Super Talisman Master

C1127 Space Shattering!

C1127 Space Shattering!

Burning the sky and boiling the sea!    


Not only did Qin Chuan's fire break the formation that was just set up by the God Race, it also instantly melted the flesh and souls of dozens of young representatives of the God Race. Even some of the stronger Son of God were unfortunate enough to fall. When the fire came to an end, less than thirty of the over fifty people of the God Race were still breathing, and none of them had any combat strength left!    


Looking at these people of God Race who were badly burned by the fire, Qin Chuan grinned. He turned to Provence who was standing not far away with a pale face and asked, "Are you willing to fight now?"    


In the outside world.    


When everyone saw Qin Chuan say those words to the few God Children who were leading the way, almost everyone was laughing coldly. They were laughing at Qin Chuan for overestimating himself and looking down on the people of God Race too much.    


When everyone saw Qin Chuan kill the God Child blocking the way with a single sword strike, they were still laughing coldly. They all felt that Qin Chuan was too arrogant, as if he was cutting off his own path of retreat.    


When they saw Qin Chuan being surrounded by dozens of young God Race representatives and trapped by the fist energy, they couldn't help but laugh. Before they could laugh coldly, Qin Chuan sent the person who tried to disturb him flying with a slap. After that, he drew his sword and killed dozens of people in an instant.    


Everyone stopped laughing. Instead, they became silent. When they saw Qin Chuan provoking Provence in an incomparably arrogant manner, the corners of their mouths had just revealed a disdainful smile when Qin Chuan unleashed the Burning Heaven Technique. The battlefield turned into a sea of fire, burning away all their disdain and ridicule.    


The Seventh Elder looked at the Heaven's Fire Flame with a complicated expression, then he said to the Fifth Elder, "This is one of the sixth grade Battle Array that Qin Chuan gave to our Celestial Clan, Burning Heaven. In an environment like the Lava World, the power of Burning Heaven can be increased by at least 30%. No one can stop it. If this fire continues, the people of the God Race will either die or be injured! "    


The Fifth Elder nodded and said to the Seventh Elder, "That's right. The God Race has underestimated Qin Chuan. Qin Chuan's strength is comparable to that of an intermediate merger overlord. If Provence doesn't attack, Qin Chuan can kill as many of these ordinary God Children as he wants. "    


The Seventh Elder cast a subtle glance at the Fifth Elder and asked, "Is Provence purposely using Qin Chuan's strength to defeat Qin Chuan?"    


"It's not that Provence is arrogant, but that Qin Chuan is a rare freak!" The Fifth Elder looked at the direction of God Race and said to the Seventh Elder, "I believe Miau Se and Lucas must be very angry right now."    


Just as Fifth Elder had guessed, Lucas and Miau Se were very angry right now. They were about to explode from anger.    


Although they didn't care about the death of these Void Discerning Period young representatives, it didn't mean that they were willing to see these young representatives being slaughtered like pigs. They didn't even have the strength to fight back!    


Miau Se stared at the raging flames within the Crystal Screen with hatred. He gritted his teeth and said, "A bunch of trash!"    


That's right. Miau Se didn't hate Qin Chuan for being strong. He only hated the young representatives of the God Race for being too weak. He had actually been killed by Qin Chuan alone. Now, he could only place his hopes on Provence, who had yet to make a move. He hoped that Provence could kill Qin Chuan and restore the dignity of the God Race!    


Compared to Miau Se, Lucas had more to think about. He gazed in the direction of the Celestial Clan and said to Miau Se, "Something is not right with this man. He is the same as Provence, a peerless genius whose strength has far exceeded his realm. He is also digging out his potential just like Provence, trying to break through the limits of his own body! "    


Upon hearing Lucas's words, Miau Se was shocked and said, "Doesn't that mean that Provence will be in danger?"    


Lucas took a deep look at the Crystal Screen and said to Miau Se, "We can only trust Provence!"    


Facing Qin Chuan's provocation again and again, Provence finally could not bear it anymore. He raised his hand and gently waved it, sending warm light to those gods whose bodies were burnt black from head to toe. The dead skin and muscles fell off, and new tender flesh and white skin grew out. It was like a withered tree returning to spring.    


When Qin Chuan saw this scene, he chuckled and didn't interrupt Provence's movement. Since Provence still wanted to win over the hearts of the people at this time, he would let Provence get what he wanted. After all, Provence was already a dying man, so it was better for him to be tolerant.    


After treating all the survivors, Provence looked at Qin Chuan with grief in his eyes and said in a deep voice, "You are a devil, an unforgivable devil!"    


Hearing Provence's words, Qin Chuan smiled and nodded. "Yes, you are right. I am a devil. A heinous devil, and you are a kind and kind son of God. You are the main character. Come on, I have prepared the plot for you. I will wait for you to kill me and get the cheers from the crowd."    


Initially, Provence wanted to say something to boost the atmosphere and mood, but when he heard Qin Chuan's words... He couldn't say what he wanted to say. He gave Qin Chuan a deep look. He growled, "Punish the evil and defend justice!"    




Following Provence's roar, a bright light burst out from Provence's body. Countless golden rays shot out from his body, turning into countless light and shadow in the air. They all started chanting the scriptures of the Sole God Sect, which turned into golden words. They flew towards Qin Chuan and stuck to his body like shackles. They completely sealed off Qin Chuan's body and the Spiritual Force!    


Qin Chuan struggled for a moment and found that these scriptures were extremely difficult to deal with. He simply couldn't shake them off. When he wanted to use the Spiritual Force to attack the scriptures, he realized that the Spiritual Force had already been sealed off. He was already unable to use any techniques. Even his Spiritual Power was stuck in a situation where it was first chosen!    


At the same time, Qin Chuan heard a series of majestic and grand voices ringing in his ears, causing the struggling thoughts in his heart to gradually calm down. He suddenly felt a little tired, and wanted to lie down like this and quietly rest for a while.    


"Don't sleep."    


When the tender voice of the Small Ankylosaurus rang out in Qin Chuan's Brain Domain, Qin Chuan, who was already groggy, instantly woke up. At the same time, Provence's figure appeared in front of Qin Chuan. He held a vajra pestle in his hand and was about to strike Qin Chuan's head hard!    


At the critical moment, Qin Chuan furiously shouted, "Break through the sky!"    


Following Qin Chuan's angry shout, the space around Qin Chuan suddenly exploded. It turned into sharp fragments that looked like broken lenses, shooting in all directions! Provence was the first to be hit. Countless fine wounds were cut all over his body. Blood was dripping!    


At the same time, the scriptures that bound Qin Chuan's body turned into light spots and disappeared. Qin Chuan immediately regained control of his body!    


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