Super Talisman Master

C1251 Attack the Devil Star!

C1251 Attack the Devil Star!

Just as Jiale was ready to fight the Worm Clan, while the demon vanguard was resting on the Devil's Star, originally, Theo also wanted to let the various divisions adjust their condition as soon as possible and have a good rest. However, Qin Chuan made a very bold suggestion at this time.    


A surprise attack on Devil Star!    


When he heard Qin Chuan's suggestion, he thought that Qin Chuan had gone crazy. They had less than 400 million soldiers, and most of them were exhausted. Attacking Devil Star at this time was no different than sending food to the ground.    


However, Qin Chuan's next words let out a long sigh of relief.    


"Don't get too excited. I don't intend to let you mobilize too many troops. I only need you to help me transfer some integrated overlords."    


Qin Chuan's original intention was to gather a portion of the elites and launch a surprise attack on Devil Star. He wanted to create chaos for the devil army with his high mobility and powerful destructive force. The number of people he could kill wasn't the key, but the morale of the devil army!    


Upon hearing Qin Chuan's words, Theo began to consider the feasibility of this matter. Although he was very confident in Qin Chuan, it would be very unpleasant for them if the combat strength of the combined overlord was lost.    


Qin Chuan's concerns were clear in his heart. He said directly to Theo, "Don't worry. I will bring as many people as I can. I will bring as many people back as I can for you when I return."    


When he heard this, he gave Qin Chuan a deep look and said, "Alright. In that case, it's settled then. But there is one thing I need to make clear. This matter is voluntary. If there is someone who is unwilling to participate, I can't force them. "    


Qin Chuan smiled and said, "We will do as you say."    


When Theo revealed Qin Chuan's idea to the combined ruler of the front line, no one refused to follow him. Everyone was willing to follow Qin Chuan to Devil Star and launch a surprise attack on Devil Star!    


Ever since Qin Chuan arrived at the front line, they had been suppressed by the devil race until they were finally able to hold their heads high. Obtaining three consecutive victories not only boosted their morale, but also boosted their morale. It also gave them a glimmer of hope to keep the demon army outside the gates of the Star of God.    


Now, Qin Chuan was going to lead them to the Devil Star, which they had never been to before, and attack the devil army instead. How could they let go of such an opportunity?    


Therefore, it only took a few moments for Theo to receive no less than a hundred registration messages. When he told Qin Chuan about this matter, Qin Chuan directly said that it was enough for the top one hundred people to register.    


An hour later, a hundred overlords from the various defensive lines arrived in front of Qin Chuan. Qin Chuan had seen some of these people before, and some of them were the first time he had met them. However, every one of these people recognized Qin Chuan, and even called him General.    


"General Qin, are you planning to take us to the Devil Star to attack? Are you planning to kill all the devil officers?"    


"General, tell us what you want us to do. We will listen to you!"    


"Why don't we just blow up the Devil Star?"    


Qin Chuan heard the shouts of the crowd and did not know whether to laugh or cry. Blow up the Devil Star?    


Devil Star looked like a planet, but it had already been transformed into a military base. The interior of the planet was a solid alloy structure, unless the supreme existence of Tribulation Passing made a move. Otherwise, there was no way they could blow up the Devil's Planet.    


Furthermore, when did he become a general?    


"Everyone, don't get too excited. Let's set off first. We'll talk about this on the way."    


This time, Qin Chuan did not borrow the Universe Flying Ship from Theo. Instead, he prepared to use the spatial travel technique to lead the group forward. In order to ensure that they were not discovered, he would approach Devil Star!    


When the group set foot on the journey, they finally knew what Qin Chuan's battle plan was.    


Qin Chuan had never thought of blowing up the Devil Star, but what he wanted to blow up was the logistics base of the devil race!    


Qin Chuan wanted to make the devil race's warships have no energy to use, firearms had no bullets to use, warriors had no Battle Armor to wear, and no weapons to use!    


Although Qin Chuan's battle plan did not sound very straightforward, without a doubt, the significance was very significant. Once they destroyed the logistics base of the devil race, it would definitely weaken the combat strength of the devil army to the greatest extent. In this way, invisibly, it was equivalent to their side's combat strength increasing. They would definitely obtain a certain degree of advantage when fighting again!    


Of course, if the fiend race chose to avoid the battle because of the great loss of various resources... Then they were also very willing to see this kind of situation. Their goal had always been to defend the front line. The longer they could delay, the better. It would be best if they kept confronting each other.    


From the third logistics planet to Devil Star, Qin Chuan used the super long-distance travel technique six times. After an hour, he finally arrived at the periphery of the Devil Star. What was surprising was that there was no defense at the periphery of the Devil Star!    


Seeing this scene, Qin Chuan's heart stirred slightly. He said, "It seems that after losing the commander and the command center, these devils have lost their discipline. They don't even have the most basic defense."    


Upon hearing Qin Chuan's words, Lui Zi replied, "Perhaps they never thought that we would attack them. In their point of view, we should be glad that we weren't attacked by them."    


One of the Supreme Oracles of the Sole God Sect immediately said to Qin Chuan, "As far as I know, the devils have always been on the defensive around the Devil Star. Perhaps it was because Xia Da died, and the command post was also gone. That's why those commanders are slacking off. Otherwise, it's impossible for such a huge mistake to occur. "    


"This is a good thing." Qin Chuan smiled and said to everyone, "It's too obvious for us to act together with a hundred of us. Next, I will act alone to scout for information. After that, I will come back to find you guys to deploy the battle plan."    


Everyone naturally had no objections to Qin Chuan's arrangement. Qin Chuan had the Spatial Travel skill, which allowed him to come and go without a trace. It was most suitable to scout for information.    


After reminding everyone to be careful, Qin Chuan flew towards the Devil Star. When he approached the atmosphere of the Devil Star, Qin Chuan finally saw the guards of the devil army. These guards patrolled all over the place, looking very alert.    


Qin Chuan carefully bypassed the patrols and entered the interior of the Devil Star. At this time, the inner parts of Devil Star were very quiet, and very few people could be seen. It seemed that other than the Respect troops, everyone else was resting and adjusting, which created a very good opportunity for Qin Chuan.    


The location of the logistics base was very easy to recognize. The huge base located in the middle of all the barracks should be the logistics base of the devil race.    


Qin Chuan approached the logistics base in a flash. He found many guards around the logistics base. He did not approach the base rashly. Instead, he turned around and prepared to bring people over.    


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