Heaven-made Ring



"Where is he? Bring him here! " City Lord O'brice ordered the guards hastily.    


The red-clothed guard quickly disappeared before his eyes.    


Very quickly, a guard brought the three Brother Tian Cheng s to where O'brice was.    


The guard stepped forward and bowed. "Master, it was this young master who said that he could cure young lady's illness."    


"You?" O'brice asked doubtfully.    


When Tian Cheng appeared before his eyes earlier, he casually took a glance, and did not discover anything special about this youth. However, from the guard's introduction, he noticed something unusual. Why were they, as Element Soil, so respectful to a brat who was a commoner? He even called him Young Master! This is abnormal.    


He once again carefully sized up the youth that claimed that he could save his daughter. This time, there was no disdain in his eyes from the beginning. Since he was already at the ninth level of Element Master, he could easily see that the young man in front of him was not ordinary. He couldn't say what the specifics were, but he didn't think that this young man was stronger than those light mages.    


O'brice walked in front of Tian Cheng and asked: "Brat, you aren't making up such a lie just to see me. If it is, then I will tell you that you are dead for sure today. If it is not, then you had better do something or it will be a dead end. "    


With a light smile, Tian Cheng replied, "City Lord O'brice, the main purpose of my visit this time is truly not to treat illnesses." Since the mayor had already guessed his purpose, there was nothing left for him to hide.    


Hearing this, O'brice's eyes flashed coldly. If there was someone else standing in front of him, he probably would not hold back and strike out with his palm. However, the calm smile on the young man's face kept telling him that he might have a chance to save his daughter. He retrieved the cold look in his eyes and waited for Tian Cheng's next words.    


Seeing the change in O'brice, Tian Cheng continued to speak: "However, I do have some research on treatment. I can help young miss see a doctor first, my matters will be resolved later. "Can I?"    


"Brat, you better be able to see through some matters. Otherwise, you don't need to settle your own matters. Go! "Go on in!" As he spoke, he led Tian Cheng in.    


Outside the door, the two brothers were whispering to each other.    


"I'm a bit worried for big brother. That big uncle is so fierce. If big brother really can't cure him, he wouldn't really kill us right?"    


"Little brother, don't think too much. Our big brother is omnipotent, and he was the one who cured so many wounded people in the village. How could such a small disease bother him? However, I have heard that this is just a minor illness that no one can cure. I hope that big brother is an exception! "    


In the room, beside the girl's bed. Tian Cheng was taking her pulse, but that was just him doing it. Although he knew some methods to check her pulse, if it was in the past, he would still need to use this. But now, with his super strength as a Spiritual Power, was there a need to be so complicated? Directly releasing the Spiritual Power from the outside, he could easily take a look inside her body.    


She was now quite familiar with the control of Spiritual Power, and would definitely not touch anything that she should not touch, or look at. There was nothing she could do about that, she had to make a sacrifice for the treatment of the patient. Although the one that was lying in front of him was a little beauty, Tian Cheng's immunity to beauty had already reached a very high level. Perhaps it was only after what had happened that he had become like this!    


Slowly, she seeped the Spiritual Power into the girl's body and started to carefully examine it from the bottom to top.    


"There doesn't seem to be any problems!" All the organs are still considered normal, it's just that they're a little exhausted! " He had examined every part of his body from head to toe. As he was extremely familiar with every part of his body, he did not find any problems.    


"Could it be that the problem lies in the head? Unconsciousness? That's right, it should be the head! " After reaching this point, Tian Cheng transferred all the Spiritual Sense into his head and started to carefully observe them. Tian Cheng knew that he could not touch even a single one of these things, so he was extremely careful in controlling the Spiritual Sense.    


"Eh? Very quickly, Tian Cheng discovered something that should not exist inside, and the Spiritual Sense immediately gathered around it.    


"Brain tumor!" Seeing a quail egg the size of a meatball firmly growing inside his head, with a lot of pressure on his nerves, Tian Cheng exclaimed in his heart. For some of the most common symptoms of brain tumors, he memorized them. Combining his understanding of a young lady, he quickly listed out some of her symptoms.    


Observing the growth of the tumor and the surroundings, Tian Cheng quickly returned the Spiritual Sense back. He opened his eyes and took a deep breath, wiping the sweat off his forehead. It was not easy to control the Spiritual Power. Fortunately, he had trained a lot when he called out the Source Power before, otherwise, he reckoned that half of the tests today would be good.    


Seeing Tian Cheng open his eyes, O'brice who was standing by the side anxiously asked: "How is it?" Although he didn't have much hope for this youngster, seeing his strange actions, which was different from the other light mages, he subconsciously told him that the result might be different this time.    


"Let's not talk about the results first." Right now, Tian Cheng was like a veteran who had treated illnesses for many years, the expression on his face could only be described with one word, it was "calm", and that was "composed", he immediately continued to speak: "City Lord O'brice, let me ask you, has young miss fainted many times in the past?"    


"Yes sir!" O'brice's eyes started to shine.    


"Does it feel like everything is fine every time I wake up?"    


"Yes sir!" This time, O'brice began to get excited.    


"Is that so? Every time she is healed by a Light Mage, she will quickly wake up." However, you will pass out again soon, and the time you have to wake up will be shorter and shorter. "    


"Yes, you are quite right. However, how do you know? After this happened, I ordered everyone to keep quiet. You didn't really see through it, did you? " O'brice still couldn't believe that such a young boy would have such great ability.    


"Nonsense!" Tian Cheng cursed in his heart, "If you knew, would you tell me? Fortunately, this girl's fate is tough, otherwise, I would have been tortured to death by you long ago. Light magic is the nourishment for a brain tumor. Sometimes having money is really a mistake! "    


After silently cursing, Tian Cheng returned to his previous appearance and said slowly: "Right, it was indeed seen by me. Not only can I see it, I even have a certain amount of confidence in being able to cure her."    


Hearing the youth's affirmative answer, O'brice's face no longer held even the slightest bit of doubt. He didn't know why, but he was able to completely trust Tian Cheng so quickly, and tightly held onto his hand with teary eyes, as he said excitedly: "Tell me, as long as you have conditions, as long as they can save my Alsis, I can promise you anything."    


City Lord O'brice, actually, what we want is very simple. My two brothers and I want to go to St. Bist Royal Academy to learn, so we would like to trouble you to help us with some recommendations.    


"St. Bist Royal Academy!" Just like village chief Gurnett, upon hearing this name, O'brice was stunned. He was extremely familiar with that place. For a politician like him, that academy had always been the topic of their discussion. Although his son was called a genius by others, he still couldn't enter that academy. However, the youth in front of him ? At this moment, he immediately understood why this young man could so easily diagnose his daughter's illness. He also understood why his smile always made people feel at ease. It was because of strength. Yes, it was because of strength. In front of this City Lord, there was nothing to fear. To have such strength and temperament at such a young age. He was no ordinary person.    


After thinking it through, O'brice raised his head, laughed, and said very straightforwardly: "Definitely no problem, little brother. If you can pass the St. Bist Royal Academy examination, then that will be my greatest honor in this life of mine. Even if I can't pass the exam, if you're willing to give me face, I'm willing to make you a friend. "Oh, that's right. After speaking for so long, I still don't know your name."    


"Tian Cheng, Grey." Tian Cheng continued to speak after answering: "City Lord, you must be joking. This kind of Big Brother, is someone that could be found even with a lantern, I won't be polite and will directly call you Big Brother! "Haha!" Tian Cheng never thought that this City Lord would be such a straightforward person. Although there were some benefits to be had, to be able to have such a big brother was not a happy thing for his life. When talking to such an outspoken person, he naturally wouldn't act rashly. He immediately called out for his big brother.    


Seeing Tian Cheng's performance, O'brice cheered from the bottom of his heart. After being the City Lord for so many years, he was sure that this was the first time he had taken a liking to someone. Brother Tian Cheng, I like young people like you. It's been decades since someone has talked to me like this.    


Tian Cheng interrupted O'brice and said: "Big brother, let's not reminisce for now. We need to discuss how important young miss's illness is, if we still have another day or two, there will be no hope for her."    


"Right, quickly tell me, is there any way to save Alsis?" O'brice asked anxiously.    


He rolled on the floor and asked for recommendations!    


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