Heaven-made Ring



With a wave of his hand, Tian Cheng kept all of them. With his current value, these things were nothing to him. However, he was about to build his own power. These things were necessary. Since he had them, it would be a waste if he didn't take them! Although we are rich people, frugality is a virtue that we should always maintain. Now is not the time to use money, so saving a little is one thing.    


"No wonder there are so many thieves in this world. They really do have a way to do things!" Did the Element King s that worked for others have such a high salary? Even the salaries of the Element King Stage's teachers can't even compare to one tenth of them! "    


"However, robbing thieves has a better future! Hehe! Hadn't the things they tried to take all their lives been taken away by themselves? Furthermore, their heads could be exchanged for glory and meritorious deeds. It was truly a feast for the plaintiff and for the defendant! This feeling is pretty good! "    


Tian Cheng was extremely proud, he could not hold back his laughter, and immediately coughed out a few small mouthfuls of blood mixed with phlegm. Although Austin's last stab did not penetrate his defenses, the sword qi had still penetrated his internal organs, causing him to receive heavy injuries. Thinking back to what happened just now, Tian Cheng's smile quickly disappeared. If the previous time's advancement had not caused the Vajra Body's defense to increase, he would really be dead!    


"I still have too little experience. In that situation just now, no matter what I said, I could not let Austin get close. A person who wasn't afraid of death! The next time we meet with this kind of situation, we must definitely be on our guard! "    


After he focused for a bit, Tian Cheng said to Xiao Jin, "Xiao Jin, your ability to sense metal is strong, so search carefully where the hidden secret room is? We should quickly take our things and leave. This is not a place to stay for long. "    


Waving his head, Xiao Jin said: "Big Brother, do I still need your instructions for this matter? "From the very beginning, I've searched everywhere. There aren't any secret rooms or tunnels made from metal under the ground of this island, or any of the secret rooms that have anything made from metal."    


"Actually, we don't need to look for him. Why would it be so troublesome? Aren't those Thief King's corpses still there? It would be fine if that old fellow Cremit refined them into zombies. They would not lose their memories anyways, they could just come back to retrieve it later! If we can't find it, are you afraid that others will find it? "    


Treasure Seeking was this guy's favorite thing to do. When the war broke out, he had been busy searching for treasures. He hadn't killed many people, but he had run around the island a few times without finding any clues.    


Nodding his head, Tian Cheng also felt that Xiao Jin's words were reasonable. Time was of the essence, there was no need to waste it, since he did not lack money, it did not matter if he used it earlier or not.    


Just as Tian Cheng gave up searching for treasures, Hei Xuan, who was recuperating, spoke out from within the ring. "Master, there seems to be something strange in the river I was fighting in earlier, I can feel that those two fellows seem to be protecting something!"    


"Hmm? Such a thing actually happened! " After thinking about it for a moment, Tian Cheng became excited and said, "Hei Xuan, recuperate well. You have performed very well this time. Although it was Tian Cheng's own Magic Pet, who could not defy his orders, it was still necessary to occasionally encourage him. Tian Cheng did not need those thugs who only knew how to fight and kill.    


He brought the two beasts to the riverside. The river which had just been stained by the black venom and red blood had returned to its original state! Under the red firelight and the silver moonlight, it seemed so clear and crystalline, as if nothing had happened.    


"What's going on? Although the water was still fresh, the river was not big and the amount of water flowing was very small! How could it recover in such a short period of time? " Tian Cheng was shocked, and touched the Thouder Soul beneath his feet: "This is indeed a good place to hide a treasure. There are two primordial beasts protecting it, although their strength is average, it is enough. However, from the looks of it, the contents here are quite extraordinary! "    


Clapping his hands, Thouder Soul jumped into the water and dived into the water. The leopard Magical Beast did not fear water, instead, their water quality was quite good. Magical Beast s who were extremely powerful amongst the leopard race could stay underwater for one or two days without problem. Xiao Jin also jumped down. After being trained in the hot spring for such a long time, its swimming ability was naturally useless.    


It was dark under the water, but it did not hinder them in the least. The water was about twenty meters deep, and Tian Cheng and his group quickly reached the bottom. The extremely strong Spiritual Sense spread out in all directions, and Tian Cheng was able to see every grain of sand and every grain of sand that were at the bottom of the river or even a hundred meters deep into the ground.    


"Eh? There really is a secret room! " Instantly, the original shape of the secret room appeared in Tian Cheng's eyes. He quickly walked over and removed the mud on the lid. Tian Cheng was thinking that if he removed the lid, his saliva would seep in, so he pulled it open without caring about anything else. A magical scene occurred.    


Beneath the lid was a clear and visible passage. Xiao Jin easily jumped down, but it was as if there was a transparent cover on top, and not a single drop of water was able to enter. Tian Cheng was dumbstruck for a moment. He even put his hands in to experiment for a bit and found that there were no obstructions.    


"What's going on? There doesn't seem to be any water repelling array or items here! " After casually inspecting the surroundings, Tian Cheng did not find anything and immediately jumped down.    


Once he entered the secret passage, a strong and extremely strange killing intent attacked him, causing Tian Cheng's pores to constrict. At the same time, he took out the long sword. This killing intent did not seem to belong to a human. It seemed to belong to a Magical Beast, a powerful Magical Beast!    


Big Brother, be careful, this killing intent is emitted by a group of Magical Beast. I don't know the specifics, but I can sense that it has a very, very noble bloodline, and contains a very terrifying power. Xiao Jin reminded from the side.    


"That's right!" Master, I feel this aura, my feet are actually a bit weak! My bloodline is considered noble among the Magical Beast, but compared to it, it is like heaven and earth, but its strength does not seem to be very high, otherwise, I am afraid that nothing in this world can trap it! " Thouder Soul also added.    


Regarding the Magical Beast's senses, Tian Cheng was naturally not as sensitive as them. Hearing their words, Tian Cheng became excited again. How could he not be excited? To be able to make two beasts of antiquity take the initiative to protect them with their lives, to be able to prevent such a large amount of water from seeping in, to be able to make the souls of these two fellows tremble, what kind of ordinary things could Magical Beast with such special abilities be?    


Increasing his steps, Tian Cheng and the group walked towards the passage. It was fine if he did not look at it, but upon seeing it, he was really shocked. This not very long passage wall actually had ten Level 5 Magic Crystle to provide light! Tian Cheng couldn't help but want to pick them all. Brother, that is a level 5 Magic Crystle! Every single one of them cost tens of thousands of gold coins, and even some of the super families didn't dare to be so extravagant! Just what kind of thing are you, the three Thief King s, trapping here?    


Within a few seconds, the human, beast, and beast arrived at a secret room. The secret room wasn't very large; it was only about ten square meters. In the middle of the secret room, there was a circular cage with a snow-white wolf trapped inside! Right! "It was a wolf, a one meter long wolf, but unlike other wolves, it had a pair of white wings on its back!    


Tian Cheng was shocked! He began to feel wild with joy!    


"Moon Howling Wolf!" Tian Cheng exclaimed: "That's right! It must be the Moon Howling Wolf! There were only a few Winged Wolves, and although they were all very powerful, only their Moon Howling Wolf could be so powerful! Oh my god! My luck is not that good. I just ran into two beasts from the Primordial Era, and I ran into another one a hundred times more noble than them! "    


Tian Cheng circled around the cage: "'Heavenly Favor Magical Beast' is said to be blessed by the gods, bestowing it with extremely strong and unique abilities, and it is said that this Moon Howling Wolf is the emperor of the wolves, the king of the beasts! It was originally a fire element spell, 'World Burning Heaven Fire'. It could be levelled up to a magic rank. It was one of the most powerful fire magic spells in existence. To be able to reach the fifth stage of adulthood, it can only be considered a Sky Wolf right now, because it is only at the fifth, sixth and seventh stage, the Howling Star Heavenly Wolf, the eighth and ninth stage, and the tenth stage, the Divine Wolf of Xiao Tian! "    


"Judging from this little fellow's body and abilities, it looks like he hasn't reached adulthood yet. Otherwise, this cage made of high grade darksteel would be as weak as mud under his claws. It must be the Magical Beast that Austin had always wanted to tame, but it had never been able to do so. No wonder their Thieves Group names were like this.    


"I wonder what fortuitous encounter the three brothers got to get their hands on to these three extraordinary Magical Beast! After refining them into zombies, I must ask them carefully! " After making up his mind, Tian Cheng sent a soul message and began to talk to the Moon Howling Wolf cub. A Heavenly Favor Magical Beast was so strong that it could be said that it had reached the fifth stage. Tian Cheng naturally wanted to subdue it using a friendly manner.    


"I didn't expect such a legendary Heavenly Favor Magical Beast like you to really exist. Kid, how is it? Do you want to go out? " Tian Cheng smiled slightly.    


The fierce red light in the Heavenly Wolf's eyes faded as its killing intent decreased drastically. It hurriedly asked, "Who are you? How could a soul be so powerful? What do you want to do? " Even if it was a young Sky Wolf, its intelligence and knowledge could not be compared with that of ordinary humans. Hearing Tian Cheng's soul transmission, it did not seem to panic at all.    


"Oh!" Let me introduce myself, my name is Tian Cheng; Grey, these two are my friends, Thouder Soul and Jin Cheng. We just exterminated this Thieves Group and came here, so we didn't have any malicious intent. Since we've met, let's be friends! I know that you have never submitted to Austin because you felt that he was not worthy to be your master. And I, am absolutely confident that I have the qualifications to become your master, but what I want is not your submission, but your friendship! "    


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