Heaven-made Ring



"Kid, you're not bad!" After a probing attack was released, the two of them separated another hundred meters. The Great Master Austin said with a cold smile. Seeing his expressionless face, his heart began to beat like a drum. He could not believe that this youth that looked to be around seventeen or eighteen years old was completely fine after being hit by his attack, and could even be on par with him! Even though this move was not the strongest one, it was definitely not weak. To be able to do something like this, he had to at least have a Element King of at least two to three levels. Did he? Even if he started cultivating inside his mother's womb, it wouldn't be so fast, would it?    


"Just not bad?" Tian Cheng gave a bland smile and said: "Take a look at your surroundings! "I'll tell you, you're dead today!"    


Only after being reminded by Tian Cheng did Austin look around at his surroundings, only to see a field of sparks flying everywhere as miserable screams filled the sky. The bridge was broken, the houses burnt, the river dyed red, and one could hear the faint sound of "Surrender and Not Kill!" Surrender and don't kill! " .    


Throwing Tian Cheng down, Austin flew to the roof and looked around carefully. Wasn't this the massacre that he was familiar with? Why did they slaughter their way into his home? Lightning Black Panther! That was actually a Lightning Black Panther! He saw white streaks of lightning as thick as buckets wreaking havoc among the bandits. Hundreds of them in one fell swoop, and there was no chance for them to fight back at all. They did not even have the chance to escape. Austin's heart was bleeding unbridled! This was all part of his family business, and he had built it up with great effort. It would be strange if he didn't spit blood when he saw others massacring so unilaterally.    


His eyes moved, Austin's gaze was attracted by the huge waves that were churning in the river, and he saw two large yellow pythons, five to six meters long, entwined with a black python that was over ten meters long, and fighting against each other.    


What was that? Black Water Profound Serpent! Why would there be a Black Water Profound Serpent here? Who the heck is this kid? How could he mobilize so many powerful Magical Beast? Was my 'Moon Howling Wolf' finished just like that? No! At this moment, he completely understood that today's' Moon Howling Wolf 'would definitely fall into the hands of these people and beasts, unless they caught sight of the kid in front of them.    


Ah!" With a crazy roar, Austin jumped down. His hair that was mixed with a small amount of white silk was completely disheveled.    


"Brat, even if you can exterminate my 'Moon Howling Wolf' today, I will make you die with it! Die! " Austin roared as he rushed forward, his speed much faster than before.    


"Waiting for you to act like this? Only in this kind of situation are people worthy of fighting with me! " Not afraid in the slightest, Tian Cheng also tensed up his nerves, tensing up every muscle and bone in his body, circulating the Source Power to its limits, he rushed forward.    


"Bang, bang, bang!" In the blink of an eye, the two people had already clashed more than a hundred times. Tian Cheng had been tightly suppressed this entire time, and he could not find the slightest opportunity to retaliate. However, being suppressed was still a far cry from the word 'defeat'. If Tian Cheng did not have an extremely strong ability to learn and fuse, at this rate, he would definitely lose!    


The difference in realm was too great, when it came to the profoundness of sword techniques, even Tian Cheng was not as profound as him, but with every exchange of blows, Tian Cheng firmly remembered all of his moves, and started to integrate them into his own sword technique. Slowly, the Heavenly Fusion Sword Technique began to change from its original move, trying hard to adapt to his opponent's fighting style. This was Tian Cheng's speciality. He would take his moves, fuse his moves, take his moves, and then break them apart.    


Time slowly passed by as the battle went on. Tian Cheng's condition did not improve by much, and he still maintained his initial state, getting suppressed and beaten by Austin. However, this also meant that he was improving! And it was progressing very fast! The battle between the two began to reverse. At first, they might not have adapted to their completely different and firmer bodies, but they could only barely deal with Auster and Aulda.    


But now, with the period of adaptation slowly ending, the difference in strength between the two sides was immediately revealed. It wouldn't even take a few rounds before the two Thief King s lose!    


"What's going on? Under my full attack, how can this brat last this long? It can't go on like this, the second and third brothers can't hold on any longer, those few powerful Magical Beast can free themselves to deal with us at any time. A wise man does not fight when the odds are against him. As long as there is money, is there a need to be afraid to make a comeback? "    


With a flash of his crafty eyes, Austin shouted loudly: "Hegemony of the Nine Heavens!" Countless black long sword that were identical to the ones in his hands appeared out of thin air and charged towards Tian Cheng!    


"Is this your ultimate move? "Alright, let me test the power of my 'Violent Waves'!" Tian Cheng's lips curled up as he instantly activated the Vajra Body. He had seen the ultimate move of a level eight Element King before. Right now, although his strength had improved by a big step and he could barely defend against the attacks, the ultimate move condensed from the Element King of level eight was not something the current him could endure!    


At the same time, Tian Cheng also instantly condensed the 'surging wave'. The moment he channeled his power, all the black greatswords that were flying in the air vanished without a trace.    


"A feint!" Tian Cheng reacted in an instant. At the same time, he could hear Austin shouting at his two younger brothers: "Second brother, third brother, there's no need to fight, retreat quickly!" At the same time, he also quickly retreated backwards, while laughing and shouting, "Haha! Brat, just wait for our revenge! I'll let you know. Offending our 'Moon Howling Wolf' is the biggest mistake you will ever make in your life! "    


Auster, Aulda, after receiving the order, immediately escaped from the encirclement of the Demon and Saint Rulers. As they were both from Element King, if one side wanted to flee, the other side would find it difficult to stop them under normal circumstances.    


With a frown, Tian Cheng immediately ordered: "All Drunk Bee heed my orders, give up your original mission and focus on stopping the three! Thouder Soul, Xiao Jin, you guys go up too. If you can kill them, kill them.    


What a joke, we even let you run away at this time, what's the point of us messing around! If I had known that you would have such a thought, would I have waited all this time?    


Tian Cheng knew that if these people wanted to escape, then only Thouder Soul would be able to catch up and kill one of them. Thus, he had already prepared a second plan of the Drunk Bee.    


"Buzz buzz buzz!" The one hundred and twenty thousand Drunk Bee that received the order immediately soared into the sky. The buzzing sound overshadowed all other sounds. They had long since prepared themselves to surround the three Thief King s, and very quickly, they were surrounded.    


Ah!" Drunk Bee! Why are there so many Drunk Bee? " The three of them roared out loud, desperately waving the weapons in their hands to block the attacks. With every wave of their hands, hundreds or thousands of Drunk Bee were killed. In a situation where they were not ambushed, in a short period of time, Drunk Bee would definitely not be able to break through the defense of the Element King experts. They could only use their numbers to buy time for Tian Cheng and the rest to attack!    


At this moment, their speed had completely slowed down! As for Tian Cheng and the other two, Xiao Jin and Thouder Soul had also caught up, forming a encirclement. This time, they didn't even have the chance to run anymore.    


Seeing that the situation was not good, Austin anxiously roared: "Second brother, third brother, let's work together and catch that brat. If we catch him, all of this will be for naught!" The three of them set their gazes on Tian Cheng again. This was the only thing they could do, of the few beasts, only Tian Cheng was the weakest, even an idiot could tell that he was the center of attention, if they did not capture him, who would they capture?    


"Alright!" With a loud shout, the three of them charged towards Tian Cheng with all their strength.    


"You all want to capture me under these circumstances? You are underestimating my brothers! " With a faint smile, a spiritual fluctuation was transmitted to the few beasts' minds. They all used their ultimate moves.    


Xiao Jin's' Ten Thousand Arrows Piercing the Heart ', Thouder Soul's' Clear Sky Thunder ', Saint Ruler's' Thunder Storm ', and Devil King's' Ten Thousand Fire Meteor 'Tian Cheng's' Rippling the Waves' all attacked the three together! Towards these three Thief King s, Tian Cheng did not dare be careless. After all, they had lived in this cruel world for so long, how could they not have any backing? Therefore, in order to be safe, he directly used his trump card. At this point in time, he could not allow himself to fail.    


"This is bad!" "Quickly use your magic defense scrolls!" In great shock, Austin hurriedly reminded his two younger brothers. He quickly determined that this astonishing energy was not something that the three of them could withstand. In that thousandth of a second, he quickly ripped open a Level 5 Magic Scroll that was already prepared to be in the Dimensional Ring and blocked this fatal attack. His two younger brothers had also ripped open two Magic Scroll s, but they didn't hold them well.    


"Bam!" Five powerful energies smashed down in unison. Two Rank 3 magic barriers were directly blasted apart. Auster and Austin both vomited a large mouthful of blood before falling to the ground, dead. This was the outcome without any doubt. Their rank 3 spell's defense could only be considered a thin sheet of paper in front of this kind of power. It was not that there were no higher level scrolls among their Dimensional Ring, it was just that they were not prepared to take them out like their big brother had long ago. In such a short period of time, it was already pretty good for them to come out with a piece of defensive magic. It was just that their luck wasn't that good.    


"Second brother, third brother!" Looking at the corpse on the ground, Austin roared out, bringing along the shield that was already beginning to shatter, and pierced towards Tian Cheng who was only a few meters away from him!    


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