Heaven-made Ring



"Is the battle over?" The berserk energy in the battlestage stopped rampaging, and everyone slowly got up from the ground. They didn't even have time to take a look at their injuries before they looked towards the battlestage.    


What happened just now could no longer be described simply as' shocking '. It could be said that among all the people present, including those few old men, no one had ever witnessed such a spectacular scene. One of the two was at the fifth level of Element King while the other was at the first level of Element Ancestor. However, their respective strengths were not at the level that could be described with words, and other people's Element Ancestor Stage were few and far between.    


is dead, the number one expert in the academy, Sharp, was killed by Tian Cheng! Oh my god! Just one move, just one move! " Seeing Sharp's body on the stage, everyone started to shout. He didn't feel any pain or grief for Sharp's death at all. Instead, he felt his blood boiling over because of Tian Cheng, this almost godlike existence. In less than a year's time, he had leaped from a freshman to the top student in the academy. If this wasn't a god, then what was it? I'm afraid it's the only word that can describe him.    


"Tian Cheng!"    


"Tian Cheng!"    


"Tian Cheng!"    


It was unknown who was the first to shout out Tian Cheng's name, but at that moment, everyone had all raised their fists and screamed out! What was strength? Defeating the enemy with one move, showing no mercy, this was strength! What is personality? When there is hatred, there must be revenge. Love and hate are distinct. This is the personality! What was power? Using death to fight, my life is not up to the heavens, this is power!    


Everything that Tian Cheng had displayed deeply enlightened every single person here, so this was how a person should act!    


Although Tian Cheng was not bad, that Sharp, no matter what, could still be considered a genius who hadn't been seen in a thousand years. He was killed just like that, in front of everyone, so even if it was himself, he wouldn't be able to take responsibility for this kind of mistake.    


"Everyone, quiet down!" Standing on the Challenge Battlestage, Tian Cheng looked at the corpses on the ground and said: "There is a rule in the academy that no one can kill others, but Sharp did indeed die in my hands today. If the academy finds out, I hope that everyone can give me a witness. Furthermore, everyone has seen that this Sharp is extremely vicious and hard to deal with. The last challenger was defeated by him and he still wanted to kill the other party.    


"As for the losses everyone suffered in this battle, I, Tian Cheng, will naturally take them all back." Tian Cheng continued to speak: "According to the size of the injuries, we can obtain different amounts of Demonic Spirit Pills and Source Spirit Pills. In addition, all the injured girls can also obtain a Face Preserving Pill, in a while, we can just directly come to the 'All Days' power group station to claim it!"    


There were already quite a few of these three pill in the storage ring, so Tian Cheng was fully capable of acting like this.    


Everyone was a little confused and disoriented when they heard Tian Cheng's words. Primordial Spirit Pills, Demon Spirit Pills and Face Preserving Pills. Although these three pill were only Grade One, in the entire continent, other than the Medicine Refiner Union, they were rarely seen. The prices were also extremely high. What was the point of treating them like beans? Could he be the son of Medicine Refiner Union's president? Or, did he loot Medicine Refiner Union?    


Although many questions arose, they did not dare doubt Tian Cheng's words in the slightest.    


"It can't be! Is there such a good thing? If only he had known earlier, he would have let the Holy Element Power protect him and let the wounds on his body heal a little. That is a Source Spirit Pill, a good guy who can instantly recover Holy Element Power! " One of the youths sighed. Looking at the brick floor, he was wondering if he should give it a try.    


"I wonder how many connections my royal father had with me last time and how many demon spirit pills he spent to obtain it. I never thought that there would actually be a gift here. Southern Wind Empire is indeed worthy of being one of the Four Great Empires!"    


"Prince Kassetti, your words are wrong, this kind of thing will only happen in our Southern Wind Empire. Go and ask the other three nations, if they have similar things, I, the prince, will not do it!"    




Just as everyone was discussing amongst themselves, a black-robed old man suddenly appeared on the stage and stood in front of Tian Cheng. No one noticed where he had come from.    


However, this could not hide the truth from Tian Cheng's Spiritual Sense. As soon as he had released his last attack on Sharp, the black robed man had already appeared in front of him, and only after sensing the special aura of a strong Ranker did Tian Cheng increase his speed. He was just one step away from being saved by the black cloaked man. Tian Cheng was certain that if he did not use some methods, he would not be able to resist this black-robed man at all.    


The black-robed old man had a head full of silver hair, three long strands of beard flowing down. His face was benevolent, and he had an imposing manner even though he was not angry. It was clear that he was the St. Bist Royal Academy Principal who came upon hearing the news, an expert of the Element Emperor level, Simons!    


As he slowly walked in front of Tian Cheng, the black-robed old man glanced at the corpse on the ground, then casually waved his hand and put it away. Do you know how much trouble you will cause yourself with that strike? Your family, your friends, everything about you could be destroyed because of this.    


"Old sir, I understand all that you say, but the facts do not permit you to do otherwise. If you don't kill people, they will kill you. Only if you kill all the people who want to kill you, that is the way of the king! Perhaps the purpose of cultivation is not here, but the process is like this! " Tian Cheng said calmly: "Not to mention the family behind this Sharp, even if the entire world were to become enemies with me, I would still destroy them! I believe that I will have the ability to do so! "    


Tian Cheng's voice was not loud, just the two of them could hear him, but his confidence and heroic spirit caused a big wave in the dean's heart! When he looked at Tian Cheng, he felt as if he was looking at his own shadow from back then.    


Nodding his head, Simons said: "Alright, let's leave this matter at that, if it is not necessary, all these years you have been staying in the academy, your first level Element Ancestor is pretty good, but compared to that clan, it is still far from enough!"    


"Old sir, are you talking about Clan of God's Legacy?" Just as the old man turned around, Tian Cheng suddenly asked.    


Simons's entire body trembled. After standing in place for a long time, he finally said: "If you're free, you can come visit me tonight. I think we'll have a lot to say!" After throwing that sentence, the old man quickly disappeared from Tian Cheng's line of sight.    


At this time, Vice Dean Byrne came up with a group of old men and asked in haste: "What did the dean say to you just now? Did he say what to do about it? "    


"You said that he's the principal?" Tian Cheng was not too surprised, and said: "How to handle this is your problem, go and ask him yourself! Anyway, it's none of my business! "    


Jumping off the fighting stage, Tian Cheng left the fighting arena under the escort of many people, leaving behind a group of old men who were looking at each other in dismay. Suddenly, an old man in the middle said, "Do you think we should go collect a few pill?"    


"? ?" Speechless ? After taking out a large portion of the pill s from the Ring Space and handing them over to Jake and the others, Tian Cheng brought a few Elves and his two younger brothers back to the villa.    


The moment they closed the door, the five Fairy Beauty s all knelt down towards Tian Cheng. The one who led the group was naturally Princess Christine, and if they remembered correctly, ever since they were rescued by Tian Cheng, they had never performed such a great courtesy before.    


Tears were already flowing down their fair and tender cheeks. Christine said with a choked of sobs: "Young Master Tian Cheng, you ? You are the first person in my life other than my father... The second man who treats me so well. Even though I, Christine, am a little headstrong and willful, I am also someone who knows how to repay favors. In the past, I hope that young master can forgive me.    


Facing the ferocious beast Tian Cheng who was not afraid, facing the cruel enemy Tian Cheng, who was not afraid, and the only woman who faced women, especially the one crying, Tian Cheng could not help but tremble. Looking at this face that he had once loved, Tian Cheng did not know what kind of feeling he experienced in his heart.    


Stunned for a long time, he then helped them up and said, "Maybe I will have to go to the elven empire soon and also send you guys back at the same time. So even if you guys want to serve me, you won't have much time left!"    


"Alright, second and third brother, big brother will take you to a place." Tian Cheng said to his two younger brothers, looked at the five Fairy Beauty and said: "You guys come along too!"    


Thank you brothers for your flowers, I will try my best to write ?    


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