Heaven-made Ring



In the next two days, as expected, the entire Earl Horvath Palace set off a huge commotion, everyone was looking for the culprit like headless flies. At the same time, the King of Suppressing the North powers who heard the news also sent out a high ranking team to participate, but there was still no result. There were too many people who had a grudge with Horvath and his son, father and son. However, with the appearance of such an expert, even if they cracked their brains, they wouldn't be able to think of a logical possibility.    


He was still lying on the bed, with no sign of waking up. As for the matter of the wood spirit's disappearance, they had yet to find out. This was also the reason why they had yet to make any headway. After the wood spirit was snatched back by Bis, it casually left it in the care of a servant without any specific instructions. This servant was so frightened by the matter of Bis' death that he actually forgot about the missing pet. Keeping his life is a big problem.    


In the past two days, due to Lin Sen operating the secret box, the entire St. Bist City, large streets and small alleys all knew that the Earl Horvath's treasury had been stolen, and their youngest son, Bis, had been crippled. These few days were the most celebratory days for the commoners in the city. The news of a villainous noble suffering such a huge blow and not knowing who the murderer was was was was one of the most valuable news of the year. Everyone was discussing amongst themselves. Was it exactly that living deity who helped to get rid of this great disaster? Was it the handsome and beautiful young man who shouted loudly when he saw injustice on the way to the Magical Beast s store last time? Or was it the invincible Night Bandits who had a blood feud with his family?    


Many different kinds of strange statements were passed around from one household to another. Whether they were true or false, they were all related to Tian Cheng in some way. Tian Cheng had only told Lin Sen the truth, and had never told him what to do or planned to do. However, Tian Cheng had directly made a mysterious hero's legend out of it, a road to his revenge. What an intriguing story! What a touching encounter! What a thrilling blow! These commoners were too well-suited to always be silent and be oppressed by the nobles. A slightly blurry image began to form among the thousands of people. They were always looking forward to the appearance of this person.    


It had to be said that this Lin Sen was truly too talented. Even the experienced people in the entertainment circle could not be compared to him in this gossip and hype. With such a small matter, he casually turned into a world-shaking event, and unwittingly gave Tian Cheng, this master, a superb image of a savior. This increased the influence a person like him would have in the hearts of the common people, which was definitely beneficial for Tian Cheng's future development.    


What is a citizen? People are the foundation of a country, the foundation of a country. Here, their status is very low, but the development and progress of society cannot be separated from them. After all, nobles were few in number, experts were few in number, and the majority of the people in this world were commoners. What would it be hard to do if one laid a foundation on this? Tian Cheng had many plans to develop and grow amongst the commoners, once he found a suitable opportunity to announce his glorious achievements, he would definitely become popular. By then, based on his glorious image in the hearts of the commoners, he would probably be able to establish a company or something like that.    


Horvath, on the other hand, was not as good. The treasury that was worth more than a million gold coins had been emptied by others, although many of them would feel heartache, they would not be able to avoid the pain after a few nights;    


On the other side, what made him even more depressed was that the news of him ordering them to defend the city to the death had spread all over the world in a day or two. He, who had always been 'low-key', could no longer keep a low profile. In the aristocratic circle, he was the target of public ridicule. A Count who climbed up through connections was really useless. Not only did he get someone to steal the treasury, he even got someone to cripple his son. If the person wanted to take his wife, that person wouldn't be able to do anything, even if he had a hundred heads he still wouldn't be able to do it.    


Shame! Absolute humiliation! Horvath was so full of anger this time, he was so full! Ever since this incident, he hadn't eaten a single meal nor drank any more water. His face was as red as Guan Gong, and most of his hair and beard had already turned white. Tian Cheng's anger was much stronger than Zhuge Liang's, but Horvath did not show any signs of ill health, his mental strength was not only better than Zhou Yu's, his physical strength was also thousands of times better. As an 'outstanding' noble, he was' tolerant '. He had only killed two hundred or so of the mansion's slaves, including the person in charge of taking care of the wood spirits. If he died, the direct result would be, even if Bis woke up, he wouldn't be able to confirm that the person who attacked him was Tian Cheng, and he would be able to unknowingly cut down a lot of trouble for Tian Cheng. However, all of this would come to light very soon!    


Two days passed by quickly. Following the arrival of the grand day of the start of St. Bist Royal Academy, the scandals that were related to Horvath had darkened by quite a bit. The academy had yet to announce the list of candidates to the public, but the majority of the names on the list had been obtained by some major powers through certain channels. They had also started a new round of talent recruitment plans. Especially those people who had average family strength or a few children of commoners, for example, Tian Cheng.    


As long as they were not hostile forces, they were their target. It's okay if you don't want to be our man, but you have to be our friend. This is a world where strength reigns supreme. If you have strength, then your future is limitless. Naturally, there will be people looking for you. You have no money? It doesn't matter, we have so many things to say! You don't have a girlfriend? Very good, as long as you can tell us the age, the third circle, the height, the country and the basic appearance, we can help you find it, and we can also guarantee that you will be satisfied, and that you will be able to return it within 7 days without any reason! There are other requests you can make, okay?    


For the sake of these people, these great powers had put in a lot of effort and used all the methods at their disposal. If you can't stand the temptation and accept his offer, then I'm sorry to tell you that you've fallen! Of course, this was only relative to someone like Tian Cheng, who had great ideals and wanted revenge.    


Fortunately, Tian Cheng had been staying in the exam grounds these past few days. Otherwise, he would have really been annoyed to death by those endless invitations from the big powers. His identity wasn't ordinary, he was ranked third out of 5000 students. This was an impressive ranking! One must know that the first two were the disciples of a powerful martial arts family. It was impossible to win them over. As for this third place, it was strange? No one seemed to know where he came from! The BMW of a dark horse! He crept into the city without bringing a cloud.    


Until now, only the powers that belonged to the King of Suppressing the South had a complete understanding of Tian Cheng, and were already determined to win against him. Unless he really is some legendary existence, he is the most powerful power that God has ever bestowed upon me. These were words that King of Suppressing the South had said while laughing loudly after understanding everything about Tian Cheng. Of course, Jake did not know about all this.    


Even on the fourth day, Ah Di, who was tossing and turning, found Lin Sen. However, he was not the only one who returned. The two brothers who were originally with Ah Di were seen by Ah Di when he passed by after they were beaten half to death by a group of people, and they were saved by him. Because of the importance of the matter, he did not reveal his current identity. However, Ah Di had sufficient confidence in their loyalty to Tian Cheng.    


After sending people to inform Tian Cheng and finding two more helpers, Tian Cheng became excited, this was a talent that he had painstakingly nurtured for over ten years! How could he not be excited when he gave it to her for nothing? gave them two bottles of Blue Element Liquid s, one for Ah Di and the other for Lin Sen. Of course, Lin Sen's bottle was diluted many times. He, an ordinary person, would definitely not be able to bear such a huge medicine. As for the two level one Element Master s, leave them there to recuperate first. We need to personally come, we can't be careless with these secret weapons.    


The medicinal liquid had successfully helped Ah Di to recover from his previous injuries and even helped him raise his Element Master from the first level to the third level. As for Lin Sen, who was originally a first level elementalist, this time, he had directly become a fifth level elementalist. If he kept using medicine and water, he could become an expert in Holy Element Master in the future. This dream-like legend had appeared on their bodies, causing the two of them to be even more determined to kill Tian Cheng.    


It was a sunny and sunny day. After waiting for five days, the Quasi-St. Bist Royal Academy students were finally able to enter the school they dreamed of. Early in the morning, Jake, Jasper and Brody had already rushed over to Tian Cheng's apartment. Tian Cheng's legend had long ago spread to the ears of the clan's higher ups. Although their power was not bad, but a person with such ability, and was even the brother of King of Suppressing the South's only son, was worth them using their hearts to treat him. Of course, Jake was one of the three. However, would the three of them listen to the slanderous words of those old fellows? Their job was to be brothers and brothers, nothing else. Having interacted with Tian Cheng for so long, they all understood each other a little. If there really was a relationship between being used and being used, then the gains would not make up for the losses.    


This time, it was time to leave this temporary "home" forever. The one who was most reluctant to part with it was Xiao Jin. He plundered quite a bit of it and hid it in Tian Cheng's storage ring.    


Bringing his two brothers and two of his younger brothers, Tian Cheng and the others walked on the road of St. Bist Royal Academy registration.    


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