Super Talisman Master

C1117 Cunning Insect Race

C1117 Cunning Insect Race

"You want to join the social meeting?"    


Lui Zi looked at Qin Chuan and was somewhat surprised.    


Qin Chuan was also a little surprised when he heard this and asked, "Could it be that you also want to participate in the social gathering?"    


Lui Zi nodded and said to Qin Chuan, "Shamila also wants to participate in this exchange meeting. I am accompanying her to participate."    


Qin Chuan slightly frowned and said to Lui Zi, "This is too dangerous. According to what I know, the sect will allow any kind of killing."    


"So what? My strength is not as weak as ordinary people. In addition to Shamila, now there is also you. We will not encounter any danger at all." Lui Zi said to Qin Chuan," I have always hoped to fight with people who are equally matched. I want to test my own strength. "    


Seeing Lui Zi so confident and Qin Chuan also had confidence in his own strength, he did not say anything more and asked about the things related to the social meeting.    


"I have just come out of seclusion. I don't know much about the exchange meeting. Do you know why there is an exchange meeting between the Celestial Clan and the God Race?"    


Lui Zi immediately explained to Qin Chuan, "Because the God Star Cluster and Celestial Stardust are adjacent, there are some conflicts of interest between God Race and Celestial Clan. The purpose of the exchange meeting is to resolve these disputes. Both the Celestial Clan and the God Race are unable to bear the impact of the fall of the older generation experts, so the younger generation became the main characters of the social meeting."    


Hearing Lui Zi's explanation, Qin Chuan's face revealed a look of understanding. He nodded slightly and asked again," How often will this social meeting be held? What kind of reward will there be? "    


Lui Zi replied, "The social meeting is held every hundred years. As for the reward, there is no special reward, but it is said that the final winner will get the opportunity to enter the ancient ruins!"    


Ancient ruins!    


Hearing Lui Zi mention the ancient ruins, Qin Chuan immediately asked with concern, "Is it the ancient Homo Clan or the Ancient Demon Clan ruins?"    


"I don't know the details. I only know that it is an ancient ruin. He also wanted to see which ancient ruin would open when the time came. " Lui Zi said to Qin Chuan, "After all, there are a lot of ancient ruins in the universe. It's not just the ancient ruins of Homo Clan and Demon Clan."    


In the past, when he was in Sena Star System, Qin Chuan had heard Zuo Sisi mention about the ancient ruins. Once the ancient ruins were opened, even Overlord of the Universe would participate in it. It could be said that it was a grand event that attracted a lot of attention, and even if they, the young generation, had the chance to participate in it. They wanted to compete with Overlord of the Universe for the treasure. * Hong Long...... *    


However, to Qin Chuan, as long as he didn't encounter a late fused overlord, he wouldn't be too afraid. It was also because of this that he was very interested in the ancient ruins that would be opened soon.    


Half a month later, Qin Chuan and the others set foot on the Heavenly God Star, which was located at the border between the Celestial Stardust and the God Star Cluster.    


The Heavenly God Star was the border between the Celestial Stardust and the God Star Cluster. It was also the place where all the social gatherings were held. There was a space on the Heavenly God Star called the Lava World, which was a vast space. It was filled with volcanoes and lava, and the living environment was extremely harsh. In this kind of battle, one would be greatly restricted, and it was very difficult to exert 100% of one's strength.    


On the way to the Heavenly God Star, Qin Chuan also received another piece of news from Lui Zi. The matter of Tran Capital being destroyed had already been settled.    


"Why did it end up like this?" Qin Chuan was a little surprised, "It was obviously Worm Clan who destroyed Tran Capital."    


Lui Zi sighed helplessly and said to Qin Chuan, "All of us know that it was Worm Clan who destroyed Tran Capital, but we do not have conclusive evidence. The Worm Clan insisted that this was the revenge of Void Empire on Tran Capital. They also used the corpse of the void creature found in the ruins of Tran Capital as evidence. Therefore, the Celestial Clan couldn't do anything to the Worm Clan. "    


Qin Chuan's face darkened when he heard Lui Zi's words. During the period of seclusion, he had never forgotten about the matters in the Tran Capital. He initially thought that the Celestial Clan would be able to seek justice for the victims who died in the Tran Capital. He never thought that Worm Clan would be so shameless!    


Seeing the ugly expression on Qin Chuan's face, Lui Zi stretched out her hand and held Qin Chuan's hand. She said to Qin Chuan, "I know you are very angry and sad, and I am also in the same mood. We can't expect the people of Celestial Clan to seek justice for those who died, so we can only rely on ourselves. Don't forget about this matter for now. When we have the strength to seek justice for them, we will make the Worm Clan pay the price for what they did!"    


Qin Chuan asked, "Did Shamila ask you to tell me this?"    


Lui Zi shook her head and replied, "Shamila did not say it clearly, but when she told me this news, she mentioned it vaguely. I understand what she meant. She did not want you to hate Celestial Clan because of this matter."    


Qin Chuan sighed and said to Lui Zi, "We are now living under someone else's roof. How can we have the right to hate the Celestial Clan? You are right. This debt can only be settled by the Worm Clan in the future!"    


Qin Chuan wanted to treat the Tran Capital as the first stronghold after the Homo Clan and Demon Clan returned to the universe. He had to seek justice for the people who died in the Tran Capital. He had to make the Worm Clan pay a painful price so that he could feel at ease.    


"If I have the chance, I would like to take a walk in the Shengzhi Group." Qin Chuan looked at Lui Zi and said, "Only by knowing yourself and your enemy can you fight a hundred battles without losing a single battle. If we want to destroy the Worm Clan, we need to understand the Worm Clan. Once this exchange meeting is over, I will make a trip to the Shengzhi Group. "    


Lui Zi heard Qin Chuan's words and asked, "Are you planning to act alone again and leave me behind?"    


Qin Chuan pursed his lips and said to Lui Zi, "It is very dangerous for me to go to the Shengzhi Group alone. It will be even more dangerous if I bring you along. Do you understand what I mean?"    


"I knew it. No matter how hard I work and how strong I become, it doesn't matter. I've always been a weakling in your eyes." Lui Zi looked at Qin Chuan with a firm gaze. Her tone was unprecedentedly serious. " I will prove to you in this exchange meeting that my strength is not weak at all. I am far stronger than you can imagine. I will definitely not be a burden to you! "    


Hearing Lui Zi's words, Qin Chuan felt somewhat helpless. He knew that this decision would definitely cause Lui Zi to be dissatisfied. However, just like what Lui Zi had said, if Lui Zi was really strong enough, of course, he would not mind working together with Lui Zi. And this exchange meeting was undoubtedly a very good test.    


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