Master

C377 Soul Summoning!

C377 Soul Summoning!

Ever since the Dongshan war broke out, both the military and... The common folk, as well as the common folk, are all keeping a close eye on the Dongshan war. It could be said that the Dongshan war had affected the minds of many people, especially the residents of Dongshaan City. They were so worried that they tossed and turned, unable to sleep at night. They were afraid that the soldiers at the front line would not be able to stop the attack of Demon Clan. Dongshaan City would be breached by Demon Clan, and their families would be destroyed.    


It was getting late. The residents of Dongshaan City, who had been busy for the whole day, were eating their dinner with worry. While they were worrying about the future of the Dongshaan City, a news report suddenly popped up on the Crystal Screen, which was broadcasting a program in the Dongshaan City. The mayor of Dongshaan City appeared in front of everyone. He said to all the viewers who were watching the live broadcast with an excited expression, "A great victory at the front line! The Tenth Legion had wiped out the skeleton fleet of the Male Lion Department and killed more than 60,000 enemies. It was a great victory! Demon Clan has lost. Dongshaan City is safe now!"    


When the residents of the Dongshaan City heard the news, they were stunned for a moment, but soon after, their faces were filled with surprise. The war at the front line had won, and the Dongshaan City was safe!    


The residents of the Dongshaan City who were walking on the streets were excitedly discussing the news. Every one of them had a joyful smile on their faces.    


"We won! It's the Tenth Legion! They defeated the Demon Clan!"    


" The Tenth Legion is invincible! Qin Jue's legion commander is invincible!"    


"Hahaha, we won, this is great, this is great! Long live Tenth Legion!"    


At this moment, the residents of Dongshaan City were in a frenzy. They were cheering the name of the Tenth Legion and Qin Jue's name, thanking those warriors who fought with the Demon Clan to protect Dongshaan City!    


When the Dongshaan City was in a frenzy, Dongshan Camp was filled with solemnity. Everyone had a serious expression on their faces because they were in the middle of a soul summoning ceremony!    


Faang Yong stood under the stage and looked at the cultivators who were chanting the soul summoning spell. He could not help but reveal a hint of sadness on his face. Although they had won today's battle, they had even won a great victory, but they had also paid a heavy price. The Eastern Mountain Army had sacrificed more than 14,000 soldiers, and the Tenth Legion had also sacrificed nearly 30,000 soldiers. This victory was built with the blood of more than 40,000 soldiers. How could Faang Yong be happy about this?    


"The soul of a hero has returned!"    


Accompanied by a loud and clear cry, a violent wind suddenly blew in Dongshan Camp. It was as if someone was crying in the wind, mourning the heavens and earth!    


"The soul of the hero has returned!"    


Amidst the incessant calls of the soul masters, the wind in the camp gradually weakened. The sobbing sound also gradually turned into a vague song. It seemed to be singing the victory of the war and offering sincere blessings to everyone.    


"Heroic Soul, eternal, is only eternal sleep!"    


The soul masters sighed and turned to look at Faang Yong who was standing below the stage. He said to Faang Yong, "Commander Fang, this war has been going on for too long. The souls of most of the sacrificed warriors have dispersed with the wind. What I have summoned back... No more than a thousand. "    


Hearing the Soul Summoning Master's words, Faang Yong couldn't help but reveal a pained expression. They had sacrificed more than forty thousand warriors, but only a thousand of their heroic souls had been summoned back. This kind of loss was a bit too heavy!    


Wang Bo looked at the pained expression on Faang Yong's face and said in a low voice, "Boss, my condolences."    


Wang Bo could understand Faang Yong's feelings. Every time he treated some critically injured people, these injured people would always say that they were not afraid of death. Because even if they died, they could become heroes. If they continued to fight to protect the country, then he thought it was just a joke. But when it really happened, he realized... It turns out that not all sacrificed soldiers have the chance to become heroes!    


"Commander Fang, Tenth Legion has returned!"    


Hearing this shout, everyone present subconsciously looked up to the sky. Tenth Legion's fleet was slowly flying towards Dongshan Camp.    


Seeing the return of Tenth Legion's fleet, Wang Bo could not help thinking of Qin Chuan, the brother who had risked everything to protect Dongshaan City and win this war.    


"Wang Bo, let's go and see Qin Chuan." Faang Yong looked at Wang Bo with a complicated expression and said, "He is the hero of all of us!"    


"Qin Chuan, are you alright?"    


Wang Bo quickly walked into the bedroom. He looked at Qin Chuan, who was lying on the bed, and lifted the blanket. He was relieved when he saw that Qin Chuan had not lost any arms or legs.    


"I was prepared to install artificial limbs for you. Now it seems that it is not necessary."    


Qin Chuan was a little speechless when he heard that. He said to Wang Bo, "Kid, you just want me to die, don't you? Give me artificial limbs? Why don't you just summon my soul? "    


When Qin Chuan mentioned summoning his soul, the smile on Wang Bo's face instantly disappeared. He sat by the bed and looked at Qin Chuan sadly. "Brother, we just carried out the summoning ceremony at the camp. More than forty thousand brothers were sacrificed, but only a little more than a thousand souls were summoned back."    


Hearing this news, Qin Chuan looked a little sad. He didn't expect that after sacrificing so many warriors, only a thousand souls were summoned back in the end. Looking at the sad expression on Wang Bo's face, he sighed. He said to Wang Bo, "This is the cruelty and ruthlessness of war. Victory in every war will be accompanied by sacrifice. We are lucky, they are unfortunate. "    


"I am very sad. What should we do?" Wang Bo looked at Qin Chuan with red eyes and said, "If it were not for you today, we might have to sacrifice more people."    


"Don't say that. Every one of us is working hard to win this war. It is all our credit to win this war. No one has ever been able to change the entire war on their own. I'm not a hero. I'm just an ordinary person who thirsts for victory."    


"Why is there a war in this world?" Wang Bo gritted his teeth and held back his tears. "If our Homo Clan and Demon Clan could live in peace, wouldn't there be no war? Why can't we live in peace? "    


Qin Chuan looked at Wang Bo seriously and asked, "Wang Bo, if one day I tell you that I have a way to stop the war and stop it, will you believe me?"    


"I do." Wang Bo nodded without hesitation. He believed that Qin Chuan had the ability.    


Qin Chuan pursed his lips and said solemnly to Wang Bo, "I am not qualified to do such a thing right now, but in the future, I... I will definitely do it! This is my promise to you. I will let you see peace descending upon this world with your own eyes! "    


There are some things that must be done by someone. Since others cannot do it, then let him do it!    


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