Heaven-made Ring



The old man brought the few of them into the Ring Space and looked at the scenery in front of them. After a long period of silence, the five Fairy Beauty s were the first to start cheering, and without waiting for Tian Cheng to say anything, they began to wander around the forest, carefully sizing up the flowers, plants, and trees, and even occasionally teasing the newly born Tornado Unicorn s. Tornado Unicorn and Elves shared many similarities. They advocated freedom and loved peace. Therefore, when these fellows saw the five Elves, not only did they not feel alarmed, they felt especially close to each other.    


Tian Cheng was also happy. It seemed that he did not need to worry about the care and treatment of this garden anymore. He brought his two brothers and Xiao Tian into a sealed space, where two 5-meter-long, golden-colored Heaven Swallowing Mang appeared in front of them. Ever since Tian Cheng caught them, he had sealed them all for this day.    


"Second brother, third brother, these two Heaven-Devouring Ferocious Beasts are beasts of antiquity. They can evolve into Divine Beast s, and their innate skill 'Hai Na Bai Chuan' is even more powerful! Big Bro specifically caught you guys to be your Magic Pet, what do you think? Do you like it? " Tian Cheng asked with a smile.    


Looking at these two, Vida and Yue Yang didn't even blink, and only nodded continuously. The current them were no longer the ignorant youngsters in the small villages back then. They were already considered the number one genius among their generation due to their Sixth Level, and they did understand the conventional knowledge of Magic Pet s. Hearing Tian Cheng's introduction, they naturally knew what these two 'Heaven Swallowing Frenzy' meant.    


With Xiao Tian here, these two Divine Beast s did not dare say much. Under Tian Cheng's guidance, they signed a contract with their two younger brothers, and the two Heaven Swallowing Ferocious Beast turned into something like a small loach and wrapped themselves around their wrists. If one did not look carefully, one would not even know that they were 'alive'.    


Allowing them to play as much as they wanted, Tian Cheng's Spiritual Sense returned to its original state, left the villa and headed towards the Principal's building. Today, the old dean's words echoed in his mind. Although he was not afraid of anything, he still needed to clarify it a little. If Sharp was really Clan of God's Legacy, then it was impossible for the old man to not know about it as well. Then how could he still be alive and well like this?    


Carrying a series of questions, Tian Cheng walked into the grey, ancient building.    


The Spiritual Sense slightly probed, and Tian Cheng easily discovered the old man's location. Without even greeting him, he directly walked over.    


The dark room was filled with all kinds of books. Although the room was very small, it did not seem messy or crowded at all. Principal old man Simons was currently sitting in front of a desk, holding a small cup. He was slowly tasting something, sighing with emotion from time to time. Impressively, on the table was precisely the 'Soul-Reaping Melody' produced by Grey's Chamber of Commerce.    


The dean is in a good mood!" Drinking wine during the month is actually a great thing in my life. However, isn't it a bit too depressing for a person with poor wine? How about letting me accompany you for a drink? " said as he laughed from afar. In less than a breath of time, Tian Cheng had already appeared in front of Simons.    


"Very good! However, I can still understand why wine is turbid. Isn't this the number one wine in your Grey's Chamber of Commerce? "My old man thinks that this taste is unmatched by all other wines in the world. Could it be that you have a better wine than this?" Simons asked. Clearly, he was also one of the tens of thousands of drunkards.    


"Of course!" Tian Cheng did not try to hide it, with a wave of his hand, he took out a bottle of the 'Soul-Reaping Melody', this type of wine was named 'Awakening From the Dream', ', and smiled: "If a merchant guild wants to establish themselves in this cruel competition, how can they not have any hidden cards? "Please have a taste, Sir Headmaster. There's nothing else you can buy outside of this wine, so I'll give you a memorable taste!" As he said that, Tian Cheng mercilessly poured the remaining white wine out of the small cup, adding the light green 'Soul Reaping Melody'. Looking at the small stall on the ground, Simons could not help but feel pain in his heart, and inwardly scolded the wastrel in his heart. However, all his thoughts were quickly attracted by the light green wine's fragrance.    


Just as Tian Cheng finished filling the wine, a shadow flashed and Simons grabbed the wine cup, placing it in front of his nose and greedily inhaled, then drank it all in one gulp.    


"Ha ha!" Good wine! Little brat, quickly give this old man another cup! "Drink this wine and you'll have no regrets in your life!" "Sir Headmaster, you are really greedy. Do you think there will be too much of this kind of wine?" Tian Cheng waved his hand: "Only one glass, the rest is for myself! By the way, tell me why you called me here! Is it about Clan of God's Legacy? " Tian Cheng purposely changed the topic.    


"You punk, I've lost today!" Simons said angrily: "Stop trying to make my appetite, I'll tell you everything about Sharp. Give me the remaining wine, what about it, will this deal be completed?" "Deal!" Tian Cheng answered straightforwardly.    


Holding the empty cup of wine and smelling it, Simons sighed: "You're right, Sharp is indeed the Clan of God's Legacy, and the one that is the most powerful out of all of them! Since you know about Clan of God's Legacy, you should also be clear about their strength! This Sharp's aptitude is very rare even in the Clan of God's Legacy, if you kill him, you will have to accept that family's cruel revenge! " Let us put aside the matter of revenge for the time being. " Tian Cheng quickly asked, "Principal, judging from your tone, you seem to be very familiar with Clan of God's Legacy! Can you tell me about their situation? "I heard that their Clan of God's Legacy are all from underworld clans, why did they suddenly appear in the academy?" Shaking his head, Simons said: "I have only read about these few families in a few ancient books, I am not too clear on the details. A senior in the academy told me about Sharp's Clan of God's Legacy, but I'm sure that other than the clan that Sharp belongs to, the other clans wouldn't be in a very good mood. There are a lot of things involved, and I won't tell you the details. I can only remind you to be wary of this family's retaliation. No matter what identity you have, that person is still a student of my St. Bist Royal Academy. A genius has just fallen, and I do not wish to lose another one. " "Simons's old friend's voice changed as he said," "Alright, now that we've finished, bring the wine over!" After taking out the remaining half bottle of wine, Tian Cheng took out another ten bottles of Soul Slaying Melody, making Simons unable to contain his joy.    


"In that case, I will take my leave!" Since he obtained some answers, Tian Cheng was not planning to stay any longer.    


"Boy, don't think you can confuse my old man with all this stuff. You haven't paid the bill yet." Just as Tian Cheng was about to turn around, Simons suddenly spoke out.    


"Could it be that the dean has some sort of deal to make with the boy?" "Hehe, don't be nervous. Although you have a lot of secrets on you, and they are very valuable, you are still a student of my St. Bist Academy, and the Academy is your home. As the Patriarch of this house, I won't take any notice of you!" Simons smiled indifferently: "However, in front of everyone's eyes, you have still committed an unforgivable mistake. How about this! "In a month's time, it will be the decennial tournament of the four great academies of the Demon Martial Continent. I hope that you can represent our academy in participating and become the champion. That way, all of your mistakes can be deleted!" "Sir Dean, I don't like to be threatened the most. If this is the reason, then I will definitely not participate in this competition!" Tian Cheng's attitude was extremely unyielding, after that he smiled: "If the academy can give us conditions that will move my heart, maybe I will consider it." Hm? "You little rascal actually talked about conditions with me. Not bad, you have guts!" Simons laughed: "With your identity and cultivation, you will definitely not be interested in this competition's prize. Say it, what conditions do you need to be moved?!" Divine Water of Life, Heavenly Beast Soul, any kind of Dragon Life Blood Essence would do! "    


"I knew it would be these guys!" Simons hesitated for a while, but in the end, he sighed and said, "There is one in the treasury of the Heaven's Mandate Beast Soul Academy, let's conclude this agreement like this!"    


Soon after, Tian Cheng did not say much and directly walked out.    


Looking at Tian Cheng's leaving figure, Simons licked his dry wine cup, and said with an indifferent smile: "My St. Bist Academy can finally take first place under my leadership, after so many years, it's not easy!" This chapter is a bit late, I'm sorry! After conducting an experiment today, he had just taken some medicine and was covering himself with sweat. He was slightly better. If he was still in this state tomorrow, he would probably be much better off. He hoped that the cold would be quick and good!    


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