Super Little Farmer



Just a moment ago, I was thinking that such a set of clothes would probably cost quite a bit of money. I kept having the feeling that Zhu Dantong was making a big fuss out of nothing. I'm sure that her birthday friend was born into an extraordinary background and had a good relationship with her. If not, she wouldn't have done such a thing. He wanted to ask who they were, but felt that doing so would only make them more interested in him, so he decided against it.    


As I was thinking, I felt Zhu Dantong looking at me with a faint smile. I suddenly had a vague feeling that something was wrong. However, it was hard to tell what was wrong.    


The car moved quickly, and in a short while, they arrived at the villa's entrance. I got out of the car first, of course, and had Zhu Dantong pull into the parking space. As I got out of the car, I heard Zhu Dantong mutter, "He Mengya, I want to see how you will compete with me!"    


Damn! Look at this girl's house, she doesn't seem to be a lady.    


However, what was she competing in? Who was that He Mengya?    


I was curious, and then I mocked myself. It seems like this is a contest between two ladies, it has nothing to do with a man like me, I don't need to care! As he thought about this, he pushed the door open and entered the room.    


Everyone was back, preparing dinner. Not long later, Zhu Dantong also entered and sat down. I ate quickly and gave a brief account of the progress of my project as I ate. After hearing my introduction, everyone had smiles plastered on their faces. I didn't want to say too much, I just vaguely indicated that I would be able to get on the train the day after tomorrow. I went back to my room early to study the second section of the road, and then went to bed late at night. The girls also knew that I was very nervous, so they didn't bother me. The night passed in silence.    


I got up early the next morning, and went straight to the construction site as usual, accompanied by Aitin and Sally. The construction site was progressing very quickly. Last night's construction was yet again different from yesterday's. The greening had been half completed, and the modified asphalt had been covered with the first layer. The second floor will be made up during the day, and the third floor will be made up by tomorrow morning. He would draw a line tomorrow afternoon, and the earliest he could get was tomorrow night!    


The more I read, the more assured I am. After a while, I thought that once this road was open, the city would send a group of experts to assess me within ten days. Once I passed that test, I would be able to officially sign my contract on returns. It seemed like Xie Yuting's work had never been light. It seems like her graduate student had already graduated, how come I didn't see her come to tell me that she was leaving, and still helping me as usual? Well, I have to talk to her about such a capable person. It would be great if I could keep her here!    


Just as he was thinking, his phone rang again. It was Zhu Dantong. However, she had already reached the starting point of the journey and had come to pick me up. Only then did I remember what happened yesterday. I handed over the task at hand to Aiten and Sally and walked towards the starting point on my own.    


He got into Zhu Dantong's car and drove straight to the Hundred Union Commercial Market. As soon as we entered the house, the foreigner rose from his seat and motioned us to wait. I'm fine, but Zhu Dantong smiled again, as if she wanted to say something. That foreigner was very smart, as if he knew what she wanted to say. He only smiled and said, "Miss Zhu, don't worry. That outfit arrived at Jingchu Airport half an hour ago and is currently being delivered here."    


Hearing this, Zhu Dantong did not say anything, and the two of them just chatted for a while. Only then did I realize that the middle-aged foreign man was Jorey Gerty, a full-time tailor at Dunhill. I felt that I had heard of this name somewhere before. I thought about it, but couldn't remember what it was, so I stopped thinking about it. After a while, he guessed that this might be a better brand. Otherwise, there was no need for Zhu Dantong to drag me here with such exaggeration.    


Just as he was thinking, someone came in. The middle-aged man accepted the large box, and opened it with the help of the two beautiful female staff members. It really was a set of clothes. It was then that I realized that shirts, ties, etc.    


Just as I was lamenting that this factory is really not bad, I was looking for a place to change my clothes or test the size of my clothes when the two staff members directly put my clothes into their pockets. Zhu Dantong didn't even look at it as she swiped her card and took my clothes away. I was stunned for a moment before laughing at myself. It seemed that these tailors were extremely confident in their craftsmanship!    


Zhu Dantong ignored me, who was currently lost in my thoughts, and under the guidance of the staff member, directly carried me by the hand through the elevator and into the Hundred Links Merchant Shop. Only then did I know how Zhu Dantong spent her money. One Omega watch, 167 thousand yuan, bought; one Marlboro signature pen, 17 thousand yuan, bought; another Marlboro leather kit, including belt, wallet, 86 thousand yuan, bought; a limited edition lighter, 32 thousand yuan, bought; a package of cigarettes, limited edition, 5 packs, 16 thousand yuan, bought...    


F * ck me! Was it that exaggerated?    


While I was sighing, Zhu Dantong calmly chose, swiped, chose, and swiped her card. When the work is finally done, and the whole thing is handed over to me. I finally realized that all of this was really for me!    


Carrying these, looking at Zhu Dantong's smiling face, I can't be happy no matter what. You know, the contents of these paper bags in my hand are worth nearly 400 thousand yuan! Although I don't know how much money Zhu Dantong spent on the wedding dress just now, but if the outfit before me is worth that much, then I have reason to guess that it must be worth at least 500 thousand yuan!    


A cake seller!    


One million yuan! Wearing it just like that!    


How was this putting on clothes!    


This was all about money!    


Of course, this doesn't mean that I won't be able to use or afford to wear such expensive clothes. On the contrary, I already have tens of millions of yuan on hand. This million yuan item won't be difficult for me! It's just that I don't think it's necessary! That million yuan, if used in my project, can do a lot of things!    


I wanted to rebel against Zhu Dantong's actions, but when I looked up, I saw this wonderful person looking at me lovingly, and remembering what she was going to do, I said nothing. I just followed her quietly out of the house and into the car. Of course, my heart was full of thoughts: [Just treat this clothes as a gift from her girlfriend. When I earn some money in the future, I will also give her a set!]    


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