Super Talisman Master

C686 Confused

C686 Confused

Stay away from you?    


Everyone was confused when they heard what Qin Chuan said. What did he mean?    


Seeing the puzzled expressions on everyone's faces, Qin Chuan pursed his lips and said, "Later, perhaps I will do something very dangerous. If you are too close to me, there is a high possibility that you will be implicated. The other party might even ignore the rules of the World Son Center and forcefully attack me, so you better stay away from me. I don't want to implicate everyone because of me! "    


After hearing Qin Chuan's explanation, everyone revealed a shocked expression. They had no idea what Qin Chuan was talking about.    


"Qin Chuan, what exactly do you mean?" Lui Zi frowned and looked at Qin Chuan, "What do you want to do?"    


Lui Zi's question was also a question in everyone's heart. They really wanted to know what Qin Chuan meant by dangerous actions.    


Qin Chuan shook his head in the face of everyone's doubts and said to them, "Knowing this kind of thing won't do you any good. You just need to know that I won't harm you all."    


"Qin Chuan! We haven't known each other for a day or two. What is it that you can't tell us? " Loong Xiao frowned. "Even if you have any difficulties, you should tell us. Everyone will help you get through this difficult time!"    


"Loong Xiao is right. We are now one entity. We share fortune and difficulties!" Lui Zi replied, "You should not have to bear everything alone."    


Qin Chuan felt very warm in his heart when faced with the concern of everyone. However, there were some things that he really did not want to involve so many people.    


"I appreciate everyone's good intentions, but what I want to do is my private matter. It has nothing to do with all of you." Qin Chuan looked at the crowd. "Since it's my personal matter, please don't interfere. Let me finish it by myself. "    


When everyone saw Qin Chuan's firm attitude, they didn't know what to say. At this moment, the Flying Shuttle arrived at the reception area of World Son Center.    


"Alright, let's go down."    


Qin Chuan stood up and took the lead to walk out. He purposely pulled away from the crowd. The facial expressions of the group became extremely complicated when they saw Qin Chuan's actions. Who would have thought that they had just arrived at World Son Center? This seemingly stable team was about to fall apart?    


"No matter how he looks at it, I won't let him take the risk alone!"    


Lui Zi expressed her attitude and took the lead to follow. When everyone saw this, they also hurriedly followed and entered the reception area together.    


The reception hall was very spacious and there were many people inside. However, the scene was extremely quiet. Almost everyone sat cross-legged on the ground and operated their martial arts. They were all very proactive.    


Qin Chuan did not find it strange at all when he saw this scene. The Spiritual Qi in World Son Center was so dense. Under such circumstances, ordinary cultivators would make the best use of their time to cultivate. If it wasn't for the fact that they wanted to talk to everyone just now... He would probably cultivate on the Flying Shuttle for a while.    


Just as Qin Chuan was thinking about this, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him and cheered, "Boss!"    


Looking at Chen Changxing who suddenly appeared, Qin Chuan pursed his lips. However, he did not have any intention of talking to Chen Changxing. He turned around and walked towards the empty space. It was one thing for Chen Changxing to see that Qin Chuan didn't give him a warm hug, but he just ignored him. He was stunned.    


"Could it be that you don't get angry because I don't want to tell you?" Chen Changxing frowned slightly and murmured in a low voice, "Boss shouldn't be so petty, right?"    


Just when Chen Changxing was confused, Lui Zi and the others also walked in. Chen Changxing saw Lui Zi and immediately asked, "Is Boss angry with me?"    


Lui Zi was a little puzzled when she heard that and said, "Why is he angry with you?"    


"Just now when I greeted Boss, he did not have any intention of responding to me and directly ignored me. Could it be that he is angry with me?" Chen Changxing looked puzzled. "Could it be that boss lost his memory and did not recognize me?"    


Lui Zi sighed and said to Chen Changxing, "Not only did he not know you, even we don't know each other now."    


Chen Changxing was stunned. "I was just saying it casually. Could it be that boss really lost his memory?"    


Lui Zi shook her head and replied, "He didn't lose his memory, but now he really wants us all to lose our memory. We don't even know him anymore."    


Chen Changxing was completely stunned after hearing Lui Zi's words. He was stunned for a while before he asked Lui Zi, "What are you talking about? Why can't I understand a single word?"    


"Don't say that you don't understand. We are also confused now."    


At this moment, the others also walked into the reception hall. All of them looked at Chen Changxing helplessly. Qin Chuan's change was too sudden and strange. They didn't understand what was going on. Why did he suddenly turn from a friend to a stranger?    


"Qin Chuan must have his own thoughts about what he did. We should let him stay alone for a while. Give him some space. " Loong Xiao suggested to everyone, "When the dangerous thing that Qin Chuan mentioned happened, we will decide what to do."    


Loong Xiao's suggestion could be said to be the best and most rational suggestion at the moment. Everyone also felt that what Loong Xiao said made sense. Now was the time for Qin Chuan to compete with them. They should not go and join in the fun for the time being.    


Thinking of this, everyone walked in the opposite direction of Qin Chuan and found an empty space to sit down.    


Many people had seen the actions of the people from the Black Moon War Academy. When they found that Lui Zi and the others were not staying with Qin Chuan but were far away from him, they had puzzled expressions on their faces. Could it be that there was an internal conflict in the Black Moon War Academy?    


While the curious people were thinking about these questions, Qin Chuan also noticed Lui Zi and the others' actions. When he saw that no one was moving closer to him, he relaxed a little and began to cultivate quietly.    


Many people came to the reception area one after another, including the Homo Clan and the Demon Clan. Before this, everyone had already understood the rules of World Son Center, so although there was some estrangement between the Homo Clan and the Demon Clan, there was still some estrangement between them. But nothing happened.    


Ding! Ding! Ding!    


A pleasant bell sound suddenly rang in everyone's ears. A tall and slender figure wearing a red muslin skirt with bare feet slowly walked in from outside. The sound of the bell was transmitted from the rope tied around her ankle.    


However, compared to the lively bell, the charming face of the red dress girl was clearly more attractive.    


To the Homo Clan, this person might be unfamiliar, but to the Demon Clan, this person was not unfamiliar at all. Even if they had never seen her before, they had heard of her name before, because she was the only princess of the Demon Clan!    


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