Heaven-made Ring



"Something is not right... "The power to create the world ?" Tian Cheng repeated the words, then his eyes suddenly lit up.    


"Holy Element Power is also a type of power in this world! In other words, the Source Power is also the mother's power, meaning that the Source Power is directly related to the Holy Element Power. "    


"If I can find out their relationship, with the many functions of the Source Power, I should be able to easily imitate it, right? Then I can solve this big problem of mine! " After thinking it through, Tian Cheng almost laughed out loud. If this method of his worked, then the benefits to him would be innumerable. Not only could he pretend to be a pig to eat a tiger, but he could also pretend to be a powerful expert in order to scare others. But, for the time being, it would be difficult to find a way. At the very least, he would have to wait until the Holy Element Power was analyzed thoroughly before he could take his next step.    


And at this moment, under the effects of this powerful net of pressure, almost half of the people who fell were already dead. Most of the people who were still standing were on the verge of falling. They were all clenching their teeth and holding on with all their might. They were all around the same level, and what they were competing in was that thought. At this moment, their feelings were similar to when Tian Cheng was unable to persevere in his extreme training. They felt that he was about to die, but had to endure and not die.    


Pretending to be in pain, Tian Cheng looked at the place where the pressure was released slightly, then looked at the large group of people on the ground and sighed: "This time, I finally got to see it! Just with the pressure alone, able to beat down so many people, if they were to fight, wouldn't it be like killing chickens?! We have no way of fighting back in front of them. " With the strength of these little fellows from Element Soil and Element Master, they were indeed like ants in the eyes of these Element King. However, the potential of these youths couldn't be underestimated by anyone. Perhaps in the near future, many of them would surpass these few experts who had released their pressure.    


"I wonder how Jake is doing now!" Now that almost half of the people had fallen out of the house, Tian Cheng could do nothing but slowly search for Jake's figure.    


"It should be fine! Most of those who fell were people who were at least at the eighth or ninth level of Element Soil, so what dangers would a third level Element Master like him have? " Since he did not find any trace of Jake, Tian Cheng did not look for him. Tian Cheng cared a lot about this brother of his. Although they weren't mortal friends, they could at least be considered as "stinky" friends. Just as he was thinking of his friends, others were also looking at him. In the eyes of these experts, his false appearance was just a lie, because they were not just using their eyes to look at him.    


Inside the wall. A middle-aged man wearing a gray robe who had been standing beside the white-bearded old man whispered to him, "Vice Principal, there's something wrong with the youngster below! Our pressure seemed to pose no threat to him at all. "Moreover ?" After speaking to here, he stopped, looked in the direction of Tian Cheng, and frowned slightly.    


"Besides, you still can't see his rank clearly, right?" The white-bearded old man looked towards Tian Cheng's direction and said softly. As he said this, the two of them were enveloped by an invisible energy wave, making it so that no one outside could hear their conversation. Actually, before using the pressure test, he had already felt that the youth on the ground was different from the others.    


He smiled and continued, "It's not only you that can't see, I can't either. But I'm sure we can't see his level clearly because of his strength. "    


Ah!" The middle-aged man in grey was surprised. Even the Vice Principal couldn't see the level of this youth! What would happen then? If one's strength wasn't very high, then it would certainly be a special kind of cultivation technique. Before this, no one had ever heard of a cultivation technique that could conceal one's strength! Since the dean had not said anything, he did not intend to ask about it. As a high-ranking subordinate, he understood the rules of the workplace.    


The white bearded old man slowly shifted his gaze from Tian Cheng, looked at the middle aged man beside him and smiled, "Is there anything wrong with that? No matter who he was before, he is now an examinee of our academy, and he might become a student of our academy in the future. As long as he is strong enough and has great potential, we will welcome him. However, in the future, you will be in charge of watching over him. The other teachers might have noticed it too, so if they ask, you can just find a reason to send them away. I don't want a person who is different from everyone else to be scared off by them. "    


"Yes sir!" The middle-aged man dressed in grey replied excitedly: "I will keep an eye on him and report his situation to the Principal at any time." This was a rather honorable mission. Not to mention whether this boy was a worm or a dragon, just being assigned a mission by this Vice Principal was already quite a difficult task. It had to be known that this vice principal hadn't asked about the matters of the school for three years. Apart from the principal, who had never appeared before, this school probably had the highest level of strength. After three years of seclusion, who knew how strong he was. This time, it was unknown what wind had blown him over, actually coming to inspect the examination work.    


"En!" The white-bearded old man nodded and then said, "But you forgot to say one word just now. I'm the Vice Principal, not the Principal. Remember this in the future!" Even though he said that, the old man was still smiling. He did not seem to reprimand him at all. He probably heard the words' principal 'and felt good about it. After all, no one would like to add the word' vice president 'to their words. However, out of respect for the dean, he still stressed the importance of it.    


"Yes!" "Yes!" The middle-aged man dressed in grey answered with a smile.    


Tian Cheng, who was still randomly thinking, obviously did not know that others had already started to pay attention to him. But what did it matter if he knew? As long as you don't take it and experiment with it, you can do whatever you want.    


"Are you done or not? My act of pretending to be a B is so terrible!" Tian Cheng who was still in pain could not bear with it anymore. He was willing to let this pressure take effect on him, that he could struggle in pain, that he did not want to be a fool and act dumb. He had never had the talent to act in a play in his life. Furthermore, the difficulty of such a play was too great. Not only would he tremble from head to toe, the corners of his mouth would twitch and his entire body would perspire. Even if he used to be a movie star, he still wouldn't be able to act! However, there was no other way. For the sake of his own innocence, he had persisted until now. He didn't know that he had already become a genuine clown. There were many spectators watching him as a joke, and many teachers who were paying attention to Tian Cheng as they laughed in their hearts. This student, if he didn't study acting, it would be such a waste. However, they did not know the word "act".    


Just as Tian Cheng could not hold on anymore, the pressure suddenly disappeared.    


Ah!" Immediately, all the examinees who were still standing let out comfortable sounds. Many of the examinees' legs went soft and they sat on the ground. They didn't notice that they were taking the exam right now, and falling to the ground meant that they had failed.    


After a while, the wall in front of them slowly moved away, revealing a very wide path. At this time, a voice came out of nowhere, "The examinees that are lying down have already been eliminated. The examinees who are still standing, walk forward and continue with the next round of exams."    


Just as he finished his sentence, many of the examinees burst into tears. "How could this be?" How could this be? I just passed the exam! I've been holding on! When did I sit down? "AHH!" "No ?" At this point, at least 10,000 people had left behind the greatest regret in their lives. Perhaps even when they died, they would not forget: "Today, I could enter one of the top academies in the entire empire. I had already passed the exam by accident, so I missed this opportunity.    


Tian Cheng looked at these youngsters, whose intestines had turned green with regret, and couldn't help but sigh. In this world, everything could be bought, but there was no medicine for regret. Isn't life like this? A little carelessness is enough to change your life. Was this just a coincidence? No, this was fated. If you didn't want this sort of coincidence to occur, then you would have to struggle against fate. The process of living was to constantly struggle against fate. Fate gives you a poor family, and you must work hard to change it and make it rich. Fate gives you a damaged body, and you must work hard to adapt to it. Fate is different, but the way to fight it is the same, persevere! Persistence! He was persisting!    


Of course, many of the standing examinees were glad that they did not fall down in such a meaningless manner. He might not get admitted into this academy, but as long as he tried his best and failed where he should have, it would be worth it even if he failed the exam. At the very least, he had tried hard before.    


Ignoring the screaming examinees, Tian Cheng followed the line of only eighty to ninety thousand people, and walked onto the main road.    


Would he be so lucky as to wait for him down there?    


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