Heaven-made Ring



Possessing a Divine Instrument? Tian Cheng's eyes flashed as he faintly guessed what was going on.    


"Something big really happened!" Last time, his body was only able to receive two powerful fire magic. In his normal mind, this was absolutely impossible! He did not expect that someone would guess something and actually think of a Divine Instrument! It had to be said that this kind of imagination was even more advanced than Rex thinking that he was the successor of the Divine Beast! What is a Divine Instrument? That was something that could destroy the heavens and the earth! If I had, would I still need to be half-dead from two fire magic attacks? "    


Tian Cheng secretly whined a little, it was obvious that this middle-aged man was someone from the Academy, at least a Holy Element Master who had trained to the Element King Level, and was here specifically for the so called Divine Instrument, to follow him here to kill people and steal their treasures. Although the academy had a rule that forbade people from killing people within the jurisdiction of any academy, this could only restrain the students. If these experts wanted to do these things, he had a hundred ways to keep the academy from knowing. It was obvious that this place was no longer within the scope of the academy's surveillance.    


Suppressing his nervousness, Tian Cheng smiled slightly, and asked calmly: "Uncle, seeing your cultivation, you should be considered quite a famous person in the academy, right? Why did you joke with me? What Divine Instrument? Brat, if I had a Divine Instrument, I would have already dominated a region, why would I need to run around killing zombies to earn points? Uncle, did you get it wrong? "    


"Humph!" The middle-aged man scoffed, "At this point, you don't have to be so naive in front of me, from the moment you entered the Nether Island, I had already followed you. Although I do not know what you did, even a fool could tell that you are not an ordinary person! If a young man with such a low cultivation base could do such a thing, then this was the only explanation! Hand over the Divine Instrument, since you are a student of St. Bist Royal Academy, I can let you live. You have to know, even if you possess a Divine Instrument, your strength is far from being enough, compared to my level eight Element King, there is no chance of you winning! "Be sensible!"    


"Level eight Element King! He's actually at the eighth level of Element King! " Tian Cheng's heart congealed, and almost lost his breath. At the same time, he also remembered this aura in the bottom of his heart, at least in the future, when he met people of this level, he would have a confidence.    


He kept thinking, "I'm not going to kill myself, hmph, are you trying to trick a little kid?" That's right, we won't kill you. At most, you'll just cripple yourself here and feed it to the Undead. What's the difference between that and killing them? " After calming down a bit more, Tian Cheng knew that it was useless to say anything now. The only solution was to kill the other party!    


Tian Cheng rolled his eyes, no longer smiling mischievously, and said with a stern face: "I never thought that a dignified St. Bist Royal Academy teacher would actually be able to do such a thing to his students, ha-ha! It really did surprise me. Do you think you will let me off just because I believe that I will give you the Divine Instrument? You really think I'm a fool! "    


Tian Cheng shouted loudly, but he did not move, and continued: "It's worth it to die in the hands of a level eight Element King today, but before you die, can you tell me how you followed me here?" This was something he really wanted to figure out. With his current Spiritual Power, forget about Element King, even a Element Ancestor or higher level expert would not be able to find it. How did he do all this?    


Hearing Tian Cheng's words, the middle aged man was first shocked, then laughed madly: "Haha, you truly have a Divine Instrument! Looks like I made the right choice this time! Right! I don't intend to let you go today. You will die anyway! "Brat, don't be so dejected. Your strength is already destined to prevent you from possessing such a treasure. Even if I don't do anything, there will be a day when you die in someone else's hands."    


"But your death is worth it. In order to follow you, I spent six Hidden God Pills without hesitation, and the Spiritual Sense never got within two hundred meters of you! You are also the hardest person I have ever met to follow me in my entire life, and at the same time, the weirdest person I have ever met. You are already so powerful at such a young age, a Spiritual Power. However, your strength is still too weak, and you are far from being able to unleash the wondrous use of Spiritual Power. " As he mentioned those six Hidden God Pills, a pained expression flashed across the middle-aged man's face. Obviously, those things were very precious.    


"Divine Concealment Pellet!" No wonder he could avoid my Spiritual Sense's tracking, he had prepared such a treasure, the temptation of this Divine Instrument is truly not small, to actually be willing to spend six of them in one go! This guy seems to be one of the famous pill! "    


With regards to the Concealment Spirit Pellet, Tian Cheng also had some understanding of it. It was a type of pill that specialized in hiding one's body, a total of three grades, and a second rank Concealment Spirit Pellet could ensure that it would not be discovered by anyone from the Element General Level; third rank Concealment Spirit Pellet could guarantee that it would not be discovered by anyone from the Element King Stage; fourth rank Concealment Spirit Pellet could guarantee that it would not be discovered by anyone from the Element Ancestor Stage. The Hidden God Pellet was about combining strength with a Spiritual Power. When one's strength was insufficient, no matter how strong a Spiritual Power was, they would not be able to discover it. As such, it was not difficult for him to escape Tian Cheng's perverted Spiritual Sense s search. Moreover, his Spiritual Sense s had never gotten close to Tian Cheng's search range.    


After saying that, a ruthless look flashed across the middle-aged man's eyes, and he laughed: "Brat, you guessed correctly, I am indeed a teacher of the academy, and the news of you possessing a Divine Instrument has already spread among the academy's teachers, but many of the idiots did not believe that such a great thing has happened to me! I won't waste you words, prepare to die! "    


A long green blade appeared out of nowhere in the middle-aged man's hand. His entire body radiated a terrifying aura as it slowly rose into the air. It was as though a death god had descended. The black fog revolved around him, forming a huge storm in the blink of an eye.    


"This is bad!" Tian Cheng didn't hold back at all and quickly activated the Vajra Body. He activated the Source Power in his body to defend against the storm and tried to find a way to escape. The difference in strength between the two sides was too great! When Tian Cheng wasn't confident enough to win the battle, he could only put his life on the line first.    


However, was it possible for Tian Cheng to escape under the noses of a level eight Element King? No, there was no chance! He knew Tian Cheng's ability to defend, so he had used his trump card right from the start. This storm was his full powered attack, comparable to Tian Cheng's' Violent Waves', but it was still a 'Thunderstorm' that was hundreds of times more powerful than 'Violent Waves' by a thousand times.    


"Don't even think about escaping, this is the ultimate move 'Thunder Storm' that I released with all my might, to be able to die under this ultimate move, you should be satisfied, many people want to die like this, I did not even give them a chance, if not for you possessing the Divine Instrument, you would not even have the qualifications to make me use this move. "Die!" With a loud roar, the middle-aged man's green blade hacked out, and a black storm that was dozens of meters tall swept towards Tian Cheng.    


"Damn it!" Let's go all out! "This fellow is determined to put me to death. If I were to run, I might die faster. If I were to fight with him, I might have a chance of survival!" Clenching his teeth, Tian Cheng gave up on running. The long sword stabbed the hard rock down and prepared to use its Vajra Body to withstand this round of attacks again. As long as this round of attacks didn't die, he was confident in taking down the Element King again with a sneak attack.    


With both hands gripping the sword hilt, Tian Cheng turned his Source Power onto the surface of his body and focused on defense! Now that there was nothing he could do, he could only hope to rely on his Vajra Body and Source Power s to overcome this crisis. Seeing the black storm that was getting closer and closer, Tian Cheng felt that he was actually so close to death for the first time, as if all of his defenses were child's play in front of this' lightning storm '.    


Tian Cheng's feeling was right, if an ultimate move of the eighth level of Element King was blocked by him just like that, then he would not be able to continue participating. Although the Vajra Body was powerful, it was at most capable of resisting a direct attack from someone of the same level. After all, Xiao Jin was only a Third Grade Magical Beast right now, and Tian Cheng's strength was only close to that of a first level Element General. His power is so much higher than yours. Under his most powerful attack, death isn't too far away.    


In the blink of an eye, the black storm had completely engulfed Tian Cheng, "Ah!" With a loud shout, this hurricane that had violent energy mixed in it, bit at Tian Cheng like a tiger, and all the clothes on his body were instantly disintegrated into dust. The fresh blood in all of the pores on his body were slowly being pulled out, and even 'Blood Guy' could not even describe his current miserable state! However, his hands still gripped the sword hilt tightly. If he was caught, he would die even faster.    


"Am I going to die? No! Impossible! I don't want to die! Everything has just begun. I haven't even avenged my parents, and my grandfather and brother are still waiting for me to take care of them. How can I die right now? My life has just begun, and there are so many things waiting for me to explore. How could I leave such a beautiful world just like this? " Gripping the sword hilt tightly, Tian Cheng once again started to comprehend death. He was not afraid of death, but afraid of dying without any value! He was truly unwilling to be killed like this!    


Just when he felt as if his body was about to be torn apart, a basin-sized hole appeared in the huge rock behind him. It might have been difficult to call it a hole, but there was a barrier of black mucus around the hole, and he didn't know if there was a space inside.    


However, this was no longer important, because at this moment, this barrier seemed to be able to restrain the energy of the tornado, as a large half of the tornado on Tian Cheng's body was sucked away.    


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