Super Little Farmer



After saying a few words to Sachiko, Han Bing'er came to my side. However, she simply nodded her head towards me as a form of greeting. After that, she stood by the side of the British beauty Lisa, in a very recuperative manner. Because this Lisa is talking to me right now. After chatting with me for a while, Lisa moved to the side and chatted with Zhu Dantong to introduce her to someone else. The superstar Han Bing'er finally walked to my side, smiled at me, and said, "Mr. Zhang Yun, I haven't repaid you for the last favor. I remember it."    


I shook my head and smiled. "There's no need to worry. I heard that there's something delicious to eat, so I came!"    


My good humour made the beauty in front of me smile. This smile can make my heart jump for no reason! When I finally calmed down, Han Bing'er smiled and said, "Sure. We even specially prepared some good food for you today. Mr Zhang can eat as much as he wants! " I nodded, appreciative.    


Han Bing'er then turned around and made a please gesture. She took a step forward and led me to my seat. Then she said, "Oh, Mr. Zhang. I'll introduce two people to you." Saying so, he waved his hand.    


At this moment, I was already dumbfounded. For I saw the twins I had seen yesterday, talking with Zhu Dantong, Lisa, and Sachiko. Seeing Han Bing'er's signal, the two of them came over together. When they saw that it was me, they seemed to be stunned as well. Perhaps they had already remembered yesterday's situation. However, they all returned to calmness in a flash.    


"Let me introduce you. This is Mr. Zhang Yanzhang. " Han Bing'er waited for the two beautiful twin girls to come over before introducing them to each other: "These two are my new friends. They have come to help me at the same time." This is Ding Yaoyue, and this is Ding QiongJue. "    


It was indeed a pair of jade girls. They were beautiful and had a good name! I silently praised them, smiled at each of them, and nodded my head once more as a greeting. The two beauties looked at me with a slight smile and said together, "Nice to meet you." He had gotten to know her.    


After introducing the two, Han Bing'er introduced the other middle-aged woman. She was very delicate, very capable, and yet not lacking in gentleness. "This is Sister Wen, my manager!" Agent, of course I understand. He nodded his head in greeting and finally got to know each other. Sister Wen greeted me amiably.    


Seeing that everyone knew each other, Han Bing'er gestured for everyone to sit down. I was pushed to the top left. The star in the main seat is Han Bing'er, and beside me is Zhu Dantong. Then there was Sachiko. Sachiko had Ding Yaoyue, Ding Qiongjue had Ding Qiongjue, Ding Qiongjue and Sister Wen had sat together. Next to Sis Wen was Lisa. Lisa sat on the upper right side of Han Bing'er.    


"Zhang, we have always wanted to thank you for saving our lives. God has given us the opportunity to speak to you in person. " Seeing that everyone was seated, Lisa looked at the crowd and said, "We don't know what your taste is, but we agreed that Han Li can decide, and I hope you like it."    


Seeing how courteous they were, I smiled and said, "There's no need to be courteous, everyone. I just happened to be so that day. As for the dishes, it's up to you. " The moment I said those words, the dishes on the other side of the table flowed like water. However, when I saw the dish, I was stunned.    


This table is filled with over a dozen dishes. If they aren't wild vegetables that I got, then what is they?    


I have an impression of wild vegetables, because I am doing this right now, but I have never had an impression of what He Guoqian described as a "Spring Wild Vegetables Banquet." But now, I finally have an intuitive feeling! It had to be known that it was not an easy thing to get such a famous celebrity to pay attention to such a wild feast, let alone invite others to a feast! I suddenly had an indescribable feeling in my heart. I didn't know if I was happy or excited, but at least, I was very happy.    


"Mr. Zhang Yun, would you like to add more dishes?" Seeing that I seemed to be in a daze and seemed to have some experience with the wild dishes she arranged for today, Han Bing'er smiled and took out a menu from somewhere and handed it to me: "Mr. Zhang, you are our guest today. These dishes were ordered by us and may not suit your taste, please do as you please."    


I noticed that everyone's eyes were looking at me, so I felt a little embarrassed and was about to refuse, but then my hand accidentally touched the hand of the superstar Han Bing'er. Han Bing'er was fine, but it was as if I was stung by a scorpion. However, the famous celebrity did not seem to care and still passed the exquisite picture book into my hands. I thought to myself that since I had already ordered so many dishes, if I were to order more, it would definitely be too much, and it would be a waste of time. If I did not order, I would refuse the famous celebrity, but it would still be no good.    


With such a fixed train of thought, he immediately took the book and read through the prices. With a flip, he realized that the dishes here seemed to be extremely expensive, I couldn't even find a dish below one hundred yuan. However, there was no lack of dishes over one thousand yuan or over ten thousand yuan. With a thought, he flipped through them a few times, wanting to know the price of the wild vegetables he was selling. However, when I flipped through the entire picture book, I didn't find the price of my wild vegetables. Just as he was having some doubts, the big star next to him seemed to have guessed something and passed him a smaller, thinner picture book. I was too familiar with the dish on the cover: Capsella. I knew it must be a wild vegetable price list. I took it and saw that it was indeed. However, he hadn't thought that the wild dishes would be as beautiful as this picture book. It was the style of a five-star hotel.    


However, after flipping through the price list, I was so shocked that I couldn't keep my tongue. It seems that the price is a little too high. For example, the most common soup would have cost 698 yuan per serving; the wind-fried winter bamboo shoots would have cost 668 yuan per serving; and the best Xiangxi wind-fried winter bamboo shoots would have cost 1,198 yuan per serving. Xiangxi, of course, I know a mysterious place in Hunan Province, where I once heard my father talk about the meat of the wind.    


I really don't think so. There are only a few common wild vegetables here, how can they be sold for such a high price? I know how to make a shepherd's purse soup. I don't need a kilo of wild shepherd's purse to make it. In other words, the selling price was at least 698 yuan for less than 45 yuan. The profit in between... Damn, this is too high!    


I suddenly had the urge to laugh. Firstly, this He Guoqian was indeed a talent. This wild vegetable could actually be used in such a way. Secondly, this He Guoqian was too evil. Not to mention that he treated me, especially the other customers. And those who came to order this kind of wild vegetables were even running wild!    


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