Heaven-made Ring



"Strictly speaking, this can't be considered as alcohol!" Tian Cheng very directly stated his point of view. He knew that these words would definitely deal a huge blow to Sean, but this matter was indeed true to him. On this seemingly insignificant matter, he did not seem to intentionally hide anything.    


As expected, no matter how respectful Sean was to Tian Cheng, at that moment, his expression became very ugly. He valued fine wine as precious as his life itself. Drinking was one of the biggest hobbies of his life. He knew that he had already drunk quite a bit of good wine, but none of them could compare to the good wine in his hands. But at this moment, this wine was said to be not wine. This was the greatest insult to his character! How could he not be enraged! But between Tian Cheng's identity and his slightly red face, he did not dare to directly show his anger, so what if he was your savior?    


Swallowing his breath, Sean said: "Young master Doctor, I do not know why you said that, but I am sure that the entire empire only has this much wine. If possible, let this old one have a taste of true wine! "    


"Ha ha!" Tian Cheng laughed and said, "Why is Manager Sean so serious? I'm just casually saying it! However, if Supervisor Sean is truly interested, I will prove to you what true wine is next! " Although Tian Cheng had always said those words with a smile on his face, the domineering aura and confidence in his voice had completely swallowed all of Sean's hidden anger. If he had the chance, Tian Cheng wouldn't mind using technology to brew a large pot of wine to replenish his wonderful life.    


Sean was stunned by Tian Cheng's words. Under Tian Cheng's words, he did not dare believe that there was really a wine that was thousands of times better than what he was drinking right now! Thinking about the mystery of the young man in front of him, since he could get ahold of such an abnormal medicine like the Blue Element Liquid, what did a little high-grade wine matter to him? Everything that was impossible was possible for this person!    


After chatting for a while, when they were close to their departure, Tian Cheng once again said something shocking. "Manager Sean, you wouldn't have sent people to follow me, right? I have a very bad habit, and that is to like peace and quiet! "In the past, there have been many people like me who have tried to test my character. However, they have all regretted it. It is the same for the powers behind them as well!" Tian Cheng knew too much about his own worth. For this reason, only a fool would not continue to investigate his identity. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Tian Cheng was too lazy to beat around the bush.    


"No!" Of course not! " Sean's smile was not on his face as he swore, "Why would Smith do such a disgraceful thing? Let's not talk about the fact that you are our big client, but at least you are my big benefactor, right? I, Sean have already lived to the age of a few decades, and the word I set my sights on most is' righteousness'. It's just a shady little trick to follow us, we won't do it! " Sean's words were even more pleasing to the ears than her singing. Although their Smith auction was a good reputation, but that was all in comparison to other auction. However, since Tian Cheng had already said that, he naturally would not be so stupid as to continue playing tag.    


"That's good! "That's good!" Tian Cheng laughed, and then bid farewell to the auction. Looking at the backs of Tian Cheng and the others, Sean wiped away the sweat on his forehead. Wasn't this doctor too awesome? He had actually brought up such a sensitive issue! Fortunately, he had reminded him, or else he would have done it. It seemed that he could not do it anymore. He had to think of something else!    


At this time, the sky had already turned completely dark, and it had quieted down on the surface. But today, the news that spread out from the Smith Auction House caused the entire St. Bist City to boil. All the large powers surged, like headless flies, they searched for the owner and the person who bought the Blue Element Liquid. As a newly emerged pill, it was extremely valuable for research! If he could obtain the method to refine the pill, or had a good relationship with the owner of the pill, it would be an endless treasure!    


However, Smith's Chamber Of Commerce would definitely not leak out this news, not to mention their credibility, they belonged to a large power, and they needed to compete within the various forces. If he was the one who was going to do this, then it would be done first, no one else! In reality, they had also done so. What Sean had done was not only for himself, but also for the power behind him.    


Right now, Tian Cheng had nothing to worry about when his identity was revealed. Since Smith had already warned him, there shouldn't be any big problems, even if it was exposed, it wouldn't be a big deal. It's just that he did not want to reveal his true strength to others before they take revenge on him.    


However, if nothing unexpected happened, Tian Cheng would not be in any trouble. He had done all this under the premise of changing his appearance. Most people wouldn't think of both of them at the same time. With his ability to conceal his aura, it would be even more safe! With the characteristics of the Source Power and its mutated soul, among all the people he had met, there were still no one who could find him. Not to mention, after completing all these tasks, he would have to head to the academy to continue his studies. There were basically no traces of him in the outside world.    


The only thing that anyone could possibly find out was that Smith's auction was determined by the slaves, but what did that matter? Would they be stupid enough to reveal such a heavyweight piece of news to others? It was too late for him to form a good relationship with her!    


The few Holy Element Master Generals and Fairy Beauty s had already sent them to two different locations according to the address that Tian Cheng had written down. The two locations were both temporary locations in the middle of the commoner district, and after everything was settled, they would be moved away. Tian Cheng was not so bold as to send them to the baron's mansion.    


After confirming that he was not being followed, Tian Cheng went straight to where the three generals from Holy Element Master were. The most important mission right now was to tame them, and as for those few Elves, they were not under Tian Cheng's consideration at all. If their safety was not a problem, he really wanted to let them go just like that, so that his teacher would not have to worry about how he should treat them.    


Tian Cheng walked to the front of a dilapidated house and greeted the lackey in front of it. Then, Tian Cheng walked in alone.    


The three of them were still locked in the metallic cage, as if they were dead. Their hands and feet were being bound by giant chains, and even if they were at their peak condition, it would still be difficult for them to struggle free from these chains without relying on their weapons. Even if he didn't get whipped by the whip, this would have been an extremely cruel torture in itself.    


Letting out a sigh, Tian Cheng took out the large blade with a golden handle from his storage ring, and threw it towards the three cages. In the blink of an eye, the iron cage, as well as the torture instruments on their hands and feet, were sliced apart. At this time, the three of them slowly woke up from their pain. They glanced at each other, trying their best to prop up their nearly broken bodies with their numb hands, but no matter how hard they tried, their bodies were just like Mt. Tai, standing still in the face of such weak strength!    


Tian Cheng also did not make a sound, he just stood in front of them and watched them struggle. He felt pity for them, and really wanted to help them! The oldest among them was almost enough to be his grandfather, the youngest was enough to be his father, and the suffering life had brought to them was enough for anyone to respect them. But Tian Cheng couldn't do it, at least for now.    


After a while, they finally gave up and collapsed onto the ground. The three of them fixed their gazes on the young man in front of them at the same time. Some of them were angry, some were unwilling, but most of them were doubtful. They didn't know what kind of person this' master 'was, nor did they know what he was going to do to them. However, the feeling told them that this' master 'was very different. At the very least, when he was their master, he had never treated a slave like this. Moreover, they were well aware of the price they were offering. How could such a young man offer such a high price for them? Did he have that much money? Could it be that the 'master' was someone else?    


Just as the few of them were thinking, Tian Cheng who had been patient for a long time finally spoke.    


"Generals, I know I'm handsome, but I'm still very embarrassed to be stared at like this by these three men!"    


Let me introduce myself, I am Tian Cheng, Grey, and in the future, I will be your master in name. You can call me 'Young Master', 'Young Master' or even a name, I don't mind that at all. Tian Cheng purposely said the word 'master' very loudly. He knew that these arrogant generals would definitely not be able to accept this reality and would definitely resist. He couldn't possibly torture the other party to death the moment he appeared, right? Although doing that would help him achieve his goal, Tian Cheng was very human, and would never take the initiative to torture others.    


"Bah!" Just as Tian Cheng had expected, after the three of them heard the two words "master", their expressions changed greatly. He got up.    


General Wood took the lead and said fiercely: "A little brat like you can be our master, what the hell do you think you are?! When laozi is awesome, you don't even have the qualifications to bring laozi's shoes! If you want to be our master, you won't even have the chance to meet him in ten more lifetimes! "    


Tian Cheng did not get angry, but was this not the effect he wanted? Smiling at the three, Tian Cheng said: "Whether or not you have the chance, you will know in a while. Don't beg me later!"    


The chrysanthemums were about to burst! Brothers, bring the flowers!    


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