Heaven-made Ring



Tian Cheng and Xiao Jin who were at the side saw this magical scene, their eyes almost falling off. A man and a beast quickly ran to the empty plate, flipped it over and over, and looked at it again and again. Finally, their gazes met.    


"Xiao Jin, what did you see?" Tian Cheng asked.    


Xiao Jin quickly recovered his calm and replied casually, "I saw what you saw."    


"Nonsense!" Tian Cheng cursed, and continued to ask: "Let me ask you, were we hallucinating just now?"    


"Absolutely not!" Xiao Jin looked at Tian Cheng with disdain and said: "Big Brother, I really suspect that you are from another planet. Isn't it just a skill that absorbs plant essence? There's no need to make such a big fuss over nothing! "    


Hearing Xiao Jin say that, Tian Cheng immediately went forward and asked: "You mean, you have seen this technique before?"    


"No!" Xiao Jin very straightforwardly answered: "Moreover, I couldn't find such a skill in my memories either."    


"Isn't that the end? An unprecedented skill appearing in front of us? Shouldn't I be surprised? Absorbing plant essence! Oh my god! Is there such a skill in this world? " Tian Cheng said while patting his forehead.    


"Hehe!" Brother, actually, there is nothing strange about this. There are many strange things in this world, you will get used to them in the future. Now, it's my turn to teach you a few lessons! Although you are not as knowledgeable as me, but you will never be able to learn so much from the Magical Beast in your life. We Devouring Gold Rat have this inheritance of memories, and these simple knowledge have already been unlocked when I advance to the second stage, so, you need to ask me for more guidance in the future! " Xiao Jin slowly said as he put on a haughty attitude that Tian Cheng would only show during class.    


Tian Cheng laughed: "Of course, we are brothers, we should have learned from each other anyway! However, you opened this memory, why didn't you say anything? Big Brother, I have been worrying about not being able to find the specific details of the Magical Beast. "    


"That's because you've never asked me. You don't care about me, your brother." Xiao Jin was slightly angered, but he very quickly changed his expression back to a vulgar smile and said: "However, if Big brother can take care of my warmth and hunger in the future, I will forgive you. After all, we are brothers, if there is anything to say, we can at least say it nicely."    


Being able to feed Xiao Jin was indeed a big project. But right now, Tian Cheng did not have the mind to care about this big project, and anxiously said: "Alright, alright, I will agree to all of your conditions in the future. Please tell me what this Wood Spirit Ape is all about! It's killing me. "    


"Big brother, you're the one who said that!" "No, later on, I must let you write a note, I can't let you take the chance." Xiao Jin laughed sinisterly, and then, he assumed a righteous and knowledgeable posture: "Next, we will begin the lesson!"    


Tian Cheng suddenly felt the world spinning around him, and he was unable to stand firmly, and fell to the ground.    


Xiao Jin said very seriously: "Within the ordinary Magical Beast, a new skill that has never appeared before, these Magical Beast are usually called mutated Magical Beast. The probability of mutated Magical Beast appearing amongst the many Magical Beast was very low, so low that many people did not know of their existence. However, mutated Magical Beast would usually only appear within low or middle level Magical Beast. Up till now, there have been no rumors of mutated high level Magical Beast. "    


"Normally, you humans would call the mutated Magical Beast as' the pride of beasts'. There were two types of mutated Magical Beast. The first was to go in the direction of the weak, which would be much weaker than before, and would usually be killed before long by other Magical Beast. The other type was to go in the direction of the strong, where new skills would appear and attack in an extremely strange and sharp manner, just like this Wood Spirit Ape. Furthermore, they can break through their original shackles. As long as they have enough energy, they can become limitless Magical Beast. The future is limitless. "    


"Alright!" That's all I said, I don't know if you understand, do you want me to say it again? " After the introductions, Xiao Jin even imitated Tian Cheng from the past saying the last line.    


Tian Cheng nodded, and did not care about the following sentence, and asked: "Then why is this Wood Spirit Ape so weak? From the looks of it, its skills should be evolving towards a strong person! "    


Xiao Jin gave him another disdainful look, saying, "Big Brother, how can you ask the knowledgeable, brave and handsome Jin Cheng such an idiotic question? It's obvious that it's still young, and is still unable to fully unleash the power of this skill. It's also possible that mutated Magical Beast needs to grow up as well, since they couldn't possibly be born to be unrivalled in the world, right! "    


"Right, right!" Big Bro couldn't think it through at the moment. " Tian Cheng laughed a little embarrassedly. The feeling of being scolded by a Magical Beast was not that pleasant. However, what he sought was truth. As long as he could get the answer he wanted, he could ignore everything else. Being lectured by his own brother was even more so.    


Looking at the Wood Spirit Ape that was jumping around, the corner of Tian Cheng's mouth raised into a smile. Now, he didn't need to look for his second brother, the Magical Beast. Not only did it have a shape that he especially liked, it was also a Level Three mutated Magical Beast. This was especially so for the skill of consuming plant essence. If he could learn it, then he would be able to use this frightening efficiency to create drugs that he was familiar with in the future. Just thinking about it was enough to make one's heart palpitate.    


However, Tian Cheng was not the type of person who only thought about it, he would put his dream into action as soon as possible. Right now, the most important mission for him was to increase his own strength as soon as possible so that he could open the second level of Beast Element Spell as soon as possible. If he couldn't train to the second level, then all of this was just empty talk. As for dealing with this little fellow, he wasn't worried at all. Without any deliberate fawning or fake approach, all of his actions were based on his "sincerity toward" attitude, just like how he treated the previous Xiao Jin. He believed that "love" was the greatest power in this world. If she could move the world, could it be that she could not hit a single Magical Beast? Furthermore, Xiao Jin was by its side "persuading", winning its friendship was simply too easy. Ignoring the little guy who was still jumping around, Tian Cheng went straight to the training room.    


In the training room, without Tian Cheng's reminder, the two brothers had already arrived after strolling around for a while, and started training their bodies. All along the way, what they had seen and heard had unconsciously given them an idea, which was to become stronger, to become stronger again. Without disturbing his brother, who was at the side, Tian Cheng started to practice the sword technique he had comprehended during the battle with the black clothed man that night. As he had not entered into such a state for several days, Tian Cheng was not familiar with this set of sword technique, and only after training till the third time did he truly enter into such a state.    


I've never studied weapons before. I never thought that there would be such a big difference between a blade technique and a sword technique that originated from the same martial art." Tian Cheng thought as he organized the different sets of sword techniques and blade techniques. He did not know yet, but the fact that he was able to create this set of blade and sword technique was all thanks to his lack of focus in researching a particular weapon.    


Normally, a martial artist would choose their own weapon from the start. In the days to come, there would be no possibility for them to change their weapon. Although sabers and swords were called weapons, they were two completely different concepts. Sabers had Saber Intent, and swords had Sword Awareness. The martial skills of the two were also completely different. Only an idiot genius who didn't know any kind of blade, sword, or martial skill would be able to create two sets of blade and sword skills based on his own few moves. Although it wasn't powerful enough for the time being, the space in which it progressed and its adaptability towards himself was definitely not something that could be compared to any martial skill. Because he could adapt this Martial Technique at any time according to his needs. The person who could display the greatest power of this Martial Technique was the person who created it.    


Vida practiced all the way until night, after the family had eaten an extremely sumptuous dinner, Vida continued to practice their mental abilities as per usual. However, Tian Cheng was not as focused on researching the potions as he was in the past. Tonight, he had an even more important matter to attend to. That was, he would go to the public training field to secretly learn a few moves, and also come to the battlestage for some actual combat training. There was no way around it, the Beast Element Spell did not have any cultivation levels, he could only use his own battle with other people to know his true strength. Furthermore, his two sets of blade and sword martial skills had to add new elements to them.    


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