Super Talisman Master

C1111 The Suspicious Chaos Lord

C1111 The Suspicious Chaos Lord

During the two months of absorbing the Dao Runes, the Sword of Talisman had fed all the Dao Runes and Battle Array to Qin Chuan. These were the Water Element, the Surging Waves, the Metal Element, the soil attribute's Sand and Stones, and the Light Element, Rainbow Light. These Battle Array were all given to ___ without exception. As Qin Chuan's strength increased, all of them were Sixth Grade Battle Array. These Battle Array would also become a seventh grade Battle Array!    


As for the spatial attribute Dao Runes, they were the last to be absorbed. That was why the Sword of Talisman could be considered to have completely absorbed them tonight, and it would be able to give the Dao Runes and Battle Array back to Qin Chuan.    


"Dao of Shattering the Void, Shattering the Void!"    


Qin Chuan murmured in a low voice, and his face couldn't help but reveal a hint of joy. This was because Shattering the Void wasn't the Battle Array, but the same ultimate skill as the Lightning Method!    


With the Lightning Method Pearl Jade in front of him, Qin Chuan believed that the power of shattering the Void wouldn't disappoint him. But because of the Talent Rune, Qin Chuan could quickly master the Lightning Method. However, he couldn't quickly master the technique of shattering the void. He needed to slowly learn it. He needed to study it, but luckily, he didn't lack time.    


After a night of research, Qin Chuan roughly understood what kind of Profound Meaning the Shattering Void was. As for the true mastery of the Shattering Void, it would take a long time.    


When Qin Chuan walked out of the cultivation room and was about to check on Lui Zi's condition... He saw Lui Zi humming a happy tune while playing something while wearing an apron. For some reason, Qin Chuan's tense nerves instantly relaxed. For a moment, he really wanted to continue living like this. He didn't care about anything else.    


However, this thought only appeared for a moment before it was dispelled by Qin Chuan. Right now, he still had a lot of things to do. It was not time for him to fall in love with the gentle countryside.    


"Have you finished your cultivation?"    


At this time, Lui Zi also noticed Qin Chuan's appearance. She held a thin piece of meat in her hand and waved it at Qin Chuan, signaling him to come and taste it.    


Qin Chuan smiled and walked to Lui Zi's side. He let Lui Zi feed the meat to his mouth. He smiled and said to Lui Zi, "This should be the Heavenly Goat meat unique to Celestial Clan. It tastes pretty good."    


"It is indeed the Heavenly Sheep. In Celestial Clan, the Heavenly Sheep is for the core members to eat. We have benefited from Shamila." Lui Zi smiled and asked Qin Chuan, "After breakfast, let's go and see Bai Yuv."    




Qin Chuan agreed with a smile. At this moment, his Holo-Brain suddenly lit up. It was a call request from Ye You.    


Qin Chuan raised his eyebrows when he saw this. After the call was connected, he asked Ye You, "What happened?"    


"Qin Chuan, the situation is not good. Qiu Bi and the rest have lost contact." Ye You said to Qin Chuan with a serious tone, "They have a contract with you. If they are dead, you should be able to sense it."    


Qin Chuan frowned slightly and said, "They are not dead."    


The contract he signed with Qiu Bi and the others had not been broken. That meant Qiu Bi and the others were still alive. With the contract, Qiu Bi and the others had no reason to lose contact with them. That meant Qiu Bi and the others might have encountered some trouble!    


"What were they doing before they lost contact?" Qin Chuan frowned and asked, "Did you arrange any mission for them?"    


Ye You seemed to have thought of something when he heard this. He was very surprised and said, "Before this, they were investigating Yin Su's attack. Could it be that they encountered a spy from Void Empire?"    


Qin Chuan was slightly stunned when he heard Ye You's answer. He said with some surprise, "Even Yin Su, the person who was attacked, could not confirm the identity of the other party. What could they investigate?"    


Lui Zi, who was standing by the side, heard the conversation between Qin Chuan and Ye You. She said to Qin Chuan, "Don't forget. Although we know very well that Yin Su doesn't know anything, we know very well. But the attacker may not know we don't know anything. Maybe Qiu Bi and the others found something by accident. The attacker thought that we followed the clues to find them, so he took the initiative to control Qiu Bi and the others. "    


Hearing Lui Zi's reasonable analysis, Qin Chuan could not help but fall into deep thought. He asked Ye You, "When did you contact Qiu Bi in the end, and where are they?"    


Ye You replied, "Two days ago, District 99!"    


When he came to District 99 again, Qin Chuan's mood was completely different from before. Last time, he wanted to satisfy his curiosity, which was equivalent to sightseeing. This time, he wanted to save people and find out the truth.    


Yin Su was seriously injured and Bai Yuv needed someone to take care of her, so the person accompanying Qin Chuan this time was still Ye You.    


Ye You suggested to Qin Chuan, "Actually, we can go directly to Chaos Overlord and ask him to help us find Qiu Bi and the others. The 99th region is Chaos Overlord's territory after all. It is much more convenient for him to do things here than us. If we ask Chaos Overlord for help in the name of Celestial Clan, he won't refuse us. "    


Hearing what Ye You said, Qin Chuan shook his head and asked, "What is the strength of Qiu Bi and the others?"    


Ye You answered subconsciously, "Void Discerning Perfection. Out of ten of them, seven of them are Void Discerning Perfection, and the other three are Peak of the Void Discerning."    


Qin Chuan looked at Ye You and asked, "Then let me ask you, in the 99th region, what kind of person can restrain them without giving them any chance?"    


Ye You was stunned for a moment, then he regained his senses and said with some surprise, "You are suspecting Chaos Overlord?!"    


Qin Chuan nodded and said to Ye You, "In the 99th region, besides Chaos Overlord, I can't think of anyone else who could do this. Although there is no reason for such suspicion, we should still be careful."    


Ye You gave Qin Chuan a deep look and said, "I think Chaos Overlord is indeed very suspicious. Chaos Overlord has been very mysterious ever since he became the overlord of the Fusion Stage a thousand years ago. He rarely interacted with other people. He seldom attended the gathering of the overlords. However, before he advanced to the integration period, he wasn't that kind of person."    


Qin Chuan looked at Ye You curiously and asked, "Can you tell me more about it?"    


Ye You replied, "As far as I know, a thousand years ago, before Chaos Overlord had advanced to the fusion stage, he had always been a very domineering and arrogant person. He called himself the King of Chaos and would often appear in various occasions. He had caused quite a stir. Later on, after he advanced to the Body Fusion Stage, everyone thought that he would become even more arrogant and domineering because of this. However, unexpectedly, he chose to move into the most chaotic area, District 99. From then on, he rarely showed his face outside. He almost disappeared without a trace. Only those who frequently came to District 99 would often mention him. Thinking of his existence. "    


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