Heaven-made Ring



"Alright! I am willing to sign a Slave Contract with you. "    


Hearing this, Tian Cheng, who was sitting on the cow's back, relaxed his whole body. This time, he didn't have to kill them anymore. Although he had lost a five point chance, signing a Third Grade Magical Beast that was staying here meant that he would be able to obtain an opportunity to kill more of the other Third Grade Magical Beast.    


Jumping off the 5m long giant back, Tian Cheng gave a drop of Blood Essence to the cow. There was nothing Tian Cheng could do, as he was not a mage, he had to let the Magical Beast do the signing ceremony.    


Looking at the Blood Essence that was floating in front of her, the cow had the urge to cry. Not only did her husband die today, but she also became a human's slave. After tossing two drops of tears, the cow also produced a drop of Blood Essence. With a flash of white light, the blood that was wrapped in the engravings quickly merged into the forehead of the man and the beast, the ceremony was completed!    


Following that, Tian Cheng took out his big blade and cut it a few times to help it pull out the two horns. The freed cow didn't even look at Tian Cheng as she rushed to the front of the two kids to take care of them. Feeling his mother's scent, the little guy quickly found the nipple and began to suck rapidly. During the process of sucking, he didn't forget to squeak a few times, telling his mother about the pain on their bodies.    


Seeing this warm scene, a sense of happiness arose involuntarily. How many times had he imagined himself being so warm in his mother's arms when he was young? Smiling slightly, Tian Cheng did not go up to disturb them and instead sat on the ground to cultivate again.    


Very soon, the red ball in the sky slowly appeared. All things began to awaken, and the slaughter in the forest began to continue.    


Inside the cave, Tian Cheng also opened his eyes. Just like the others, he also wanted to work hard for his twenty points.    


Standing up, Tian Cheng asked the cow that had also stood up: "Raging Flames, do you know what kind of Magical Beast are around?" Raging Flames was a name Tian Cheng had randomly given it for a few days.    


"Yes, master!" Raging Flame's tone was very respectful as he replied, "Our Raging Flame Red Bull tribe is the most abundant in this area. As you know, we belong to the group of Magical Beast, but we only gather together during the day, and at night we will each go our own cave. "You want it?" Of course, it knew what Tian Cheng was trying to do. If not for the power of the contract controlling it, it would have already rushed forward to fight with its life on the line. Although the Raging Flame Red Bull tribe liked to fight normally, they were very united when it came to foreign invaders. If Tian Cheng really had plans to invade their clan, then the Raging Flames would not agree no matter what.    


"Oh!" Yeah, I almost forgot that you two are social Magical Beast. We have to complete an exam in the forest. The goal of the exam is to obtain 4 or more Rank 3 Magic Crystle. Of course, having a Rank 4 Magic Crystle is even better. There's nothing I can do, even if it's the Magical Beast, I'll have to try my luck. Since I'm here, it would be too unfair for me not to take part in the business. " As he spoke, he began to walk towards the cave entrance.    


Seeing that, Raging Flames quickly moved his long body to block the hole, begging with a sullen face, "Don't! Don't! Master, I beg of you, you mustn't harm my kin! If they find out that I'm your slave, they won't let me go. Even my children wouldn't be able to be a cow when they grow up. "    


"Oh!" "According to what you said, I'm still the one who has smeared a black mark on your face, right?"    


"Let me tell you, the two Magical Beast s outside are either heaven-defying or mutated. It's your fortune to be able to cultivate an ordinary Raging Flame Red Bull to be my Magic Pet for eight lifetimes." Tian Cheng saw that the Magical Beast was blocking his path, and immediately flew into the air and continued: "I'll be honest with you, Xiao Niu, if it wasn't for me being kind, you two would not be alive now. If I didn't kill you, would I still need to fight and kill other Magical Beast for that Magic Crystle? It's fine if I don't want to hurt them, it's fine if you just give me your Magic Crystle. It's up to you! "    


Take out my Magic Crystle? What a joke! Magic Crystle is the core of a Magical Beast's power, without it, it is equivalent to having no strength. In this forest full of massacres, wouldn't having no strength equate to death? It didn't matter if he died to save the ox from a crisis, but at least his death was worth it. It was just a pity that these two children were still young. If he were to die, wouldn't that be the death sentence for them? The left was the safety of his clansmen and his own face; the right was the life of his family. What should he do? Raging Flames was at odds.    


"Have you made up your mind? Take out your Magic Crystle or let me kill your ox to get your Magic Crystle. I'll give you ten seconds. If you still haven't made up your mind, I'll be serious. " Tian Cheng did not want to waste his time on this boring matter, which was why he made such an extreme request. If Raging Flames really did that, it proved that there was no longer any need to survive.    


"Nine ?" "Ten ?" When Tian Cheng finished counting the words, Raging Flames shouted loudly, raised his iron hooves and was about to smash it onto his head.    


"Aunt, it's just a joke. Don't be so serious!" Could it be that the cows in this world are even stupider than pigs? " It was too late to stop it, Tian Cheng could only watch as it smashed its own head.    


But just as the hoof was a little way from his forehead, it stopped.    


"Auntie, can you stop playing? Are you going to die or not?!" so I can get ready. " Tian Cheng was depressed. Why was this guy like a human? Always wanting to die.    


Raging Flames shook his head vigorously and said excitedly: "Master, I'm not going to die! I really am not going to die! And my cattle don't have to die. Master, didn't you say that you only want Magic Crystle? I have this guy! And a lot more. Ouch! Why am I so stupid! Why didn't you think of it earlier? "    


"You have a Magic Crystle? "There are a lot more!" Tian Cheng jumped up and grabbed its two horns, and asked while shaking them. Tian Cheng had no doubts about its words. There was one rule among the Slave Contract that slaves were not allowed to deceive their masters. The power of the contract was something that only the legendary gods could break.    


Tian Cheng was so happy that he couldn't find the right place. Many Magic Crystle! What did this mean? There was no doubt that he would be able to pass the examination. Furthermore, he would even casually be able to enter the top thirty, and obtain that special reward. If there was more, he could sell them to the examinees and earn some pocket money. They were all rich people, and he wondered if asking for higher prices was extortion! Hm! It shouldn't be!    


Before even getting his hands on the Magic Crystle, Tian Cheng had already let his imagination run wild, and he couldn't be blamed for getting such a big advantage over him. After calming down from his excitement, Tian Cheng asked: "Where is the Magic Crystle? "Where is it?"    


"Master, don't be anxious. Actually, this Magic Crystle belongs to our entire clan." Raging Flames said slowly, "All the cattle that died or grew old were placed there. We call it Red Bull's Cemetery. It's been so many years, there must be a lot of Magic Crystle there, as long as we sneak in, there won't be any problem to take some. "    


"Alright, let's set off now!" Tian Cheng took the lead and walked out of the cave, and Raging Flames followed him.    


"Hold on, Master!" Raging Flames turned his head and cast an earth spell at the entrance of the cave. Many earth elements slowly condensed around the cave, and soon, the entire cave entrance was blocked off. From the outside, there didn't seem to be even the slightest flaw.    


"This earth element magic really has a lot of uses, next time I have to find an earth element Magical Beast to be my brother!" If it was someone else who thought like that, they would be called greedy beyond compare. However, Tian Cheng's way of thinking was different, it was called having a dream. His path of development also meant that he was destined to have a brother who was an earth attribute Magical Beast.    


After doing all this, Tian Cheng and Raging Flames set off on their journey. The Red Bull's Cemetery was not far from here. It took them half an hour to get there.    


"Master, there are two guards here, but it doesn't matter, they are my sweethearts, and I used to be a flower in the clan! Although I am already married and have children, there is no problem in settling them. You can sneak in later. " After saying that, Raging Flame used his two hind legs to nudge at the ground that was about to fall on it. He arrogantly and arrogantly walked up.    


"Clan flower?" Concussive! " A few crows flew past Tian Cheng's forehead. Tian Cheng tightly held onto the big tree, trying his best to not fall down. Could it be that the Red Bull here also liked the larger ones?    


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