Super Little Farmer



Romel finally agreed, and for some reason I felt relieved. Ye Shuzhen smiled at him. Then the three of them looked at each other and smiled. The following tasks were naturally easy to do, but various work arrangements were made:    


First, of course, rent, or buy an office building for office use. These include at least three companies: the formed Gadfly Mountain Vegetable Company; the fully fledged and growing supermarkets; and the catering agency we are currently preparing.    


Secondly, determine the time and place. The location was set on the skirt building of the main building, Jing Chu International, renting all three floors one, two and three. As for the details, I will be in charge of communicating with Zhu Dantong. As for the time, should open after the Spring Festival, the most appropriate time is the next May before work, March or April, can be.    


Third, identify the start-up funds. 1 million should be enough, but it's not too realistic to transfer all the proposals I've put forward from the raw supermarket. Rommel made it clear that there were two reasons for this: first, the need for fresh supermarkets to be developed and the need for large sums of money; both, such a large flow of money, could cause unnecessary misunderstandings in the tax or industrial sectors. The most appropriate approach would be for the individual natural persons to contribute their own funds to form a joint stock company. Based on everyone's current situation, there shouldn't be much of a problem.    


I thought about it. It really wasn't big. Me, Ling Zi, Ying Zi, Zhou Yajie, Zhou Bingjie, and Ai Ting, we'll each spend 1 million yuan. This capital can be extracted directly from the Gadfly Mountain Vegetable Company, or from the Shanghai Project Department, the Beijing Project Department, and then from a portion of the fresh supermarket, that is. As for Zhu Dantong, she could also pay for it; if she didn't pay for it, she could also buy shares in this dress. As for causing unnecessary misunderstandings in the administrative department, I didn't expect it. I've always thought that this money was created by us. I can do whatever I want and use it whenever I want. However, he thought to himself, [I have solid knowledge of books. I am indeed not as good as the two before me. I have practical experience with them!] It seemed that he had to work hard in this area in the future.    


Of course, I will continue to discuss the fourth point. The fourth and most important point: Identify the thematic features of the new catering establishment. This is really important, and it is our top priority at the moment; but it is also the most difficult point, and we will not be able to think of it for a while. He decided to press the button for now and talk about it later.    


Next, of course, was when Ye Shuizhen persuaded Luo Mei'er to quit her job at Su Hua's Bar, to become a full-time restaurant that was about to be created. I couldn't show it, so I just looked at Romel. Rommel pondered in silence for a while, then looked at Ye Shuzhen with a smile that wasn't a smile. He gave me another deep look before finally nodding his head. Finally, under the "coercion" of Ye Shuzhen, she agreed to resign from tomorrow.    


What followed next was the first discussion of all the details, nothing more than how to recruit people. The case was easy to handle. Ye Shuzhen arranged for the few people in charge of human resources and planning at the raw supermarket to make the relevant job advertisements, which were published in the main newspapers of South Wei Province and Jingchu City. As for the assigned personnel, they will be decided by Ye Shuzhen, Romer, Yukiko, me, Zhu Dantong, and a few others. This matter could be taken care of first. Once Ye Shuqian returned to her office this afternoon, it would be time to begin.    


By the time the main issues were finished, it was already afternoon. Only then did the three remember that they had not eaten lunch. Fortunately, this coffee shop had a set meal, so we ordered one for each of us, happily eating. When we were done, Ye Shuqian was about to rush to the supermarket, while I took a taxi with Romel to the nearby area to see if there were any suitable buildings. One afternoon, the two of us had a quick look at three buildings and three taxis.    


Somehow, coming out of the third sales center, I suddenly had a bad feeling that I didn't want to go any further. However, he couldn't find a good reason to shirk his responsibility. Romel was still calm, but I had the feeling that she was in a state of excitement, because her eyes had told me everything. The fact that she didn't even mention resting was a clear proof of that.    


I don't understand why she's like this, excited when she's doing something. After a while, I understood that perhaps only work, only the work of forgetting oneself, can make her forget the pain of the past! However, I was a little worried about her body. It was because of her sister as well as her. I don't know how I feel about her, but I do. At that moment, I stood there and smiled at Romer, "Big Sister Mei Er, you've worked hard today. How about we stop here for today? Will it continue tomorrow? "    


She looked at me as if she enjoyed my concern for her, blushed again, but then, after a moment, calmed down, looked at her watch, and said: It's four-thirty in the morning, and we'll see the last building, won't we?    


Of course, I had nothing to say. I suppressed the feelings in my heart, nodded my head, caught another taxi and continued on my way. For some reason, the first three times I'd asked Rommel to sit on the inside of the back seat of the taxi and I'd sat on the outside, but this time I'd automatically moved to the inside and let Rommel sit on the outside.    


The taxi moved quickly and it was obvious that Romer was somewhat familiar with the last building. With a few pointers, the taxi turned left and right and drilled right, and the building called the Silver Building entered his eyes. He was getting closer and closer to the building, and the car was getting slower and slower. Another small turn and they were about to reach the front parking area of the building.    


I made up my mind about this building. Not bad, I have to admit, this building is not bad. Although the first three blocks were prejudiced against me, I have to admit that this is the best location to bury the floor. In fact, the four buildings were not too far away from Jing Chu International, and this Silver Glow Tower was not the closest one. However, the traffic advantage here was the most obvious. Just by looking at its appearance, I was tempted.    


At this moment, the taxi finally stopped. I thought I had reached my destination. I opened my eyes and saw that I wasn't there. I was only 150 meters away from the sales center of the building. The taxi stopped because of a scrape with an electric bike. Romel and I looked at each other, nodded, and agreed, of course, to get out of the car and walk over. I took out 10 yuan and gave it to the driver. Romel pushed the door open and got out. I moved to the door.    


Just as quickly as that. Right at that moment, a large truck loaded with dirt came rushing out of the construction site at a decent speed. The driver clearly didn't expect there to be a taxi parked in front of the building. The pilot was clearly flustered, and he hurriedly began to type out directions …    


I saw with my own eyes that flustered face, and the two arms that had turned the wheel. I felt an inexplicable panic, almost without thinking, and with lightning speed, I stamped my foot and bent my waist, one hand protecting the head of Romel who was looking at the building but paying no attention to what was going on behind, and with the other hand I suddenly pushed hard against her wonderful waist, catching her off guard and sending her flying out.    


Before I could react, I felt a huge black mountain spring up behind me, and then I didn't know anything. Before she passed out, it was clearly a female cry, but it was still from Loremarie.    


She's fine, just fine …    


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