Heaven-made Ring



"Blue Element Liquid!" Hearing those three words, Beck jumped up from his chair and shouted. This thing was naturally not unfamiliar to him. What a joke, this fellow was something that was auctioned off in his own restaurant, not only did it set off a big commotion in the pill Realm, its existence had also reached the ears of the big families of the entire continent. Because the Smith's Chamber Of Commerce had auctioned a bottle of Blue Element Liquid, its reputation had once again shaken. In these few months, his income had continuously doubled, and once again, he had entered the peak of his development!    


It could be said that just a bottle of Blue Element Liquid would bring endless benefits to the Smith's Chamber Of Commerce, but this man said that he could provide a large amount of such things! Is this true? Is this true? If it was true, then this was much better than giving money to the company! And because of this, he would be able to unquestionably become the next guild leader's candidate!    


But can he really provide them in large quantities?" This guy could directly make a Element Master Level expert advance to a couple of levels of divine medicine! With just him, a Holy Element Master, he could create a large number of pill? However, thinking about his various miraculous aspects, it was not a bad idea at all! Perhaps, there was a grand master behind him. Otherwise, he wouldn't have been able to grow so fast in such a short period of time!    


Once again stabilizing his heavy heartbeat, Beck sat down joyfully, and asked excitedly: "Is what Brother Tian Cheng said true? It's not that I don't believe you, but the truth is too profound! Before I meet the Blue Element Liquid, I can't convince myself. "    


"Of course I wouldn't lie to you!" With a confident smile, Tian Cheng took out a bottle of Blue Element Liquid s and threw it into Beck's hands.    


Opening the lid, Beck moved his nose closer, the light in his eyes becoming brighter and brighter. Back then, he had only used half of the bottle of Blue Element Liquid that Tian Cheng had sold to Smith and auction manager, Sean. That half bottle was naturally given to his superior, and with Beck's status, he naturally had the chance to meet the Blue Element Liquid. Therefore, when the first strand of that unique fragrance was reflected by his olfactory nerves towards his brain, he was extremely sure that the Blue Element Liquid Tian Cheng had taken out was a real Blue Element Liquid!    


"It's the Blue Element Liquid, it's indeed the Blue Element Liquid!" Holding the small bottle in his hand, Beck was so happy that he started to roar. At this moment, he had completely forgotten about everything else. He only knew that with this Blue Element Liquid, his life would soon turn around to a brand-new page, and becoming the next President was certain, and it was only because of this that his entire Smith's Chamber Of Commerce would be able to enter a new level. Even if he could become the number one merchant guild on the continent, that was extremely possible!    


"Senior Brother Tian Cheng, whatever you say I will do, I will listen to you!" Beck said excitedly. At this moment, a proud son of heaven who had never submitted to anyone in his entire life, naturally lowered his arrogant head in front of Tian Cheng and obeyed his arrangements.    


His eyes were completely red, he almost wanted to kneel down with Tian Cheng! Too touching, not to mention a friend or no friend, no matter what his intentions were, if he was willing to give such a precious thing to him, then that would be a huge help and he would be able to make a profit no matter what!    


Nodding his head, Tian Cheng said: "Tomorrow, you will return to Smith's Chamber Of Commerce. I will find some time to find you and pass the Blue Element Liquid to you. "Since we are both friends and partners, let me express my sincerity in advance!" Of course, Tian Cheng would not give him this bottle of Blue Element Liquid.    


Facing such a huge temptation, Beck naturally wouldn't be polite. He was already at the eighth level of Element Master, so after using it, he might even be able to break through the ninth level of Element Master and advance into the Element General.    


According to their agreement, Beck would leave the academy on the second day and return to the merchant guild to wait for Tian Cheng. Before this matter was successfully completed, he would naturally not reveal any information about Tian Cheng to the upper echelons of the Smith's Chamber Of Commerce. He was a shrewd person, and naturally, he understood the formidable relationship that lay within.    


On the second day, Tian Cheng once again came to Purgatory Forest number one. He had to settle the matter of the Drunk Bee before he left. The current strength of Cheng Tian was not bad, but compared to those large powers, he was still quite inferior. Furthermore, he had quite a few enemies. The third great power group 'Fire God' of the Magic Academy, the first great power group 'Sacred' of the Holy Element Master Academy, and the 'Heaven Extinguishing' that had always been eyeing covetously, these were all not good people.    


Last time, among the hundred and fifty thousand Drunk Bee, a total of fifteen mother bees were able to advance to the third stage of the Drunk Bee Emperor! Furthermore, a Queen Bee could form a large clan of Drunk Bee. This way, Tian Cheng did not need to take out all of the mature Drunk Bee s, he only needed to pick out a few Queen Bee s and a small number of adult bees to let them develop on their own.    


Tian Cheng took out three Queen Bee s from his storage ring. Each of the Queen Bee s was equipped with ten thousand adult bees.    


Looking at the Drunk Bee that disappeared into the forest, Tian Cheng couldn't help but exclaim, "There's a future for us to raise bees! Not only did it possess astonishing combat power, it could also create a priceless beehive. The most important thing was that it did not require any cost! Hehe! "There is such a good thing in the world, to think that we actually met with such a situation. We have to develop our abilities greatly in the future!"    


Needless to say, if Tian Cheng truly wanted to develop his Drunk Bee, then he would definitely have a huge way to earn money! He had Source Qi among the Heaven-made Ring, which meant that he could produce Queen Bee in large quantities. One Queen Bee represented a nest of Drunk Bee, and with enough food, their reproduction speed was quite astonishing!    


In half a year's time, we can go from one to one hundred and fifty thousand and create a beehive with a diameter of two meters!" It was impossible to buy a beehive of this size without two to three hundred thousand gold coins. Just by developing a Drunk Bee, how much money could Tian Cheng earn? Of course, only people like him could make that kind of money in this world, and others could only watch.    


After giving some instructions to the fifteen core members of the 'All Day', Tian Cheng left the Academy alone at night and headed towards the manor by the St. Bist City. With his current strength, running at full speed was even faster than a horse. In merely two hours, Tian Cheng appeared at the entrance of the villa.    


"Seems like Promus is doing quite well! Even the six gatekeepers are already at the level of Ninth Level Element Scholar. Nodding his head in satisfaction, Tian Cheng flew out and appeared in the courtyard. Occasionally, a few maids and a few squads of patrolling guards would pass by, but they would not find him anywhere.    


"Ai!" Just as he walked to the door of Promus's room, a loud sigh came from inside. This voice seemed to be a lot older than a few months ago.    


"Hmm? Did something happen? With Promus's power, there shouldn't be anything that he can't solve! " After a moment of confusion, Tian Cheng pushed open the door, and a familiar back figure appeared in his line of sight.    


"Uncle, is there anything worth sighing over?" In a flash, Tian Cheng appeared in front of him and said with a smile.    


"Young Master, you're finally back!" Seeing Tian Cheng's appearance, Promus was first shocked, and then he started laughing loudly. The sorrowful expression from before instantly disappeared without a trace, and what replaced it was the joy of limitless hope.    


"Don't be busy and happy yet. Tell me, what exactly is it that can cause a Duke like you to be so worried?" Tian Cheng asked seriously.    


Actually, it's nothing. As long as you come back, all the problems will be solved!" Promus's old face reddened, and she said a little embarrassedly: "Last time Young Master, you said you would be back in a month, but it was nearly four months in a flash, so all the money you prepared earlier was spent. Even though there won't be any problems living, the development of our powers is already in a stagnant state.    


When Tian Cheng left, he only left 200 thousand gold coins for Promus. With such a large group of people, this little bit of money would only be enough to support him for a month or two.    


Promus continued to speak, "Young Master, those training plans that you have drawn up, the three Company Leaders led that group of subordinates and trained for two months before they stopped. After that, they went to set up the Mercenary Group according to your plans. However, due to the difficulty of developing their Mercenary Group in the early stages, they could only get warm and full, let alone developing anything else. The three of them are currently on mission in several nearby cities and are awaiting your summons at any time. "    


"Also, the development of Lin Sen's information network has stopped because of the funds. Before you came here, they also sent out a reminder letter, who knows how many times. "Tell me, will I not sigh as I watch these things?"    


Three Mercenary Group s and one information network spread throughout several cities, the amount of money needed for these organizations to grow and expand was extremely huge! Promus's ability was not bad, but he did not have the ability to make so much money! However, he knew that this young master was quite rich. Even if he didn't have any money, he could easily get his hands on the money. Once he appeared, the money problem would naturally not be a problem!    


Hearing that it was only because of the issue with the money, Tian Cheng heaved a sigh of relief in his heart. What he was most afraid of was that there would be other big problems, and these people were the basis of his power's development.    


Clapping his hands, Tian Cheng said: "It's easy to ask for money, Young Master I have money here! Tomorrow, you will bring two million gold coins to each of the three company commanders and send them a message, saying that they will use any method feasible to strengthen their own forces! "    


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