Heaven-made Ring



That chance collision not only touched our bodies, but also our hearts ?" Libraries are a place where accidents can easily happen, and many beautiful love stories are born here. Hidden Scriptures Pavilion was no exception, and such a collision was already common in this place. This time, there will be a real accident between a handsome guy and a beautiful woman, but can they rub off the spark of love? Hm! It seemed to be difficult!    


At this time, Tian Cheng was really walking forward slowly, and he was completely unaware that there was a beautiful woman, who was similarly intoxicated by the books, standing not even one step in front of him.    


"Bang!" Without any accidents, Tian Cheng crashed into it. "This dramatic scene happened again ?" "Ahhh!" A scream sounded in the quiet pavilion. After being hit by Tian Cheng like this, the unprepared beauty was about to fall onto her side. If she fell down, she would inevitably graze her skin and bleed a little.    


At this time, Tian Cheng also woke up from his stupor. Seeing the girl whose back was to him was about to fall to the ground due to the impact, he had no time to think anymore. In the shortest amount of time, Tian Cheng turned to the side, and used one hand to instantly embrace the girl's slender waist. With a bit of force, and with a perfect turn of his body, he saved the girl who was about to fall to the ground.    


This moment was as beautiful as an idol's play. If there was any light music playing, it would be considered perfect! Could their clash be as standard as Tian Cheng's? Did they have the ability to rescue him at such a crucial moment and hold him in their arms as a matter of course? This kind of plot and action was not something that an ordinary person could imitate.    


Ah!" With another ear-piercing scream, the girl quickly broke free from Tian Cheng's embrace and raised her jade arm, looking like she was about to hit him. A girl being hugged by an unfamiliar man was a big deal! Just a little bit less than the first kiss! How could this girl not be angry? However, just as she was about to raise her arm to 180 degrees, she stopped!    


"Big Brother Tian Cheng! Why is it you! " A seductive voice came from the girl's mouth.    


Big Brother Tian Cheng? I don't think I've ever been called that before! Tian Cheng still had his eyes closed. Previously, this girl's shout was a little too loud, at the same time, it made him feel very embarrassed. Hence, he squinted his eyes and turned his head to the side.    


When he opened his eyes, what appeared before Tian Cheng was a rather familiar face.    


"You are... Alsis! " Tian Cheng thought for a long time before finally saying this name. That's right! This girl was Tian Cheng, the daughter of the Master of Green City in Tian Cheng's hometown! Back then, it was Tian Cheng who used his super strong Spiritual Power to cut off her brain tumor in order to save her life. He had only seen her once, but that time, it was rather profound. When Tian Cheng had used the Spiritual Power to examine her body, although he had used his inner vision, he had accidentally inspected her exterior vision at some point in time. Afterwards, his big brother, who was also Alsis's father, O'brice, had wanted to invite him to a banquet, but he had been rejected.    


Alsis also only caught a glimpse of his face the moment he woke up. After falling asleep for a long time, his first impression of waking up was extremely deep! To be more formal, this was the first time they had truly met!    


Alsis was now much prettier looking than when he had seen her back then. The long pink dress matched his rosy cheeks and he smiled faintly like a butterfly in a flower bush. Not only was she beautiful, she was also very lively. Fourteen years old, she already had the charm that a woman should have. Mixed in with it was a bit of innocence and liveliness, giving off a kind of love-filled feeling.    


"Yes!" I am the Alsis that you have cured! " Seeing Tian Cheng only say her name after a long time, Alsis's cherry lips twitched, but quickly changed to a beautiful range. That shocking glance back then, was naturally able to imprint Tian Cheng's face into his mind. It couldn't be said to be due to any special feelings, he merely remembered them. After finding out that this man was his savior, Alsis had a strong desire to see him again.    


Smiling at her, Tian Cheng asked: You also entered the Academy? How come I've never heard your father say that? " Tian Cheng didn't know much about this Alsis, she only knew that she had the aptitude to cultivate magic and nothing else.    


"En!" Alsis nodded and said: "I came here this time, but it's not for Mage Academy, but for the Arts Academy. Big Brother Tian Cheng, you should be someone from the Holy Element Master Academy! I heard others say that you entered the exam at the third place! I knew it, you have such great ability, that your St. Bist Royal Academy would definitely be the best even here! " Alsis was overjoyed at the moment and actually grabbed onto Tian Cheng's arm, just like how a little sister would be proud of having such an outstanding brother.    


Alsis's talent as a Mage is pretty good, but if you want to rely on it to test your St. Bist Royal Academy, you are still lacking a little. You have to know, none of the genius disciples here are weak. Fortunately, Alsis's literary skills were also outstanding. Adding her talent in magic, the academy had sufficient reasons to recruit her.    


From the moment she entered the Academy, she had been busy asking about news of Tian Cheng. She had never thought that he would fail, not to mention her father's high evaluation of her, her sixth sense also told her that it was impossible for this man who had saved her life to not pass this small test. In fact, she didn't even need to ask about, news of Tian Cheng had automatically reached her ears.    


The Arts Academy belonged to a super gossip group. Under normal circumstances, all of the school's troubles would come from them. This was because their pressure was smaller than the other two academies, and they didn't have much to learn. Most of their time was spent entertaining and gossiping. Most importantly, most of the students were women! The woman's mouth was much sharper than the swords. With so many women together, it was the equivalent of a Divine Instrument!    


As the top ten students of each batch, especially the top three, they were an important target of discussion during that period of time. This was because in the future, the influential figures in the academy would basically emerge from this place. A person who had the potential to become famous would naturally be the focus of attention!    


Under normal circumstances, people with strength, especially the descendants of large clans, liked to be famous. They didn't need to investigate their background and could easily find out from anyone. Therefore, among the people they were paying attention to, only Tian Cheng was a complete blank slate. No one knew where he came from, or what kind of power he belonged to.    


At this time, it was Alsis's turn to fight. She already understood Tian Cheng's situation very clearly. She was so proud to know that he had become one of the most discussed figures in the world! After all, he didn't just save his own life, he was also from the same village. My dad even called him brother.    


When she told her classmates about Tian Cheng's glorious past, she naturally became the center of attention. She knew such a handsome man with strength! Would it be okay to not have a good relationship with her? Maybe next time he would ask her to introduce him? Having a strong boyfriend is quite a drive!    


Just like this, Tian Cheng and Alsis began chatting quietly on the spot. was still a little interested in this little girl. With just a few casual words, Tian Cheng was able to confirm that this Alsis was indeed his type. Of course, don't think wrong. Tian Cheng treated her as a little sister from the start, and now that he had a little brother, he was missing a little sister. If Alsis was willing, he would definitely recognize her without any hesitation! Maybe one day soon.    


Tian Cheng and Alsis were engrossed in their conversation, and did not realize that a few unfriendly eyes were already staring at them.    


"Brother, that's not right!" Look at them, the more they chat, the happier they are. "If this goes on, I'm afraid ?"    


A few youths wearing black robes were closely observing Tian Cheng and Yue Yang through a crack in the wall. From their clothes, Tian Cheng could tell that they belonged on Mage Academy. The young man in the lead had an unsightly expression on his face. His originally rosy complexion had turned pale, and now, it was turning green. The corner of his mouth twitched from time to time as he clenched his fists, ready to charge forward at any moment.    


The young man's name was Filo, and was a student of the Mage Academy and Fire Element. At the age of sixteen, he was already an early stage 9 star level mage, and was just a little bit away from breaking through this barrier and advancing into an intermediate level mage. In the academy, he could be considered to have a bit of a reputation! In terms of attack power, his strength could be considered top-notch among those of the same age as him with Mage Academy. Adding on his family's illustrious background, he still had many subordinates behind him.    


Since the majority of the aristocratic children were of the precocious puberty type, he was attracted to this girl the moment he saw Alsis. He had done many things related to hunting for beauties, but he had never failed once, because he could not think of a reason that could make a girl reject him. He was handsome, with an aura that definitely belonged to the upper class. His strength wasn't bad, and he was a respected mage. In addition, his family was rich! It was enough for a girl to fall in love with him. However, he failed this time. Alsis didn't even bother with him and only said three sentences to him, "Out of the way! Go away! "Get lost!" Naturally, he would not give up so easily. This was the first time he experienced the difficulty of hunting a woman! He would never abandon Alsis, he would always follow her whenever he had the time. Who knew that Alsis and a strange man would actually start a conversation like this? Furthermore, they would be so happy. One had to know, Alsis didn't need to use this kind of attitude to deal with him. Not only did this embarrass himself in front of his little brother, it also hurt his pride!    


At this time, his eyes were on fire, he could no longer hold it in, Filo rushed forward! They were very afraid that their boss would rashly cause trouble here, but this was the Hidden Scriptures Pavilion after all! Even the teachers here did not dare to speak loudly! If they were to fight, the best outcome would be expulsion. If it was a serious fight, he would definitely be able to deal with you on the spot!    


When Filo angrily walked in front of the two of them, his underlings also grabbed his shoulders. In an instant, he calmed down quite a bit. He clearly knew how strong the relationship between them was. He wasn't so great that he sacrificed his entire life for a woman.    


Filo lowered his voice, went up to Tian Cheng's slightly smiling face and fiercely said: "No matter who you are, no matter what relationship you have with Alsis, I, Filo challenge you!"    


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