Super Little Farmer



However, it seemed that Aitin wasn't really angry. Seeing me look at her like this, she smiled at me before continuing to discuss the situation of the vegetable with me. I suggest, of course, that we head for Tianjin and the Rim Bohai Bay, if conditions permit, and possibly a few major cities in the northeast, or a few large coastal cities in Shandong Province. Etten obviously appreciated my point of view, and as I analyzed it, she nodded and, of course, added a few comments or suggestions from time to time.    


The two of us were in the middle of a heated conversation when the waiter led two more people in. I raised my head and saw that the person in front of me was Yi Jing, while behind her was Ceng Hai Qing. I quickly stood up to greet them. The two of them warmly greeted me and then calmly sat down. Aiten sat on my left, and this Yiming naturally sat on my right side, and that Zeng Hai Qing sat next to her.    


I hurried the waiter to serve the dishes. The restaurant was only served one serving when the waiter brought in a total of four people. When the two men and two women walked in, they looked at me before running to the side to find a table to sit at. The leader of the two immediately requested to order dishes in Putonghua. Even though I felt that I had seen the most beautiful girl before, I couldn't find any memory of her. After a while, I was speechless: I am so lustful that I think I have seen a beauty before. Aha, I'm sure I'll get a beating from her if I go up to talk to her like this. Fortunately, I didn't mean that. I still have to stay with the guests. After that, I asked the waiter to bring a box of pure milk for Ai Ting and Yi Jing. Zeng Haiqing and I each ordered a bottle of Chinese strong wine.    


We were in the middle of drinking when another round of drinks left the restaurant, leaving only our table and the table beside it. Zeng Haiqing, who had been drinking with me from his seat, suddenly smiled and stood up, saying that he had to thank the hospitality of the evening and stand up to toast me. When I saw this, I wanted to stand up and return the gesture with a smile on my face.    


Just as I was about to stand up, I suddenly felt two strong gusts of wind attacking me from behind.    


Not good, someone ambushed me!    


Instinctively, I leaned to the side and dodged the man on the left. I twisted my hand to block the man on the right. I was surprised and angry: in Beijing, who would be so arrogant? Besides, I seem to be busy with my own business and haven't offended anyone. According to their way of playing, it was completely a game of life. What was going on?    


My thoughts were still in doubt. When I turned around, I was surprised to find that the ones who had ambushed me were the two men sitting at the table beside me. I was about to explain when the two young women attacked again. Thus, in this small hotel, I began to fight with two men and two women whom I had never met. Obviously, these four are all experts. I feel like they are special forces because their skills are all top-notch and every part of them are all weapons. I was more frightened than ever, wondering what was going on, but I did my best to fight the four of them to a draw.    


They were obviously surprised as well, as if they didn't expect me to have such skills. They looked at each other for a while and then attacked together. The waitress in the hotel had been scared out of her wits, so the boss quickly made a call.    


Well done. I glanced at her out of the corner of my eye, and when I saw her movements, I thought to myself, This is for 110. That's for the best. With the police here, I can stop and explain.    


With this certainty in his heart, he decided to ignore the four of them and just block and dodge. Unexpectedly, the other four didn't care about this at all. It was just a fierce battle, and after a few rounds of letting them go, I was able to forcibly take a few blows from them. Aitin was so shocked that she could not make a sound. At this moment, Yi Jing and that Ceng Haiqing were standing by my side. They did not call out or help me, but rather watched my battle.    


I was a little surprised that they didn't help me, but after a while I understood that they were police officers, and that they couldn't have been involved in the fight. With their abilities, it would at most be one on one with the people before them.    


While I was thinking about how to get out of this, I was also thinking about what was going on in Beijing and why it was all right. I was also trying to fight against the four of them. Just as I was about to say, there was another punch on the left side. I dodged it and the punch turned into a hook. I didn't want to hurt her, so with another flash, another kick came from behind me. In my heart, I finally became ruthless. I used the Iron Bridge Technique to dodge the hook, and at the same time, I used a four to four thousand pound fighting technique to grasp and tighten the leg behind me, before fiercely dragging it away. He heard a soft cry, and the man behind him lost his balance and leaned to the side. I moved even faster and used a roundhouse movement technique. At the same time, my body fell and both of my legs kicked out. That person immediately flew out.    


A cry of alarm rang out. I looked over and saw that the person I kicked flying was the young beauty that I felt somewhat familiar with. I kicked him into the air and sent him flying towards the hotpot at the next table. All the people around could not come to the rescue.    


Almost without thinking, I stomped my leg and threw myself forward with all my might. Fortunately, my reaction was fast enough. I grabbed both of her legs and pulled her forcefully backwards. Then, I reached out my hands to save this beauty before firmly hugging her again.    


The woman was stunned. He dodged in a flash. Needless to say, the pot of oil was boiling over and the furnace was burning hot. As long as she could touch it, she would die and be seriously injured. And to such a beautiful woman, it was the worst kind of disfigurement! Fortunately, my 'enemy', who had been fighting with her for so long, came in time.    


The moment she moved away, the two men and the other woman looked at each other before each of them used their movement techniques to come over. After the four of us exchanged blows for three rounds, we heard a loud shout: "Be careful!" Before I could finish my words, there was a scream from behind me.    


It was both Aitin's voice. Without even thinking about it, someone attacked from behind and Aitin saved me. Subconsciously, I turned around to see the young beauty that I had rescued suddenly attack me from behind. She had already knocked Aitin down, and the second blow had arrived. I stare at Aiten, who has fainted on the floor.    


Apparently, this girl had tried her best to block my attack. She wanted to make me lose my combat strength with a single palm, but she didn't expect her to protect me. She couldn't stop herself and gave her a heavy injury.    


Seeing this, the two men and two women stopped and looked at each other.    


I didn't know why, but I felt an inexplicable pain in my heart!    


Volume III    


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