Heaven-made Ring



According to Tian Cheng's request, the waiter quickly found a shop that suited Tian Cheng's interests the most. The slave market was not as simple as it looked on the surface. The hidden secrets were not something an outsider like Tian Cheng could understand. This shop was specifically responsible for the management of the human Holy Element Master. Due to their position in the Holy Element Master, they were rarely sold out by others, and they were not bought by ordinary people.    


"Call your boss out, our young master has big business, you can't make the decision!" Walking up, the waiter shouted at the man with the whip. His physique was much weaker than the man's, but this was the case here. The louder he shouted, the more attention was paid to him. Relying on the support of this young master, he had become a man today. It had been a long time since he had spoken with such dignity in front of others. Even after he finished yelling, he was still happy inside.    


It was obvious that this burly man was only a slave keeper. The real boss was someone else. The amount and value of the slaves that Tian Cheng needed were not small, so he could not make the decision. Moreover, the slaves that the slave market placed out only made up a small portion of the slaves that the slave owners owned, which was far from the requirements for Tian Cheng to choose from. If he wanted to choose good slaves, he would have to enter his' warehouse 'to obtain them!    


He completely ignored the waiter's clamor, and the big sized up Tian Cheng who was standing behind him. Although the current Tian Cheng didn't look like he was before, the noble aura inside his bones was even thicker than before. Anyone would believe that he was a complete noble.    


Without any hesitation, the big man put down the whip in his hand and respectfully said, "Please take a look, young master. I'll call the boss out right now!" Then, he turned around and disappeared from Tian Cheng's sight.    


At this time, Tian Cheng, as the owner of the slave, walked among the slaves. His initial sympathy was completely hidden, and all he had was concern for the quality of the slaves. The slaves they put out were only around twenty people, of all ages, men and women. They were all human beings, and there was a sign hanging on their chests stating their uses and the price they were selling them for. Among them, only three were at the Element Soil rank. Carefully sizing up the three, Tian Cheng rejected all three of them in one go. From their eyes, Tian Cheng could not see any hope for life. Perhaps, this was something that a slave should have, but as a Element Soil rank Holy Element Master, it definitely should not be like this. Tian Cheng could not see their aptitudes, and did not need them. What he wanted was that kind of attitude towards life, an attitude of not giving up! This kind of talent was what he needed!    


Tian Cheng's gaze shifted away from the slaves. At this time, the burly man walked out with a slightly fat middle-aged man.    


"Young master, may I know what kind of big business you are planning to do? "I have the best slaves in the entire slave market, the worst ones can be traded, and the worst ones can be, I'll give it to you for free ?" Walking in front of Tian Cheng, the boss asked Tian Cheng and flaunted his slaves on the way. He had been in the slave trade for so many years, yet the nobles had the most dealings with him. With a single glance, he could tell that Tian Cheng was not ordinary. No matter what, he had to hold on to it!    


"I wonder if you still have many Element Soil level Holy Element Master slaves here? If we have enough goods, I can pick out a hundred and eighty of them! " Tian Cheng said indifferently.    


a hundred and eighty Element Soil level Holy Element Master s! The boss was surprised. This was almost a deal worth hundreds of thousands of gold coins! This wasn't something an ordinary person could do. Most nobles would rather invite some of the stronger Holy Element Master s to do things for them than spend money to buy slaves. The price of a Element Soil level slave was not cheap, and compared to the price of an invitation, the latter was much cheaper. Moreover, if one bought too many of these experts at once, it was very easy for the slaves to go on a rampage. Many people knew how to pay for this debt, so it was rare for anyone to purchase so many high quality slaves. Usually, only the army who purchased these slaves in large quantities would use them as cannon fodder in the battlefield. However, it didn't matter what he did. As long as he had the qualifications, he would be able to afford it. He would be the God of Fortune!    


Laughing meaningfully, the boss said: "I really have quite a few Element Soil level slaves. When we enter the warehouse later, young master, please pick whatever you want! However, according to the rules, you must first produce your proof of nobility.    


What proof of nobility? Do I need the proof of nobility to buy a slave? Why didn't anyone tell me? I'm not a noble! Tian Cheng was stunned. This joke was too much, could it be that he couldn't buy a slave without such proof? The waiter had told Tian Cheng everything, and he had forgotten about this matter. There was no other way, Tian Cheng looked too much like a noble. Since it was already here, Tian Cheng couldn't possibly just return home like this! If the plan that he had prepared for so long was ruined because of this, then he would have to fail. No way! He couldn't just let it go like this! No matter what, we are still students of St. Bist Royal Academy, and with this identity, we should still be considered half nobles. If this identity isn't enough, then we will f * cking go and get a real nobility status. This slave will definitely be bought!    


Smiling, Tian Cheng waved his hand, and the school card appeared in his hand. He waved it in front of the boss: "Is this identity enough?"    


Having lived in the St. Bist City for so long, the boss naturally recognized what it was with a single glance. In reality, this thing did not conform to the rules set up above. Although most of the students in the academy were from large aristocrats, there were still some that did not belong to this category. With that thought in mind, the owner nodded and brought Tian Cheng into the huge warehouse. Slave trading was a black-hearted job, and selling high-ranked slaves was even more so. What did it matter if he was black-hearted?    


Letting out a breath, Tian Cheng followed him to the slave warehouse. If this card didn't work, then it would be a big problem. Noble titles could be bought using gold coins. Of course, if Tian Cheng was willing, he could easily get one using the power of Jake's King of Suppressing the South. However, no matter what method it was, Tian Cheng did not want to use it right now. He had the money, but spending it on something like this did not feel worth it! 's father and Jake were two completely different people. Jake owed him, Jake's father didn't owe him anything, and by doing so, Tian Cheng would owe his father a favor, so such a huge power's favor wouldn't be easy to repay!    


Soon, they arrived at the warehouse. It was a five hundred square meter rectangular box with over a thousand slaves inside. Most of them were men. Standing in front of them, Tian Cheng could smell a pungent mixed odor. Not caring so much, Tian Cheng started to scan them again and again.    


The boss introduced them, "There are more than five hundred people here who have gathered eight Ninth Level Element Scholar from different battlefields. I think they should be able to satisfy your taste!" As he spoke, he whispered to the four burly men behind him. The four burly men walked to the middle of the slaves and waved the whip in their hands as they yelled, "All of you, stand up! Your good days have come, and aristocratic masters have come to buy you.    


In a split-second, all of the slaves had to support each other as they stood up, but no matter how hard they tried, they were unable to lift their spirits. Now they were willing to abandon what little pride they had left to be lowly slaves, rather than endure the inhuman torment for another second. Among them, there were many men who had just recently become a pillar of heaven and earth. They had also made vows of glory and passion, but life was cruel. If there were no surprises, the word 'slave' would follow them throughout their lives. Including their descendants, there would never be a chance for them to make a comeback. But now, they had met Tian Cheng. The moment they were chosen, their lives would be changed.    


Tian Cheng could easily feel the fluctuations of Holy Element Power in some of their bodies, even though the Holy Element Power in their bodies were extremely weak. Walking into the middle of the crowd, Tian Cheng began to filter one by one. Everyone looked at him with eyes full of eagerness, wishing that they could be selected and escape this sea of bitterness. Clearly, the aspirations of a large number of people cannot be fulfilled.    


The eight Ninth Level Element Scholar s here generally ranged from twenty-five to thirty-five years old. Most of them belonged to the kind of small country's people who had been invaded by other countries for a long time, and were slightly behind the others. They had experienced more battles than eating at home. The baptism of war had completely changed their temperament. Even though they had become slaves, the killing intent from the soldiers was still there. Through their gazes, it was very easy for Tian Cheng to choose the one he wanted.    


As each person was pointed out, the slave owner's smile became more and more brilliant. Through a special relationship, he had just entered into a group of high quality slaves. The cost wasn't very high, and the majority of the slaves that were pointed out were all at the Eight Ninth Level Element Scholar.    


Just as he was about to pick out 59 people, Tian Cheng stopped in front of a rotten old man. After choosing for so long, the old man in front of him was the first one to not look at him. Tian Cheng had not seen his appearance clearly yet, but from the slightly white hair, he could faintly sense the dignity of a person of power. An old man like that wouldn't be a captured slave on the battlefield, right? After faintly detecting the Holy Element Power's fluctuation within the old man's body, Tian Cheng walked out of the group of slaves.    


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