Super Little Farmer



Reiko's full chest was undoubtedly a quiet harbor. I finally calmed down a little and thought of nothing, just the quiet smell of her body and the soft texture of her breasts. After an unknown period of time, I finally recovered from the sadness. I gently raised my body, only to see the spirited, lively, and beautiful big eyes of the Spirit smiling at me. I don't know why, but I suddenly felt like it.    


Without a second thought, I threw myself at Reiko. The spirit seemed to know what I was thinking, as she giggled softly, as though she was refusing me and welcoming me back.    


How could she be that handsome and elegant spirit child from the mountains? She is a fairy that captures my soul! It was better if she didn't laugh, because when she did, my hair stood on end. Almost without much effort, the two of us faced each other naked. I didn't even want to carry her to bed, so I went right into her body on the sofa. The spirit of Kai-shek first agreed with me to the best of his abilities, but not half of it remained, and I could only lie there and let her do as she wished. I took her hint and persevered until I was completely released, and then I carried the spirit of Kai-shek to the bath, which was as soft as mud.    


I have devoted myself to this movement. By the time I went out with the Spirit again, I was in high spirits, in high spirits, and full of ambition. At this moment, the Spirit Child is really "lively and spirited." Her face, eyes, body, and demeanor are so enchanting that even I, who had been tormenting her for more than an hour, felt my teeth twitch.    


Sometimes, these things were really useful.    


I sighed in my heart for a while before retracting my mind. He then rushed to the hospital with the spiritual child.    


To my surprise, Yukiko, Ronnie, and Zhu Danton, as well as the doctor, were having a heated conversation with the two beautiful police officers in the ward. My heart couldn't help but sink again. These girls, why couldn't they tell if they were friends or enemies? Besides, they were all talking animatedly outside the door, who would be the guardian of Aitin?    


I had a livid expression on my face and hadn't said anything yet. That Young Master had already seen me long ago. He immediately stepped forward to welcome me. Before I could say anything, he smiled and said, "Yunzi, there's good news for you."    


"What is it?" I wanted to hate her, but when I saw the smile on her face, I couldn't help but ask. I took another look at Ronnie and Zhu Dantong, who were standing behind Yinzi with a wide smile on their faces. For a moment, I thought to myself, I don't know what to do with the two beautiful police officers, Zeng Haiying and Yi Jing. I thought to myself, Yinzi is here to tell me good news, and she is talking to her happily and confidently outside the door. Because from what I know about Yinzi, I'm sure that if it wasn't for the fact that Aitin was getting better, with her responsible attitude, this kind of 'irresponsible' wouldn't have happened.    


Sure enough, my imagination was still running wild. That Yinzi smiled again, "Doctor Wenwen's master is here. He's helping Sister Aitin in the ward." Sigh, he sure is amazing, Aitin was awake just now. The old man guaranteed that Aitin would be fine in the future. He even chased us out earlier, saying that Aitin can't be scratched now, that he alone, and a nurse to accompany him inside …    


Oh, I see. At this point, hearing that Aitin could recover completely, I finally felt relieved. Then I thought, I really have to thank this old man. It seems like when I was heavily injured last time, Wenshen said that it was thanks to her master's guidance that I could recover so quickly!    


I sat down devoutly in the chair outside the corridor. Reiko followed me closely and sat down. Yukiko came and sat down on the other side of me. Wen Qi greeted me and went into the ward. Ronnie, Zhu Danton, and the two beautiful police officers, who had been silent for a while, came over quietly and, embarrassed to look at me, quietly sat down on the other side of the child.    


He waited in silence. After an unknown amount of time, the door to the ward opened and three people in white coats walked out. The leader was a half-white old man, the second was an experienced man, and the third was a young woman. It was obvious that the half-white old man was Wen Zhi's old master, and the last one was a nurse. I quickly got up to greet him. The old man looked at me, stunned. I asked quickly about Etten.    


The old man smiled and said, "It should be fine. It will be fully recovered after three months of rest."    


I was startled, and my heart sank. However, he was shocked.    


The old man's voice was too familiar. Wasn't he the "Old Cao" who treated me after I was stung by the wasp back home? She knew that Zhou Yajie and I were ill at that time, so if he said that Aitin was fine, then Aitin would definitely be fine!    


I was a little surprised and a little flustered and didn't know what to do. Old man Cao smiled at me. It seems that he has already recognized me. However, before I could react, his hand moved as fast as lightning. He grabbed my pulse and cut it with his eyes closed. I didn't know why, but I didn't scratch. By this time, the women had already surrounded us. Seeing the two of us in this state, they stopped in their tracks and stared at us.    


I kept watching the old man's face. The old face was now stern, now frowning, now relaxed and open. My heart skipped a beat. I'm sure that this old man found out that I was heavily injured that day, but I'm not dead yet, and I'm still alive and well. It's a bit strange, so he decided to do this. At that moment, he did not move, and he cooperated fully with the old man's actions.    


After a long while, Old Cao finally let go. After a while, he said slowly, "Kid, you had a fortuitous encounter, right?"    


I thought for a moment and was even more sure that it meant that I had been stung dozens of times but hadn't died. Furthermore, my sexual abilities were extremely strong, so I nodded my head. Of course I'm glad I'm not dead. However, he was somewhat vexed over that extremely strong ability of his. I will need at least two people to deal with me at the same time. With such a good body as a spirit child, I would pass out less than half the time I need for the second half of the competition. This was not a good feeling. Until now, it was only when both Zhou Yajie and Rinzi had entered the fray at the same time that I had a real, enjoyable experience. Both of them, this ability is too strong. Does this mean that there is something wrong with my body? I have no proof, but the incongruity of this sexual capacity does not prevent me from thinking about my health. However, this question isn't easy to answer. Since this old man asked this question, it just so happens that I have a chance to 'dispel' his doubts.    


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