Super Talisman Master

C4 Bull Talisman Formation

C4 Bull Talisman Formation



Qin Chuan lay back on the ground and burped with a relaxing expression. He had eaten everything he could lay his hands on in the fridge. Finally, he had gotten rid of the hunger and felt like he was back from the dead.    


He had no idea why he was suddenly so hungry. However he could clearly feel that after he had eaten his fill, an unfathomable force gradually surged through his body. It was an experience he had never had before!    


The smell of the food mixed with the stench on Qin Chuan's body, assaulted his respiratory system so, Qin Chuan quickly got up from the ground and rushed into the bathroom. After an hour of cleaning, he finally washed off all the dirt on his body. Then, a tall and straight body was revealed under the stream of water!    


After he dried his body, Qin Chuan stood in front of the mirror. He stared at the clear outlines of his muscles and felt the explosive power contained within them. He finally confirmed a fact in his heart.    


He was no longer the trash that everyone mocked. He had become stronger overnight within three days!    


It had all happened because of the small bronze box that he had almost sold!    


As soon as he thought about the bronze box, Qin Chuan didn't even bother to put on his clothes and went straight to his cultivation room on the second floor with only his towel on. He had initially placed the bronze box beside the prayer mat, but it was no longer there, instead there was a simple looking bronze ring.    


Looking at the bronze ring on the ground, Qin Chuan knew that the appearance of the ring must have been related to the bronze square box. Perhaps, its alternative appearance.    


With that in mind, Qin Chuan carefully put the bronze ring around his left little finger. Although the bronze ring didn't show any strange signs, Qin Chuan had decided to treat the existence of the bronze ring as his greatest secret and definitely had no intensions of letting any other person into it.    


He got dressed and sat on the futon and then started to carefully feel the changes in every inch of his body. The feeling of knowing the clear details of the condition of his body at the tip of his fingers, made Qin Chuan very sure that his Brain Domain had been hugely improved in the past three days. As to what extent it had developed, he was temporarily not certain, but it was definitely not below 50%.    


What Qin Chuan was most concerned about was the activation of the innate rune and the cultivation technique called "Lightning Swallowing Formula"!    


To be able to have activated an innate rune with lightening attribute and at the same obtained a lightning attribute cultivation technique, Qin Chuan believed that it was not a mere accident. Rather, fate had set him on a more fortunate path!    


Without any hesitation, Qin Chuan started to cultivate for the first time in his life based on the records in the Lightning Swallowing Formula .    


"Heaven and Earth Mystical Yellow, Myriad Spirit Root, Cultivation of my Lightning Conjuration, Proof of my Divine Ability!"    


As Qin Chuan started to cultivate, a faint rumbling of thunder sounded out from within his body. Shortly afterwards, an extremely minute blue electric charge appeared and sparkled around his body. It came on and off, continuously.    


Qin Chuan had a pensive look on his face. He realized that if he wanted to cultivate the Lightning Swallowing Formula , he couldn't rely only on meditation, he also needed to borrow the help of the Power of Thunder. Lightning swallowing meant that he needed to absorb the Power of Thunder and use it as his own.    


If he could not borrow the strength of the Power of Thunder to cultivate, he would need at least two years to cultivate the Lightning Swallowing Formula up to the first level!    


Just as Qin Chuan was thinking about how to cultivate the Lightning Swallowing Formula, his phone suddenly rang. The caller was the owner of the rune shop where Qin Chuan usually worked part-time, Old Sun.    


The moment Qin Chuan picked up the phone, there was a loud roar that came from the other end of the line, it almost deafened Qin Chuan's ears.    


"Brat, you finally decided to answer the phone?!" Where have you been these past three days? The store was extremely busy. So, because you just received last month's salary, you're now planning to run away? You should know that I can go to your school and drag you to this work! "    


As he heard Old Sun's roar, Qin Chuan grinned, "I'm coming to the store now, I'll be there shortly."    


Qin Chuan hung up the phone without waiting for Old Sun to say anything. Although cultivation was important, working hard was just as important and couldn't be left behind either. If he really pissed Old Sun off, it would be difficult for him to be able to find such a good job with less stress.    


Thinking about that, he immediately got up and walked downstairs. When he saw the door that was lying on the ground, he couldn't hold back the shock. At that moment, he remembered that Wang Wenxue came to see him earlier in the afternoon.    


Then he thought about what Wang Wenxue said to him, Qin Chuan couldn't help but reveal a faint smile.    


"Perhaps you were right when you said that we really don't belong to the same world."    


Old Sun's rune shop was located in the new development area of the Qingzhou Prefecture. The location was good for business, and they specifically sold various cultivation materials for meditation runes. Also, they were into the maintenance of various magic tools. The business was booming quite well. Qin Chuan's job in the shop was to guide customers to buy cultivation materials.    


When Qin Chuan rushed into the store, Old Sun was taking care of activities there. As soon as he saw Qin Chuan enter the shop, his expression immediately became cold and he scolded Qin Chuan: "Stinky brat, hurry up and attend to the customers, I'm going to fix some magical equipment."    


Qin Chuan smiled as he took over from Old Sun and he enthusiastically introduced the various cultivation materials to the customers. Five minutes later, he had already finished attending to the satisfied customers. He finally had time to look at Old Sun, who was sitting inside with a magical equipment that looked like a wrist watch. His expression was dull and he was in deep thoughts.    


Usually when no customers were there for him to attend to, Qin Chuan just liked to stand beside Old Sun and watch him repair the magical equipment. Although he couldn't understand what he was doing, he enjoyed it so much, and this time was no exception, he stood beside Old Sun as usual and was ready to watch the older man repair the magical equipment.    


Looking at the watch in Old Sun's hand, Qin Chuan smiled and said casually: "The owner of this watch was too careless. He actually damaged the Bull Talisman Formation in his watch. It is not going to be easy to get it fixed."    


Old Sun, who was focused on studying the watch, heard Qin Chuan's words and looked back at him in surprise, "Hey brat, you're talking smart. I remember that you don't even understand a simple Level One Talisman Formation, how are you able to understand a level two Bull Talisman Formation?    


When he heard Old Sun's words, Qin Chuan was also taken aback.    


He saw the rune on that watch and subconsciously knew that the name was Bull Talisman Formation. However, he had never seen the Bull Talisman Formation before today!    


Although he was confused and in doubt, he still answered: "I have seen this watch on my classmates' hands before, that's how I was able to recognized the Bull Talisman Formation."    


"No wonder you seemed so observant all of a sudden."    


Old Sun chuckled and lowered his head to continue with fixing the watch. However, Qin Chuan, who was standing beside him, was excited and couldn't wait to try out an experiment.    


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