Heaven-made Ring



Hearing the word 'they', many people here knew what they were. Just a moment ago, they had been so arrogant and aggressive, but now, their lips and tongues had suddenly turned dry, and their saliva kept gushing out, then they swallowed it back. That's right! The one who was going on stage this time was the Fairy Beauty that the First Prince and all his noble wolf friends had been yearning for! If Tian Cheng's Blue Element Liquid did not exist, they would definitely be the biggest highlight of the match! The selling price would also be the highest in the market! However, because of Tian Cheng, who did not follow the rules, his auction had become the same as his. For the sake of this medicine, they were willing to break the rules that had not changed for many years. But it was worth it!    


"I believe a lot of people have already guessed who they are!" Catherine said with a provocative yet mysterious smile. Anxious could not eat hot tofu, although she did not know the meaning behind those words, she still understood the principle that everyone here could be impatient. Only she could not, what she had to do was to mobilize everyone's emotions and maximize her own and the organization's benefits!    


"You guys guessed right! They were elven slaves that had been captured from the Elven Forest! However, this time, the Elves are different from the others. Their beauty is one in a million amongst the Elves, and their strength is about the same as an Elementary Mage. There is even an Intermediate Mage among them, and this person's beauty is a grade higher than the other four! "    


Catherine was an outstanding gold auctioneer, and similarly, she was a renowned great beauty. Now, asking her to praise a truly beautiful person like this, she felt a little bitter in her heart. However, she still possessed a professional ethics, suppressing the displeasure in her heart. She used all the words that the young masters had used to praise her in one go. Forget it! Even if they covered up their own limelight, it would only last a few minutes. The next time they're auctioning off a beauty, they won't do it no matter what!    


"Hu!" Even though they already knew that it was such a cannon-grade item, many of them still heaved a huge sigh of relief the moment Catherine revealed the secret. Even before the auction had started, before the slaves could be seen, their hot blood was already boiling. Their bodies were weak and their hearts were not strong enough to bear the pressure. They already had the symptoms of a heart attack. This sort of thing happens a lot. To avoid unnecessary trouble, Smith Auction House set up this kind of organization.    


They didn't dare to imagine what kind of beauty those few Elves, who could be praised so well by this beautiful auctioneer, were like! There were very few elven slaves, and it was even more so for beautiful elves. Especially Fairy Beauty, who possessed such powerful strength! Buying them was equivalent to buying a mage slave bodyguard, and he could also take a part-time job as his beautiful concubine. However, other than their beauty and strength, there was another secret that many people did not know about!    


After he finished introducing their beauty, Catherine softly added in the end," According to my experience, they are still a virgin! " Catherine was only around twenty years old, and although he knew about this kind of thing, he had never done it before. To make her say such a thing was already very difficult for her, and if he still requested for her to say it out loud with a smile and a seductive posture like usual, then it would just be too unreasonable. Catherine also knew that these words were the true crux of the auction for the few Elves. Otherwise, she wouldn't have said it.    


However, even though her voice was soft, the people in the crowd could clearly hear her. The atmosphere was boiling once again! The significance of the body of the Fairy Beauty was not as simple as pure!    


Tian Cheng who was in the VIP room also heard this, he felt that something was amiss, looking at the reaction of the people, he was sure of his thoughts! He hastily interrupted the maid's introduction, took out a bag of gold and handed it to her: "You did well! This little bit of gold coins is your hard work. Alright, you can leave now! "    


Receiving the gold coin, the servant's smile became even more enchanting. If Tian Cheng was not a man of honor, he really wouldn't dare to guarantee that he would do anything. He bowed towards Tian Cheng and said: "Thank you for your gift, Young Master. If there is still a next time you need anything, this servant will be able to serve Young Master at any time. This servant will take her leave! "    


After she left, Tian Cheng walked in front of Promus and asked: "Uncle, there must be some kind of secret behind the elf's body, right? Tell me quickly! "    


"Yes, Young Master!" As if expecting this young master to ask him about this, Promus smiled slightly: "Elves are different from humans. They can only have one man in their entire lives, and men can only have one wife. Because they are born wood mages and are so loyal to love, it is said that the Creation Gods even bestowed upon them a special ability. "    


"A woman or a man of the Elves, after voluntary intercourse between the two parties, would use their own souls to plant the seed of an advanced wood-style magic, 'Life Tribute', in the body of the other party. When the opponent encounters a fatal danger, the user can use this magic at the cost of consuming his own soul power. No matter how sharp the attack of the opponent is, it can still save the opponent's life. This magic can be used three times in a lifetime, and after using it three times, it represents the death of one's soul. "    


Nodding his head, Tian Cheng muttered to himself: "No wonder the people below are this crazy. No wonder even the mouth of a lot of useless old men are smoking! The Elves actually had such an advantage! If he could get their love and this magic seed, wouldn't that mean he had three more lives! Money was a number, but life was priceless! This world is too crazy, to actually have such a good thing! "    


Turning his head, Tian Cheng thought of something else, "However, if the two of them truly love each other, they would definitely be unwilling to have the other person waste the power of their souls just for their own. Soul was the essence of a person. A third of the soul consumed was enough to make a powerful person become an ordinary person. And three times of soul consumption represented death! What was the point of it for the living? The one who loves dies for himself, and his own life is more painful than death! "    


Just as Tian Cheng had thought, although there was such a secret method among the elves, it was rarely used by anyone. Watching their relatives suffering for their own sake was something that none of the elves were willing to do. Unlike human society, they were full of killing and competition. Elves loved peace and wanted it more, so there were very few conflicts within them. Their wars would usually only occur when they were faced with external racial aggression. Furthermore, the soldiers who would go on the battlefield to kill the enemy usually had no family. The purpose of this was to avoid using this secret technique.    


However, many of the people here did not think this way. They did not understand the true meaning of love. Most of them were experts at hunting down beauties, and most of them had hunted down beauties that surpassed the double digits. The reason why they wanted to auction off these slave girls was very simple. Beautiful women were the best way to vent their lust, especially for those young masters who only thought about the following questions. Besides, if they could get their voluntary first night, that would be the best. Although only a few people in the long history of the river have obtained it, but as long as there is hope, they will desperately catch it. To survive in this world, having something that could protect one's life was too important!    


However, elven women were not like the foolish girls of the human race. They couldn't resist the temptation of those rich and powerful princes at all. Just a few sweet words would be enough to make them dizzy. Their sixth sense was quite accurate, especially when it came to their target! Do you mean it? She can feel it when she closes her eyes! Therefore, it was absolutely impossible for people to please others just for the sake of that "Life Praise".    


"Young Master, should we buy them? There were five of them anyway. If one wasn't enough, wouldn't there still be four left? With young master's unique charisma, you should be able to deal with a few little elven girls! " Promus laughed mischievously. He wasn't joking, and he had a basis for this opinion.    


He was more or less clear about Tian Cheng's personality. He definitely didn't have anything to say to others. Even though it was for a certain purpose, it was already pretty good to be able to do so. There was even less of a need to talk about women. In Tian Cheng's eyes, Promus did not see any hint of a noble's desire for a beautiful woman, but only ordinary respect. There was too much hope for this kind of man to subdue these few Elves. He wanted to plant flowers but couldn't do it unintentionally. You can't have a specific goal when dealing with women. You have to let your feelings run their course. This was the essence that Promus, this old man, had summed up with his lifetime of love.    


Shaking his head, Tian Cheng said: "Uncle, you still don't understand me! I'm not interested in women yet, so I won't use them even if I buy them back. What's more, I only need a few to clean up the place, you can't possibly want me to buy a few Bodhisattvas worth several million gold coins, right? I can't move them! "    


"Listen to me ?" Promus tried his best to persuade Tian Cheng.    


Just at this time, the five Fairy Beauty s, under the protection of a few guards, walked towards the auction stage. The boiling crowd calmed down at once, and everyone stared at these few people with widened eyes, wishing they could take out their eyeballs and place them in front of the stage! They don't have a telescope, that's all they can do. They were so beautiful, so many times more beautiful than he had imagined! Even the great beauty Catherine had turned pale in front of them.    


And at this time, Tian Cheng, who was still rejecting Promus's suggestion, also followed everyone's gazes. Suddenly, his whole body froze. His face was full of surprise. His eyes were as big as the others'. However, it wasn't that he wanted to see more clearly, but that the person in front of him was too shocking!    


"It's her!" Is it really her? "    


Let's blow up a few chrysanthemums together! Flowers! Thank you!    


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