Super Talisman Master

C1248 The General Attack!

C1248 The General Attack!

Upon hearing the news brought by the officer, Qin Chuan and Theo immediately inquired about the details.    


"The devil army has fully assembled. At least a billion soldiers have been deployed at the border. They may launch an attack at any time!"    


Upon hearing these words, Theo's facial expression changed drastically. Immediately, he gave the order to defend the five lines of defense. At the same time, he dispatched another 50 million mobile troops to strengthen the five lines of defense. But even so, compared to the one billion soldiers of the demon race, it was still a drop in the bucket.    


After giving out a series of orders, Leo let out a long breath and said, "Right now, I can only do my best."    


As the saying goes, a clever woman cannot cook without rice. The number of soldiers in Leo's hands was no more than 600 million. Facing the first wave of attack from the devil army that was as high as one billion, the pressure was naturally immense. Not to mention, after the demon army, there were still more than 1 billion troops that could be sent to the battlefield. This was a hell level challenge for Theo.    


It was also at this moment that Vyo finally used the space defense base, hoping to use it to resist the demon soldiers for a long time.    


The so-called space defense base was a huge war fortress. Its appearance was like a divine altar, able to hold more than 30 million troops at the same time. If their defensive capabilities were maximized, they would be able to defend against 200 million troops at the same time. This was the last bit of confidence that Theo had. If even the Sky Defense Base could not block the demon soldiers, then there was nothing he could do.    


Qin Chuan had heard about the space defense base before, but this was the first time he had seen it with his own eyes. When he saw the enormous altar that was like a planet slowly moving forward in the universe, Qin Chuan was dumbfounded. He said, "This thing can only accommodate 30 million soldiers?"    


70% of the space defense base is occupied by weapons and energy, so only 30 million people can enter." Leo nodded and said, 70% of the space defense base is occupied by weapons and energy, so only 30 million people can enter. If you didn't come in time to stop the demons from attacking... I might have taken it out a long time ago. "    


Qin Chuan looked at the outer space defense base that was advancing towards the front line and said to Vivian, "There's only one?"    


Leo nodded and said, "There's only one at the front line and two at the heart of the Star Cluster. They are the key to stopping the invasion of the Worm Clan."    


Qin Chuan asked curiously, "How's the defense of this thing? Can it defend against the supreme existence in the Tribulation Passing stage? "    


Theo glanced at Qin Chuan and said, "If the devil race sends out the supreme existence of the Tribulation Stage, we can be prepared to escape."    


Although the space defense base had a super strong defense, when faced with the supreme existence of the Tribulation Stage, although it was not as fragile as paper, it was more or less meaningless.    


"I hope the devil army won't be so crazy."    


Qin Chuan took a deep breath and was about to speak when he suddenly heard the sound of cannon fire in the distance. The devil army had begun their attack!    




At the front line, the main ship of the devil army.    


Shada frowned as he looked at the huge altar that was slowly moving towards the front line. He asked, "What is that?"    


The adjutant replied, "That is the only Divine Church's space defense base. It is their trump card."    


Xia Da nodded in understanding and said, "So this is the sky defense base. It looks like a huge turtle shell. Do you have the confidence to break it?"    


The adjutant hesitated for a moment and said, "If we want to break through this space defense base, we need at least 300 million soldiers. Moreover, the sacrifice will be very heavy."    


Xia Da looked at the adjutant and said, "In that case, let's bypass this turtle shell for now and attack other directions. We will deal with this turtle shell in the end."    


The one billion soldiers of the Demon Vanguard Army had already been sent to the five battlefront by Xia Da. He launched an attack that did not care about the cost. He wanted to break through the defense line of the Church of the One God in the shortest time possible. Then, he would march straight in and join up with the Worm Clan's troops to take over the God Star Cluster!    


As for the space defense base, Xia Da only asked his adjutant to lead 30 million logistics troops to feint the attack. As long as it could be delayed, it could be delayed. It was naturally a good thing to be able to break through the space defense base. If it could not be broken through, it did not matter.    


The five outer defense lines belonging to the God's Star Cluster had already been defeated by the Demons' reckless assault. All the troops had been withdrawn to the planet behind them, and the Demons had already started to land. They were ready to engage in a land battle with the One God Cult!    


In the universe, only Deification Period and above cultivators could freely participate in the war. Although the war was fierce, it was still within acceptable range. And in the land war within the planet, Golden Core Stage and Nascent Infant Period, these low level cultivators could all enter the battlefield. Therefore, the degree of bloodshed was even more intense!    


When the devil army of one billion pounced towards the five logistic planets, the degree of misery of the war rose exponentially!    




A Golden Core Stage devil cultivator roared and waved the long blade in his hand. He had just charged out of the Universe Flying Ship, but before he could land, he was killed in the air, turning into a ball of flesh and blood that flew in all directions.    


However, the surrounding devil warriors didn't even look at him. Even if the blood splashed on their faces, they wouldn't blink, because this kind of thing was too common and too common. They had long gotten used to it!    


On the other side, every single warrior of the Sole God Sect was filled with righteous indignation. They stared at the charging devil warriors with hatred in their eyes. They roared and charged into the formation, engaging in a fierce battle with the devil warriors.    


Countless cultivators wearing Battle Armor shuttled back and forth on the battlefield. Each time they attacked, they would definitely take the lives of an enemy soldier. They were incomparably ruthless!    


In the midst of the cannon fire, there were people dying under the cannon fire at all times. Some died under the enemy's cannon fire, while some were affected by their own artillery fire. The war had developed to this extent, and it was already in complete chaos!    


Lui Zi and Zhou Lin were currently fighting with the demons on the logistics planet of the third line. The two of them had already coordinated seamlessly. It caused a huge disturbance to the demons' attack but the demons had a lot of forces. Even though they had already tried their best to kill the demons, they were still unable to stop the advance of the demons!    


At this time, even the main commander at the front line had already joined the war. Several hundred fiend officers were killed in succession, but the fiend soldiers did not have the commanding officer. Their fighting spirit was still high, and they were not afraid of death. They were as ruthless as war machines!    


At this moment, everyone was paying attention to the changes in the situation on the battlefield. However, there was one person who was not in the mood to pay attention to this. His target had always been the main ship of the demon race!    


In order to defend against the devil army as much as possible and repel the devil army, unless the Divine Sect possessed a force that far exceeded the devil army, it was virtually impossible for them to do so. Now, Qin Chuan had thought of a solution that couldn't be helped.    


To capture the thief, one must first capture the king!    


Killing Xia Da might have a miraculous effect!    


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