Heaven-made Ring



St. Bist City, a seemingly luxurious manor. Within a tightly shut secret room." A middle-aged man in his fifties was resting his hands on the back of a pale and haggard youth. At this moment, both of them were sweating profusely with steam rising from their heads. The black and white sideburns on the middle-aged man's face twitched from time to time. The domineering look in his brown eyes proved that he was not a simple person. But this youth had a malevolent expression, as if he were being bitten by millions of ants. Gritting his teeth and his trembling muscles, he was in extreme pain.    


That's right! This young man was Pease who had just walked out of the examination hall. Behind him was an expert of the eighth level of Element General, called Gu Xi [1] Parker. He was once a capable warrior under the King of Suppressing the North. After retreating from the battlefield, he became Pease's bodyguard, and also served as Pease's tutor. He had been taking care of Pease since young. Although Pease was a cruel and ruthless person, he treated his' bodyguard 'very well. He treated Pease like his own son, and was also extremely strict in his cultivation. The reason Pease was able to reach the fourth level of Element Master at this age was due to Guxi's majority of the credit. At this moment, he was doing his best to help Pease force that strange energy from his body.    


Ever since Pease entered the villa, he had been maintaining this posture almost the entire time. That indescribable energy that was rooted in Pease's body was naturally Source Power. This Source Power's power was much stronger than Tian Cheng had expected, not only could it hinder the Holy Element Power's circulation, it could also slowly devour it to strengthen itself. After these few days of devouring, Pease's body only had about half of the original Holy Element Power left. Even if he managed to clear out the Source Power this time, his strength would have dropped quite a bit.    


With the strength of Tian Cheng's current Source Power, it would at least require an expert level higher than him to be able to beat it. The strength of the Source Power was not a joke. From this, it could be seen how difficult it was for a level eight Element General to fail after spending so much time.    


In fact, this time, it also verified that Tian Cheng had a very effective method of attacking. In case there was a chance, he could directly put the Source Power into someone else's body, that was, to save trouble and increase efficiency. Not only could it stop the other person's circulation of the Holy Element Power, it could also cause him to wish that he was dead. If you still refuse to give up, then your strength will be reduced. If your luck was bad, you could have slowly died from exhaustion. After all, people like Pease who could casually find an expert at the Element General Level s to heal their injuries were few in number.    


After another two hours, Pease's expression became more and more painful, as if he was about to collapse. The middle-aged man's eyes narrowed as the aura around his body suddenly increased by several times. His green robe fluttered as fine dust rapidly swirled around the two of them. After his hands drew out a few extremely rhythmic movements, he once again struck Pease in the back with a palm.    


Boom!" Right at this moment, a light yellow aura surged out from Pease's body, and following that, the aura instantly dispersed outwards, disappearing without a trace.    


Ah!" Pease let out a comfortable moan from his mouth, and then he went limp on the ground. The pain that the Source Power had brought him was finally completely relieved. In this battle against the Source Power, he had suffered even more than he had in his entire life. Fortunately, he still had a level eight Element General to support him, otherwise, he would have died several times over. The attacks of the Source Power were directly used on the attacks of the Holy Element Power and the mind. That kind of pain was not something an ordinary person could endure.    


The middle-aged man did not care about Pease who was on the ground and started to adjust his cultivation. This time, he was really tired. In actuality, he was the one fighting the Source Power. His Holy Element Power was also slightly injured, and it would definitely not recover until ten to fifteen days.    


After a while, as the imposing manner of the middle-aged man retracted, he also ended his cultivation and recovered just a bit. Opening his eyes, the middle aged man anxiously walked forward to help Pease up, who was as weak as a lump of mud, and transferred all of the Holy Element Power in his body over. His Young Master, his student that was like a son, had actually suffered such a heavy injury! His heart felt like it was dripping with pain. Who on earth would have the guts to do so? Just who could have such great ability? What was that strange energy? Isn't the young master taking the exam? Why was he injured so badly? Could it be that the exam candidate had such great ability? Impossible! Absolutely impossible! The Young Master was definitely one of the best in his generation. There were only a few people that could injure him, and there were definitely no ones that could injure him like this. One had to know that just this wave of energy was more or less stronger than his own Element General, so how strong was he himself? And what could this energy be? Why hadn't he seen it before?    


With the Holy Element Power's severe losses added to this string of questions, this middle-aged man seemed to have aged ten years in an instant. The silver hair on his head increased by quite a bit at a visible rate. All of this could only be answered by the unconscious Pease, but what did he know? Pease didn't even consider the seriousness of the situation, he only thought that it was an accident or a coincidence. He didn't believe that a person who was on par with the injured him would have the ability to seal his Holy Element Power and swallow it.    


After a long while, the Holy Element Power in the middle aged man's body was almost used up, and the unconscious Pease also started to wake up.    


"Young master!" You're finally awake! " The middle-aged man stopped the Holy Element Power s from being transported, and said with a weak and excited voice.    


"Teacher!" What's the matter with you? Where is this place? Why am I here? " Pease used all his strength to support his body and asked a lot of questions. At that time, he had endured until he left the examination hall, and when he saw Cushie, he had fainted. During the time that Cushie was healing him, he had not woken up. The torture Tian Cheng had brought him in the past few days was extremely severe, and if not for the fact that he was still slightly strong, he definitely would not have been able to last until the very end.    


"Teacher is fine, it's just that I'm a bit too tired. I just need to rest for a bit." A trace of a smile appeared on Gushi's face. He liked hearing the words' teacher ', and he also liked the concern this young master had for him. He knew about this young master. In this world, he would only care about his parents and him, there was no one else that he could care about.    


"Young Master, what happened to you?" With your strength, you should be able to pass this exam easily. Why did you do this? And those people who worked with you on the plan? " Gussie immediately threw out all his doubts. He could be considered a cultivation maniac, and he had seen a lot of things, but it all happened so randomly, and that strange energy left him feeling conflicted.    


"Teacher, you don't need to ask about this. In short, I will make that person who caused me to become like this pay the price. His death date will not be too far away!" Pease's gaze shifted slightly as he clenched his fists. His eyes revealed a fierce light as he said that. In the past, he would always talk to his teacher about everything, but this time, he chose to bear it alone. A superior was not allowed to be humiliated like this. He had purposely eliminated the two heavily injured youths who had been protecting him in the end. Now, the only person who knew this piece of history was the person who made it. Would his personality allow him to live in this world?    


"Young master!" Do you think you can beat him yourself? Although I don't know who he is, I can guarantee that his strength isn't inferior to mine! You know, it took me nearly two days to get rid of that energy in your body! Furthermore, no matter how well you have recovered, you won't be able to be a fourth level Element Master anymore. You'll have to at least drop one rank by even more! " Gu Xi originally didn't plan to tell Pease about the decline in their strength so early. To a person who was cultivating, the pain of falling in strength would definitely not be less than the pain of one's parents dying. The amount of time and energy consumed for every bit of improvement was enormous, and the drop in strength meant that it was extremely difficult to recover or improve. Guxi understood this young master very well. Apart from having a little bit of arrogance, pride, arrogance and no other shortcomings, for his own good, he had no choice but to use this to beat this young master up.    


"Teacher, don't tell me you are tired and spouting nonsense!" How is that person an expert? He is around my age, and his strength is at most around mine. I was also careless for a moment, and because I was unable to activate the Holy Element Power at that time, it does not mean that my strength will decrease! " Of course Pease didn't believe it, at least his teacher's first point was wrong, and the second point was naturally rejected. Perhaps no one would believe that his strength would retreat just like that. Normally, a Holy Element Master would only have that tiny possibility of falling after being attacked by an extremely powerful opponent.    


"Same size as you! With the same strength as you! " Gush exclaimed. This person was too terrifying. At such a young age, he already possessed such a terrifying power, and it was even a type of power that was completely different from Holy Element Power s.    


After thinking for a moment, Guxi hurriedly said, "I think Young Master must have also managed to pass the St. Bist Royal Academy examination! If there aren't any big problems, we should just get on good terms with this person! "This way, in the future ?"    


Before he could finish speaking, Pease angrily cut him off: "Teacher! This child has an irreconcilable feud with me. No matter who he is or how strong he is, I will kill him with my own hands! "    


"But ?"    


"No buts!" I respect you, teacher. If you were to bring up this matter again, teacher will have no choice but to give up on it! " Towards a teacher who had taught him for more than ten years, Pease would turn hostile whenever he said that, not leaving a single shred of face for him. The words' companion Jun Ruo Hu 'wasn't wrong at all. The current Pease couldn't even be considered a monarch.    


Ai!" Looking at Pease's slowly disappearing figure, Gu Xi let out a long sigh. He forcefully swallowed down the words that were about to leave his mouth. He had a premonition that this was definitely a huge mistake. But there was no helping it, the other party was his master and his most favorite student. Even if it was wrong, he would still support him as usual. He wondered whether Pease would continue to make enemies with him after he recovered and realized that his strength had dropped by a lot.    


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