Heaven-made Ring



Tian Cheng was kind to people, but cruel to enemies. Since he couldn't kill him, it wasn't so bad to fight him to this extent. More than half of the bones in his body were broken, and his face was almost deformed. Even if he could recover, it would still affect him a little in the future.    


However, all of Tian Cheng's attacks were purely physical attacks, it was not that he did not want to use the Source Power, but he was already unable to use it. In that split second just now, he had exhausted a large portion of his energy, and now, all of the injuries on his body were sustained using the Source Power s.    


"Uncle, should I continue?"    


Facing Tian Cheng's question, the middle-aged referee was a little speechless. From the point of view of human nature, they really shouldn't have continued fighting. If they were already in this state, a few more punches would have cost them their lives! A mage's physique was not like that of the Holy Element Master, it could not bear such torture.    


But he still hadn't admitted defeat! Even if his mouth was broken and he couldn't speak, his hands and feet could still move! There was no problem with casually making two gesture of surrender! If he didn't admit defeat, it meant that he had to continue. Didn't he say that at the beginning of the match, he would fight until he admitted defeat?    


After weighing the pros and cons for a moment, the middle-aged man found it difficult to nod towards Tian Cheng. The opponent hadn't given up yet, which meant that he wouldn't die for now. As long as the Undead didn't have any responsibilities, he could just let them fight! Watching someone being beaten by others was a little exciting!    


Seeing the referee's nod, Tian Cheng smiled slightly. Actually, he didn't need to ask this question at all, as long as the opponent didn't admit defeat on the stage, you can keep fighting endlessly. However, the nature of this question was a little different. Even if there was a human life, the judge would still approve of it. Even if your academy wanted to punish itself, it would be a lot smaller.    


On this matter, Tian Cheng did not dare be careless, he had seen the power of St. Bist Royal Academy before, during the entrance exams, the hundred over students who killed people because of stealing Magic Crystle were killed because of provoking the rules of the academy. Of course he wouldn't make the same mistake!    


He did not have any killing intent towards Filo at the start, after all, he only spoke a little harshly, and did not do anything substantial to hurt himself. But just now, he had clearly felt Filo's murderous intent! Right, it was a murderous aura! Combined with a series of actions by Filo, Tian Cheng realized that this Filo was actually trying to kill him!    


You, Filo, are too ruthless! You scolded my entire family and I'm only going to teach you a lesson. What did I do to you? Didn't I just say a few words and saved a girl from your hands? Was there a need to kill him? Good! Since you want to do it, don't blame me for being heartless! There are many people who think like you, but they do not have a good ending, and you are no exception!    


Just as Tian Cheng was about to turn his head and go deal with Filo, Vida, who was below the stage, looked behind Tian Cheng and simultaneously shouted: "Big brother! Be careful! "    


Following the two brothers' shouts, the faces of all the Holy Element Master s started to change. They all stood up, wishing that they could rush over and do something.    


Because at this moment, Filo, who was lying horizontally on the ground, actually miraculously stood up, and revealed a sinister smile (Although it was said that it was a little impossible to tell that he was smiling, it could only be said this way). At this moment, many people in Mage Academy stood up along with Filo, and their eyes revealed the radiance of hope. They knew, that the Spirit of the Fire God was only one of the backup weapons that Filo had. The Jadefire Unending Sky could only be considered Plan B, the real plan A would only be carried out now!    


Tian Cheng reacted in an instant, but it was too late. Seeing the thing in Filo's hands, he had already given up on running, let alone rushing forward to attack with his fastest speed, but he was not stupid enough to wait for death, he was confident that it would not take his life.    


This thing was the most commonly used weapon among mages: 'Magic Scroll'. It was also one of the magic items, which used some special methods to place magic in a special scroll. The quality of the scroll directly determined its power. Its attacking method was the same as the magic!    


Holding the Magic Scroll in front of his chest, Filo spoke with a slurred voice: "Aren't you very capable? Then let's have a taste of this Magic Scroll's power! " As he said that, he tore apart the Magic Scroll in the shortest time possible.    


"Earth Burst Flames!" With a loud roar, numerous fireballs the size of basketballs, that were like scorching suns crazily flew towards Tian Cheng. With such a short distance between them, he had nowhere to run to. He could only watch as the monsters flew towards him.    


Boom! Boom! Boom! Explosions resounded one after another on the Challenge Battlestage. Everyone's eyes were blinded by these 'scorching suns'.    


Is this the end? Had he really been defeated just like that? Just a moment ago, victory was still in his hand, but why did his appearance suddenly change? Why didn't he beat that guy to death a few times just now? He even had the chance to stand up and tear open the scroll! That shouldn't be!    


Many people sighed in their hearts about what Tian Cheng should have done. They didn't believe that Tian Cheng, who was already heavily injured, could escape death under the third level of the 'Explosion of the Earth' spell. Tian Cheng's failure, was already a matter without dispute.    


"Brother Tian Cheng!"    


"Big brother!"    


Jake and the others all knelt down and shouted loudly. They could not believe that, in the end, Tian Cheng actually died! He really died!    


"Brothers, get up! My brother is fine!" Vida, who was behind, used her small hands to pat their shoulders and said: "Believe me, my brother really isn't dead yet!"    


Who are they? He was a psychic! That feeling was naturally stronger than normal people. Even though the intense light rays had a lot of resistance, they could still feel Tian Cheng's surging vitality. Furthermore, Xiao Jin and the wood spirit in their hands had not made any movements at all. They were certain that Tian Cheng was definitely alright!    


Really? The few of them held back the tears that were on the verge of falling as they stared at the large ball of fire. They felt a sharp pain in their eyes.    


The light slowly faded away, and the scene once again shocked everyone. They once again held their breaths, and looked in disbelief at the blurry figure. Excited, excited, and a series of emotions that were rarely seen appeared all at once.    


They saw Tian Cheng standing there peacefully. His clothes were all burnt, revealing his robust and explosive muscles, and his skin that was already completely red from the burns. He's fine! Under the resistance of the 'Vajra Body' and the few Source Power, he successfully withstood this rank 3 spell, 'Explosion Flame of the Earth', that was filled with killing intent.    


Ah!" Tian Cheng shouted loudly, and with an unbelievable speed, he rushed to the front of Filo, waved his seemingly gigantic fist, and aimed a punch straight at the bottom of Filo's body!    


Ah!" This time, it was Filo who let out the scream. He flew out a dozen meters, laid on the ground, covered his body with his hands, and screamed at the top of his lungs. This kind of pain was not something that an ordinary person could endure, no matter how capable he was, he could not get up and tear off the second 'Magic Scroll'!    


What was that thing down there? That was a man's most important thing and also the most vulnerable thing. Was Tian Cheng's punch still able to land on that thing? The answer was no! It was destined that Filo would never be a man in his life, nor would he harm the ignorant girl. If anything else on a person's body were to go bad, there would be hope for treatment. However, this thing had no hope at all! There was no other way. Who told it to be so useful? The greater the utility of the various parts of the human body, the lower the recovery rate.    


After this punch, Tian Cheng did not plan on letting him go, but once again, rushed up to him at the fastest speed possible. Just as he was about to punch him, Filo released a hand and knocked on the ground. He admitted defeat!    


Looking at Filo's painful expression, a faint sneer flashed across his face. With a wave of his hand, Tian Cheng removed the Magic Staff that had fallen to the side, and also removed the Dimensional Ring from Filo's hands. Even if Filo wanted to come and die with him, he would not be able to do so.    


It was also at this moment that the huge barrier of light disappeared and the referee walked onto the Challenge Battlestage to announce the final result of the Challenge Tournament. Tian Cheng, victory!    


When his words echoed for the third time in the hall, it was as if everyone had just woken up from a dream. Their expressions started changing as time went on.    


On the other side of the Holy Element Master Academy, many students were loudly shouting out Tian Cheng's name, expressing their admiration and respect for him. This kind of thing called by name was rare under normal circumstances. No one was willing to show respect to another person in such a public place. They were all blessed by the heavens, so they naturally wouldn't easily acknowledge another person.    


However, today had happened! Unconditionally, many people had shouted out from the bottom of their hearts! Isn't such a person worthy of respect? To use his body to resist two waves of fire magic attacks that not even ordinary Element General could block, although he didn't know how he did it, it was definitely done by him! In addition, under these circumstances, he was able to prevent himself from suffering too much damage and once again used a rational method to defeat his opponent!    


Let's not even talk about this level of strength. Under these circumstances, he was actually able to maintain his clarity of mind and use his fist, not his sword, to attack the enemy. If one were to ask, at this point, who could do such a thing? The enemy wanted to kill him, but he could be killed by mistake and not be convicted. Everyone knew that magic could not be retracted after it was released, and its power was not easy to control.    


However, he was different. If he were to stab down with his sword, it would be a big matter! There was no such thing as mistakenly killing someone. Everyone knew that he had killed his opponent as well as himself, but who could actually do it? One in a few. Was such a person unworthy of his worship?    


Mage Academy was different. No one made a sound, no one even moved! Everyone's face was filled with anger and shame! They had not thought about how Tian Cheng blocked the two powerful attacks just now. What they thought about was, a Holy Element Master who was known as the Five Sixth Level Element Master, was actually able to withstand the two extremely powerful fire magic safely. This was definitely a provocation towards their mage's strength! A naked provocation!    


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