Heaven-made Ring



"I will definitely make you pay me back double!" Pease shouted at Tian Cheng with his red eyes. He had finally gotten his hands on the four Magic Crystle, and there was only a tiny bit of distance between him and the teleportation circle now. As long as he teleported back with the four Magic Crystle, he would be able to successfully pass the St. Bist Royal Academy examination! As long as he passed the examination to this academy, all of the problems would be solved. Even if he had to start from the beginning, he had enough confidence and capital to return everything that Tian Cheng had done to him with his identity and position. That was why he dared to speak so arrogantly to Tian Cheng. It was very difficult for a person in power to admit defeat, and even if he lost, he had to lose with dignity. But would that bring him back some dignity?    


Of course not! Just for this little bit of dignity, he would pay an even more painful price! In fact, Tian Cheng had long known from Ah Di that there were only three Magic Crystle in Pease's storage ring. He also knew Pease's concerns, he obviously wanted to take advantage of the situation and rob him once. That was why Pease offered five million gold to buy his Magic Crystle. He had originally thought that he could just forget about it. After taking revenge and earning money, it would be fine if he could just bring these few Magic Crystle and enter. In the future, there would be another person who would give him money. Who knew that this person would still be so stubborn that he would actually go against him? This couldn't be blamed on him.    


Glancing disdainfully at Pease who was still laughing, Tian Cheng almost laughed along with him. Could this person have hurt his head? You can still laugh at a time like this? Just a moment ago, he thought that there were one or two tendons in the other party's brain that were correct. He didn't think that the system would completely collapse. This person was too forgetful. It seemed like he needed to give him a reminder. He had said that he would keep his word and would not steal his Magic Crystle, but it was none of his business whether other people took it or not.    


Quickly walking in front of Pease, Tian Cheng lightly said: "Tell me, how did your father give birth to such a stupid son like you? If I was him, I would have already jumped off the building and died! Can't you hold back a little at this point? Do you really think that your little cleverness can hide from me? Yes, I said I won't snatch your Magic Crystle, and I will keep my word, I promise I won't rob you! However, the distance from here to the transfer array should at least be a few hundred meters! Can you guarantee your safe passage? "    


Pease did not speak. He was indeed too excited just now and did not think too much into it, as he started shouting at Tian Cheng to vent the anger in his heart. He turned around and realized that he hadn't really succeeded yet. He was worried, if it was just the three of them, he would definitely be able to pass through this small path safely, but now he had another enemy. If he just shouted like that, then it would be all over. His face changed. He was about to beg Tian Cheng again, but it was too late.    


Without waiting for Pease to speak, Tian Cheng said: "I am actually a good person, and have never thought of killing all of you, but you forced me to do so, so don't blame yourself for being too arrogant!" As he said that, he ignored Pease's ashen face and started to operate the Source Power as he shouted loudly: "There are Magic Crystle robbing here! Come quickly! " Then, they turned back and smiled at Pease before disappearing from their field of vision.    


There were many examinees around the teleportation circle who were still awaiting for a miracle to happen. Tian Cheng's voice could be heard from several miles away, and the entire area was suddenly awakened. All the examinees who heard the commotion rushed towards Pease's direction at the fastest speed possible. They did not have the time to think about who exactly had such an idiot, to actually spread the news, with only Magic Crystle in their eyes. Although they were only a few hundred meters away from the teleportation formation, would they be able to reach the place where they could save a life with the speed of one handicapped, three heavily injured? Obviously not! His nightmare came back ? After settling Pease's matter, Tian Cheng had nothing else to do, so this exam could be said to have ended successfully. After earning enough money, he had earned quite a few people, as well as winning over quite a few nobles. This grudge was even more straightforward, as his own strength had also increased by quite a bit. What was there to be unhappy about? Tian Cheng was a very contented person, his rewards this time had far exceeded his expectations. This was only a five-day exam, what kind of profit would he earn if he went to the outside world? Just thinking about it made him extremely excited! However, he also knew that the outside world was countless times more dangerous than this small exam grounds. With his strength, he still wasn't strong enough to deal with it.    


After going around in a circle, it was already around 8 PM. There were still two hours until the time he had agreed with his two little brothers. However, Tian Cheng had a feeling that they would complete the mission very soon, just like him. Tian Cheng came to the front of the teleportation room door, but did not see Pease and a few others around. Smiling slightly, Tian Cheng walked straight in.    


Just as expected, Jasper and Brody were already waiting for him here. Other than the two of them, there were more than thirty other examinees standing within the transmission circle. Therefore, even though there were many examinees who were unable to complete their mission, it was still very quiet inside, because most people's moods were very bad. Furthermore, no one made a sound, so the atmosphere inside was obviously very heavy, and Tian Cheng could not help but hold his breath.    


Seeing Tian Cheng's appearance, the two of them revealed joyous expressions and hurriedly walked over. This big brother had finally come! After the two pulled Tian Cheng to a small corner, they immediately began reporting on their sales.    


Jasper said," Big brother, I sold all five Magic Crystle in about two hours. According to your orders, they were all sold for a little less than a million gold coins and each one was sold for a high price of eight hundred thousand gold coins. Looking at their expressions, I almost couldn't hold back my laughter. " Jasper was so excited that he almost lost his composure. He had probably lived for more than ten years and had never done anything as passionate as this. He couldn't help but reflect on this feeling a few more times. He even took out a few pieces of paper and Magic Crystal Card s from his clothes and handed them over to Tian Cheng.    


Brody also quickly followed: "Big brother, the situation that Jasper and I encountered was about the same, but I only sold one Magic Crystle for two hundred thousand." At this point, his expression did not change, but instead became even more excited.    


"Oh? Speak! " Tian Cheng was not too concerned about the gold coins. Seeing Brody's change in attitude, he knew that this matter was of some interest to him.    


"This person is a first level Element Master, but he did not form a party with others and instead charged into the forest alone. Under these circumstances, he was actually able to kill three Third Grade Magical Beast, Big Bro, you know, the majority of the Third Grade Magical Beast in the forest are battle type Magical Beast, it would be difficult for a Holy Element Master with Element Master Stage to fight against them alone, but he did it, even if it's us, it's still very difficult for him to achieve such a result. Although his talent is very good, but he doesn't have much money. In order to befriend him, I've decided to sell it to him at this price. Big Brother, you won't blame me, right? " Brody asked with a smile. From Tian Cheng's actions and words, he already knew who this big brother was.    


Tian Cheng also laughed: "What do you think? Your big brother isn't an idiot, didn't he not even blink when the Stage Four Magic Crystle threw it at you guys? It's just a Rank 3 Magic Crystle, even if you give it to someone else, I wouldn't mind. It was worth it. However, you must introduce us next time. We cannot let such a talent run away just like that! " The two lackeys were not bad, they already knew that they had to help this big brother rope in some talents. Looks like Tian Cheng's burden was lifted by quite a bit!    


Seeing that their big brother was so happy, the two of them took out a few IOUs and handed it over to Tian Cheng. Receiving the items, Tian Cheng casually swept through them. From within the Magic Crystal Card, he took out a million gold coins and stuffed it into their hands. This little bit of gold coins will be treated as the hard work money that Big Bro will give you. Let's not talk about other things. If you follow me, I will make sure you all eat and drink. Of course, the most important thing is still this relationship. "Keep them all!"    


500,000 gold coins was not a small number! Even a noble like them could only give them several tens of thousands of gold coins a year. They had never dreamed that their big brother would give them so much money. Although the Magic Crystle did sell for a lot of money, but that was something they should have! If you have the ability, you can sell it! What did he do? Didn't you just spend some time to get a sale? But now, he was getting 500,000 dollars from the sales charge. This salary was way too high! Furthermore, they gave us a Magic Crystle of the fourth step. It can be said that without him, you won't even be able to take the examination. Let's not even talk about money now. They finally said, "More importantly, it's about friendship!" How touching! Was this still his elder brother, who had spoken less than twenty sentences in a few days? "This is even more intimate than a brother by blood!    


Both of them received the Magic Crystal Card with trembling hands. This time, it was their turn to be touched. The one in his hand wasn't gold coins, but love! So there really was such a thing in this world! The two noble children suddenly realized that from Tian Cheng, they had experienced a warmth that they had never felt before. This was what a true friend should be like!    


Patting both of their shoulders, Tian Cheng took the lead and walked towards the teleportation circle. At this time, he heard a voice that he had not heard in a long time: "Brother Tian Cheng!"    


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