Heaven-made Ring



After thinking about it for a bit, Tian Cheng moved closer to Jake's ear and asked softly, "Jake, do you know what's going on with the teleportation formation? I don't think I've ever heard of it before! "    


"Of course!" Jake was very interested in hearing about the teleportation circle, he continued, "I have never heard of teleportation circle before. If not for the records I read about him in a secret scripture at our home, I probably wouldn't even know of its existence."    


"Tell me quickly! What the heck is this? " Tian Cheng was most interested in these new things. His previous identity was that of a research fanatic. He couldn't wait to find out more about it.    


"Teleportation Formations are a very high-grade magic item. It can teleport people or objects from one location to another. The more things they teleport, the higher their requirements will be. Of course, the premise was that both locations had respective transmission arrays. However, teleportation arrays are extremely difficult to create, requiring a large amount of financial, material, and human resources. As for the specifics, I do not know. At the very least, with my King of Suppressing the South's strength, we do not have the qualifications to build a teleportation circle. " Jake said indifferently. What kind of strength did the King of Suppressing the South have? In the entire Southern Wind Empire, other than the royal family, he was the biggest, so of course there were three others who were on equal footing with him. If even their family couldn't create this, then it goes to show how expensive a teleportation array is.    


Tian Cheng nodded his head, and said with a tut of his tongue: "No wonder I hadn't heard of it before, if you guys couldn't even make it, I reckon there are only a few in the entire empire. He never thought that St. Bist Royal Academy would be so rich that they would even be willing to use it as an examination tool! I think they probably have quite a few teleportation circles! " In fact, Tian Cheng had overestimated the St. Bist Royal Academy too much. They only had two each, which one was much smaller than this one.    


"That's right!" The number one academy in the Empire wasn't called for nothing. There were a lot of powerful people in there, and even the royal family didn't dare to interfere in their affairs. They want people with money, and people with money. In their eyes, several Teleportation Arrays are no small matter! "    


With a light smile, Tian Cheng did not speak anymore, but his heart was violently surging. He would definitely be able to earn some money in the future. As for the people, he didn't believe it. There was still someone stronger than him in research. At least when we get home, we won't need to take a car.    


Tian Cheng was such a person. He dared to think of everything and do anything, maybe in the future, this teleportation circle would really be developed by him. However, its uses would not be as simple as returning home.    


After a moment of silence, the man continued, "Now, all of you are free to form groups of fifty. You will enter the teleportation room one by one, and the batch will be sent to the examination venue. Remember! "You only have five days left. Those who have not been spread out after five days are eliminated, regardless of how many points you have earned."    


Soon, over thirty thousand people formed a group of fifty people and entered a house that was about a hundred square meters. They only saw that in the middle of the ground, there was a large circle formed by many Magic Crystle, with some very mysterious patterns and symbols in the middle. If one looked carefully, they would realize that these patterns and profound characters seemed to be a little similar to the one that Tian Cheng had on the jade tablet when he was looking at the Beast Element Spell.    


The first group of people stood up according to the requirements very quickly. All the Magic Crystle emitted a blinding white light that enveloped everyone within the circle. Soon after, the white light disappeared, and the people within also disappeared. In less than a second, the fifty of them had been transported to an unknown location. Is it magical? It was too amazing! No wonder after so many years of development, there was still no technology here. Their technology had long since exceeded the scope of technology, so how could the transportation created by technology be so fast? Absolutely not!    


Soon after, it was Tian Cheng's turn to team up.    


"Is this the teleportation circle? "Why ?" When he saw the teleportation circle, Tian Cheng was shocked, because he realized that he could easily decipher the contents of the runes on it, just like how he would read a Beast Element Spell. Although he did not know what was written on it, but he did know what exactly was written on it.    


Jake saw Tian Cheng's surprised expression and smiled: "Don't have any doubts, these diagrams are all the core parts of this teleportation circle, and the hardest part is these. It's normal for us to not understand, I think even the person who made this thing might not know what it is drawing. It was said that the teleportation formations used ancient secret imprints, and those Spatial Mages would only copy and try to use them a little. "It's something from tens of thousands of years ago. Who the heck would know what it is!"    


"The core of production! "Ancient secret imprints!" This time, Tian Cheng was even more shocked. No one could understand the Ancient Secret Veins, but he could read them as if they were ordinary words. There was no resistance at all, and it was even the core of the teleportation formation. This meant that he didn't need to spend too much effort to create a teleportation circle when he had enough materials. Oh my god! This was a transmission array! There were only a few of them in the entire empire! Now that he could easily make them, how could he not be excited?    


Just a moment ago, Tian Cheng was thinking about how he could research this teleportation circle and deduce its manufacturing process, but in the blink of an eye, he realised that he had already grasped the core of the technique. Now, Tian Cheng had finally discovered that his plans would always be brought forward.    


"But how can I understand these ancient engravings?" Tian Cheng was suspicious. Logically speaking, he should be the same as the others! He had only heard about the ancient secret imprints today. Suddenly, Tian Cheng's eyes lit up: "Heaven-made Ring! That's definitely because of the Heaven-made Ring, I was able to understand the words on the Beast Element Spell because it had planted a set of ancient language translation procedures in my mind. Now that I can understand the ancient secret markings on the teleportation circle, doesn't this mean that the characters written on the Beast Element Spell are also part of the ancient characters? In other words, Heaven-made Ring belongs to the items left behind during the Ancient Era. "    


Ever since he had acquired the Heaven-made Ring, Tian Cheng had made many guesses about it. Who could create such a heaven-defying cultivation technique? Who could refine a ring that could evolve like this? Naturally, his main target was the so-called ancient gods. Perhaps they were the only ones who could create such a heaven-defying thing. Now, the matter of the words had already been clearly explained to him. The Heaven-made Ring was an item left behind by an ancient deity. However, he did not believe that this world truly had a deity. At most, they were only a relatively strong individual.    


"Alright, let's stop thinking about such useless things. Let's first think about how we can pass this exam!" Jake interrupted Tian Cheng's train of thought and laughed.    


Tian Cheng quickly recovered from his thoughts. Right now, his main task was to complete this exam. Obtaining twenty points really wasn't an easy task. As for the Heaven-made Ring and teleportation circle, he would put them aside for now. In the future, he still had a lot of time to study them himself!    


After fifty people had finished standing, another blinding white light shone. In the blink of an eye, everyone appeared in an underground stone room that no one knew where.    


"This feels pretty good!" When he appeared in the dark underground stone room, Tian Cheng immediately said this. In fact, he didn't feel anything during the teleportation process. In the blink of an eye, he wasn't able to sense anything even if he did feel something. However, there was no feeling of being able to go from one place to another. That was a good feeling.    


A group of people walked out of the passageway. As the light became brighter, they walked out of the ground and appeared in a forest. Around them, giant green trees towered like giants, majestic and imposing. The air was filled with a refreshing and natural fragrance, but at this moment, no one would be able to enjoy it. It was here that the slaughter was about to begin.    


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