Super Talisman Master

C1259 Deity Manifestation!

C1259 Deity Manifestation!

Qin Chuan's current condition was very bad, but it wasn't to the point where he couldn't be saved.    


When he blocked Prince Fao's second attack, the Sword of Talisman wanted to attack. However, it was stopped by Qin Chuan because the Sword of Talisman still had something more important to do. That was to help Qin Chuan suppress the Brain Domain that had collapsed because of the large amount of Spiritual Power that he had exchanged for.    


The Brain Domain was the most mysterious and critical existence in the human body. If it completely collapsed... Even if Qin Chuan was still alive, he would still turn into a retard. The Sword of Talisman was the insurance that Qin Chuan had given him. Only then would he be able to fight to the death!    


And in order to carve the Interstellar Teleportation Talisman Formation within a day, the price Qin Chuan paid was the collapse of the Brain Domain as well as a whole thousand years of life!    


Perhaps some people would think that the things Qin Chuan had done in order to protect the God Star Cluster were already enough. There was no need to pay the price of a thousand years of his life and the collapse of the Brain Domain. But to Qin Chuan, this was not something that was absolutely necessary. It was something that he did not want to do.    


He wanted to save the soldiers at the front line, to defend against the invasion of the devil race and Worm Clan, and also to prevent the Void Empire from showing up. That was why he did this.    


As for whether he would win a good reputation by doing so, and whether it would make the soldiers of the border feel indebted to him. Qin Chuan had never thought of this before. After all, under such circumstances... He was not in the mood to think about such things. It was not too late to talk about it after surviving.    


The problem that was placed in front of Qin Chuan now was how to repair the Brain Domain. Now that the broken Brain Domain was suppressed by the Sword of Talisman, there was still hope to save it. However, as for what to do, Qin Chuan had no idea.    


Before the Brain Domain was repaired, he wouldn't be able to wake up.    


"Fighting with a supreme existence like Prince Fu Ao who is in the Tribulation Passing stage is still too difficult. Prince Fao only used a casual strike, and I have to use all my strength to barely withstand it. The difference is too great, and too terrifying. "    


If it wasn't for the fact that he was forced into a corner, Qin Chuan wouldn't want to face Prince Fao alone. This experience had made Qin Chuan realize how terrifying a supreme existence at the Tribulation Passing stage was.    


It wasn't an exaggeration to say that if Prince Fao treated Qin Chuan with such a serious attitude, Qin Chuan wouldn't be able to do anything about it.    


Perhaps it was because he was used to being high and mighty, and because of the absolute suppression of the Tribulation Passing stage, Prince Fao found it hard to be serious when facing enemies of a lower realm. He always had the mentality of making fun of them.    


It was just like when the will of the Devil King descended. If the will of the Devil King descended and killed Qin Chuan directly, Qin Chuan would be gone as well.    


However, Qin Chuan had escaped from the hands of the Devil King phantom and Prince Fao twice because of luck. Most of the time, luck played a major role. Now, it didn't matter whether it was the Devil King or Prince Fao. Now, they had witnessed Qin Chuan's tenacity. If there was a next time... It would be very difficult for Qin Chuan to escape.    


"How should I repair the Brain Domain?"    


Facing the collapsing Brain Domain, Qin Chuan could be said to be at his wits' end. In the past, his Brain Domain had only suffered the most severe injuries, but this time, it had completely collapsed. The situation was completely different.    


Just as Qin Chuan was at a loss as to how to repair the Brain Domain, the Sword of Talisman suddenly transmitted a message to him.    


It was a scene.    


In the image, a man wearing a black outfit with a blurry face was sitting cross-legged in the cultivation room. While he was cultivating, the man's Brain Domain suddenly shattered. After that, it actually turned into a mass of chaos. When this change appeared, the man's spirit suddenly soared, and he actually surpassed the limits of the Core Formation Stage!    


When he saw this scene, Qin Chuan was instantly shocked. Could it be that there was an even higher level of Spiritual Power above the Core Formation Stage?    


Just as Qin Chuan was thinking about these things, the Sword of Talisman once again transmitted a message to him.    


If one didn't break it, then one wouldn't be able to establish it. If one broke it, then one would be able to establish it. If one was at the Soul Formation Stage, then one could become an Eighth Grade Talisman Formation Master!    


After getting the hint from the Sword of Talisman, Qin Chuan was Didn't that mean that he could contend with the highest existence in the Tribulation Passing stage?!    


However, Qin Chuan also knew that when his Spiritual Power realm advanced to the Soul Formation Stage, it only had the possibility of becoming an Eighth Grade Talisman Formation Master. If he wanted to become an Eighth Grade Talisman Formation Master, he first had to have an Eighth Grade Talisman Formation.    


Also, Qin Chuan was very curious. Since there was a Soul Formation Stage above the Core Formation Stage, why hadn't he heard anyone mention the Soul Formation Stage before this? Furthermore, who was the man with a blurry face in the image?    


Facing Qin Chuan's question, the Sword of Talisman responded for the first time. That black-clothed man was Yu, and he was also the only person in the universe who had cultivated the Spiritual Power to the Soul Formation Stage!    


In other words, Yu had created an even stronger Soul Formation Stage on the foundation of the Core Formation Stage!    


When Qin Chuan obtained this answer from the Sword of Talisman, he was actually not surprised in his heart. Because he had already guessed that the Sword of Talisman could store memories. Furthermore, those who could cultivate to the Soul Formation Stage, except for Yu... No one else could do it either.    


"Since Yu can do it, so can I!"    


Since the Sword of Talisman transmitted this scene to him, this meant that the Sword of Talisman felt that he had the ability to become the second person to advance to the Deity Condensation Realm after Yu!    


However, Qin Chuan's current physical condition was rather terrible, and it was not suitable for him to try breaking through and standing up. Advancement So if Qin Chuan wanted to let the Spiritual Power advance to the Soul Formation Stage, if he wanted to get a ticket to become an Eighth Grade Talisman Formation Master, he first had to recover from his injuries.    


Now, the problem was that Qin Chuan's consciousness was unable to awaken and control his body. He could only place his hopes on his companion.    




Seven days later, after the border army led by the Hope paid a considerable price, they finally broke away from the entanglement of the Worm Clan. They successfully met up with the Celestial Clan's reinforcements and headed to the Ai Ou Nebula.    


The Celestial Clan's reinforcements, who had received prior notice, had brought the best healing medicine from the Celestial Clan to treat Qin Chuan's physical injuries. As for the collapse of the Brain Domain, the Celestial Clan was at a loss.    


When the border army and the reinforcements of the Celestial Clan returned to the Eo Nebula, the border of the God Star Cluster was completely breached. Under the leadership of Prince Fo Ao, the devil army marched straight into the only continent.    


At the same time, the Worm Clan Army had already entered the Omo Nebula under the lead of Guru. The Church of Solitude was in a hurry!    


However, even though the only continent was facing the threat of the Worm Clan's troops, the missing Pope, Saint Bodolo, still did not appear. God Lord Apollo also did not appear.    


At this point, the rule of the Church of the One God could almost be declared to be destroyed in the God Star Cluster!    


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