Super Little Farmer



Just as he was walking home, his phone rang again. It was Zhang Jun's phone. When I pick it up, the voice of the spirit child is on the other side. I talked to her for a while, and then the voice changed again. They had already received the bank card. I briefly explained the card's function, asking the two of them to help me pay the fees there. As for the password, it was her and Reiko's birthday number. On the other side, Yinzi responded with a bit of emotion. He told me that the third batch of wild vegetables had already departed. He estimated that they would arrive at Jingchu City around 12 o'clock tonight and told me to pay attention to the transfer.    


When he got home, Zhu Dantong was already there. He could guess from the BMW parked outside the small courtyard. Entering the small courtyard, sure enough, the little beauty Sachiko and herself were also there. Furthermore, it was obvious that they had changed into new clothes. Sachiko's clothes had been bought by Ronnie and the others that day. Zhu Dantong was wearing a dress and looked very elegant. When I returned, they both stood up to greet me.    


"Oh, it's like this. You should have already answered the phone, right?" Seeing me so surprised, Zhu Dantong smiled at me. I was stunned and instantly understood. Apparently, she and that English beauty called Lisa seemed to be classmates of that Jade Lady superstar, and their relationship was not just average. However, these three were all saved by me that day. Presumably, the big star had already informed Zhu Dantong when she called me. With that thought, I nodded.    


"Han Bing'er has already told me about tonight's dinner. She also said that the three of us would invite you together. And said that you've already agreed to bring more people. " Zhu Dantong saw me nod and explained with a smile. I knew that the three people she was referring to were Zhu Dantong, Lisa and Han Bing'er. But why was she so happy and shy when she said that I would bring someone with me? In an instant, I reacted. Despite her current state, she was most likely the person I wanted to take along, my girlfriend!    


Yet, my heart was filled with bitterness. With just a single sentence, he was able to turn this capable beauty into such a state! I suddenly had a bad feeling that my relationship with Zhu Dantong would not end there; my current ambiguous attitude towards her might have to be changed. Because, to be honest, I really didn't think of bringing her today. The person I wanted to bring was Sachiko. Looking at her expression, I felt embarrassed to deny it. At that moment, I nodded vaguely.    


Seeing that I was indeed like this, Zhu Dantong was obviously very happy. After a while, I took a big bag from my bed. While I was stunned, I quickly took out something. I saw that it was a complete set of clothes, including suits, shirts, shoes, ties, and even watches.    


"I custom-made it for your body. "Let's see, it doesn't fit. Let's see if this girlfriend of mine fits or not." She smiled at me as she took it from her bag. I suddenly understood why she hadn't come back in the afternoon, and I felt strangely touched. Still, I shook my head at her.    


"What's wrong? You don't like it? " When Zhu Dantong saw me like this, she was stunned for a moment.    


"No, on the contrary, I like it." I smiled. "It's just that I'm not used to it. Furthermore, I believe that there is no need for me to wear such a luxurious outfit to the banquet tonight! "    


"How can we do that? They were big stars over there! What's more, you're my boyfriend! " When Zhu Dantong heard my words, she stopped and pondered for a moment before continuing to explain to me.    


"Don't try to persuade me. I have my principles. If I thought you were right, I'd do it. " I continued to smile. I couldn't bear to interrupt her, but I had to stick to my own principles. Seeing that she was a little calmer, I added, "I also know that she is a big star. The people around her are all well-dressed and eat well. But I'm not the same as them. What's more, in my eyes, so what if she's a big star? I don't think I'll ever go out of my way to please someone. "    


Zhu Dantong no longer tried to persuade him otherwise. Seeing that she was a little depressed, I smiled and said, "Dantong, thank you for everything you've done for me. Help me pack this set of clothes. If I don't wear it today, that doesn't mean I won't wear it in the future. "    


At this point, Zhu Dantong finally understood. She put away all the clothes and put them on my bed. We went out together again with Sachiko. She drove again, and Sachiko and I sat in the back. On the way, I called Etten to tell her that we all had our own things to do, and that we were all off to eat at home, so she could settle her own dinner. She was obviously pleased to hear it, and happily told me that she had eaten with her parents and brother.    


When he arrived at the hotel, he immediately headed to the 28th floor after reporting with the waiter. It turned out that the restaurant's dining area was divided into two floors, the third floor and the twenty-eighth floor. The third floor was an ordinary private room, and there was also a main hall for ordinary people to use. The twenty-eighth floor was a special room for those with special requirements or special status. I didn't expect that we would have the chance to come here.    


After we got out of the elevator, the waiter continued to lead us forward. Zhu Dantong and Sachiko followed, and I walked to the end. As I walked, I kept an eye out. To be honest, after Sachiko's birthday party was held on the third floor of this hotel, she came back home feeling that she had missed something, so she decided to look for it today. But apparently, I was a little disappointed. When I reached the entrance of the room, I didn't notice anything special.    


Arriving at the entrance of the private box, I found an acquaintance. It's that dashing middle-aged man, I was heavily injured by him that day. I had already guessed that he was the bodyguard of the superstar Han Bing'er, so I nodded at him. He saw me, too, and seemed surprised by my appearance, but I had evidently impressed him, and now he gave a little start and nodded back. I doubt he would laugh. This was because he was still the same as the last time they had met. There was no change on his face, and it was so calm that it caused people to feel a chill in their hearts. I had already guessed that he came from the special forces, so I thought to myself, I just don't know if these special forces know how to laugh.    


Just as he was thinking about it, the door to the private box opened and Han Bing'er, who was still dressed in her simple dress, came to him. She was still as beautiful and young as before. Seeing us enter, she first embraced Zhu Dantong warmly and then said something in a low voice. Then, after Zhu Dantong's introduction, she greeted Sachiko. It was obvious that she was very fond of Sachiko. She only saw two beauties, one big and the other small, coming together. When the two flowers met, the scenery around them was completely overwhelmed. At the very least, Zhu Dantong and the English beauty Lisa who was greeting me behind Han Bing'er are both exceptionally beautiful. However, under the image of these two beauties, they are slightly inferior.    


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