Super Talisman Master

C1301 The Pursuing Fo Ao

C1301 The Pursuing Fo Ao

When Qin Chuan started resting, Fo had already left Black Universe and returned to the God Star Cluster.    


The moment he returned to the Star Cluster of Gods, Fo Ao contacted the devil army in Audan Nebula and immediately ordered them to retreat to Devil Star.    


The commander of the front line was very puzzled by Fo's order. At this moment, the front line was in the middle of a war. If they suddenly retreated, it would have a huge impact on the war situation. However, the explanation given by Fo was incomparably simple and crude.    


"Retreat if you don't want to die. Stay if you want to die!"    


Hearing Fo'O's words, the commander of the front line finally realized the seriousness of the matter. He immediately withdrew the army that was attacking the Iron Chain Galaxy and gathered them together to withdraw toward the Devil Star.    


When the devil army withdrew from the Iron Chain Galaxy battlefield, it attracted many people's attention. The Worm Clan and Void Empire immediately contacted the devil command center, wanting to ask why the devil army retreated. However, the devil commander didn't have any intention of explaining. He simply left.    


The retreat of the devil army also surprised the endless alliance army, but no matter what the reason was, it was a good thing for them.    


Soon, the Void Empire and Worm Clan Army who had concerns also retreated. They felt incomparably angry because of the sudden retreat of the devil army. When they reported this matter to Feiddike and Guru, what made the commander of the front line feel uneasy was that they had sent out the news. However, they were unable to get a response.    


However, they had never thought that Feiddike and Guru would encounter misfortune because they refused to believe that in this universe... In a situation where the supreme existence did not make a move, there was still someone who could threaten the safety of Feiddick and Gulu.    


On the other hand, after the war was suspended, the Endless Alliance Army immediately convened a high-level meeting.    


Chen Changxing sat next to the empty seat of the commander and faced the crowd. He said, "The sudden retreat of the devil army caused Void Empire and Worm Clan to have no choice but to retreat. This act is very strange. Do you know any clues?"    


Everyone shook their heads in response to Chen Changxing's question. Before this, they had never thought that such a thing would happen. They were all confused.    


Chen Changxing saw that everyone was shaking their heads and said with a frown, "It seems like something that has gone beyond our control has happened. But... what exactly happened?"    


Tian San looked at Chen Changxing and asked, "Could it be that something has happened within the Evil Alliance?"    


"Not likely." Chen Changxing thought for a while, then replied, "For the Evil Alliance, there is nothing more important than defeating us. Before we were defeated, even if there was some conflict between them... They'll all be held down temporarily, and they won't burst out."    


Everyone nodded slightly in agreement when they heard Chen Changxing's words. Although it was absolutely a good thing for them to have internal conflicts in the Evil Alliance, the probability of such a thing happening was too low. They were just thinking about it.    


Seeing that everyone had no idea what was going on, Lui Zi, who was sitting by the side, suddenly said, "If everyone doesn't know what exactly happened, then I guess it should be Qin Shuai who did it."    


When everyone heard Lui Zi's words, they were slightly stunned. This matter was related to Qin Chuan?    


Tian San immediately said, "I also think that it is possible. Qin Shuai has always been good at creating miracles. Everyone was also clear about this point. The devil army had suddenly withdrawn. Maybe Qin Shuai advanced to the Tribulation Passing stage and killed Fu Ao. "    


When everyone heard Tian San's words, the expressions on their faces immediately became strange. Although everyone knew that Qin Chuan had secretly gone somewhere to try and advance to the Tribulation Stage, perhaps he had succeeded. However, even if Qin Chuan had broken through to the Tribulation Passing stage, he still wanted to kill the famous Fu Ao. It was impossible.    


Someone immediately said to Tian San, "Third Elder Tian, although I also think that Qin Shuai might have done something. However, our idea can be more realistic. For example, Qin Shuai launched another surprise attack on Devil Star. Cut off the supply line of the devil army? "    


Obviously, the person who spoke didn't think that Qin Chuan had the ability to kill Fo Ao.    


Chen Changxing lightly knocked on the table and said to everyone, "Everyone, let's not guess about this matter first. Let the intelligence officers pay close attention to the movements of the Evil Alliance. After that, we need to urgently repair the fortifications. Everyone must hold on until Qin Shuai returns."    


When everyone heard Chen Changxing's words, the expressions on their faces became somewhat subtle. If it wasn't for the sudden retreat of the devil army, perhaps they wouldn't have been able to hold on for long. Now that they had the chance to catch their breath, they could hold on for a while longer. However, who knew when Qin Chuan would return?    


Just as Chen Changxing was about to end the meeting, Allure, who was in charge of intelligence, suddenly stood up. She said excitedly to everyone, "Everyone, the intelligence personnel we planted in the God Star Cluster have sent news. He met Fo in the universe, and Fo seemed to be running for his life!"    


Run for his life?    


Everyone looked at Allure in astonishment. If Fo was fleeing for his life, then who was chasing after Fo'O? It couldn't really be Qin Chuan, right?    


"Are you sure?" Someone frowned and asked, "It really is Fo. Is he... really running for his life?"    


Allure nodded and said, "The intelligence officer is currently tracking Fo, but Fo's speed is very fast. The Universe Flying Ship that he is riding is already somewhat unable to catch up, so he fired the tracking bullet. The signal has already been transmitted back, and it can now be projected into the video. Understand the details! "    


"Release the video immediately!"    


Chen Changxing immediately gave the order to release the video captured by the tracking grenade. Everyone turned their eyes to the Crystal Screen on the wall. They saw a figure covered in black fog flying towards the direction of the Devil Star at high speed, passing through the black fog. Everyone could vaguely see the gloomy and ugly expression on Fo Ao's face.    


"It's indeed Fo'ao. But, who is he trying to escape from?"    


Chen Changxing was somewhat excited. He had already thought of a certain possibility, but he also felt that it was too inconceivable.    


In fact, not only did Chen Changxing think of a possibility, everyone present had also thought of this possibility. However, was this really possible?    


"What is that?"    


Suddenly, someone pointed at the Crystal Screen. In the corner where the tracking bullet had captured the scene, a black spatial door opened, and a tall figure slowly walked out.    


This familiar figure, this symbolic spatial travel technique, almost everyone who was familiar with Qin Chuan instantly recognized him. The person who walked out of the spatial door was Qin Chuan.    


Looking at the direction, Qin Chuan appeared not far behind Fo!    


In other words, the person who was chasing after Fo Ao was Qin Chuan?!    


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