Super Little Farmer



For the first time, he felt that this Chinese soldier was terrifying and worthy of respect. Because he only found out at that time that there was only one Chinese soldier left. In other words, in the past long period of time, this injured Chinese soldier was only able to survive after receiving treatment for a week to ten days. Then, the only person who would save him would be the other soldier beside him, the most powerful Chinese sniper! And the loss of that wounded soldier was a release for himself and that Chinese sniper!    


One on one!    


The final battle had begun between the two militants!    


The dense forest here was the best battlefield between the two soldiers. After more than ten days of fighting and offense and defense. For the first time, Shimamoto wanted to give up. But obviously, his opponent would not give him that chance. This again forced him to produce a strong will. Unknowingly, the two of them had already reached the edge of the primeval forest.    


After two days and two nights of ambushing, Shimamoto saw no sign of her opponent. When he came out of the place where he had been ambushing that Chinese soldier, he suddenly encountered that Chinese soldier after passing by a large tree!    


Yes, a face-to-face encounter. That Chinese soldier had clearly turned around from the other side of the tree!    


However, his hand was not slow. The sniper rifle held the last bullet in it, and it aimed at the Chinese soldier. That Chinese soldier obviously hadn't been on guard against him, a Japanese soldier, or perhaps he had used the island's method of fighting to plunder Ben One's backhand, but he didn't expect to meet him here. The sniper rifle was also aiming at the head of the small island almost at the same time!    


Just like this, the two opponents who had been fighting in the primeval forest for almost two months were now facing each other with a sniper rifle pointed at each other's heads!    


He just quietly pointed.    


Both of them knew that if they relaxed even a little bit, their heads would immediately explode from the impact!    


Just like that, the two of them stood facing the gun for more than two hours. Both of them were carefully sizing up this rare opponent!    


Just as they were fully prepared for each other, a child's voice suddenly sounded from not too far away. The two of them seemed to have reached a tacit understanding, but they also seemed to be disdainful of plotting against their opponent. Thus, when the two of them were on guard, they could actually use the corner of their eyes to see where the sound came from. It was two Myanmar kids, about five or six years old. They were walking in the forest, which was about 200 meters away.    


It turned out that the two of them were already at the edge of the primeval forest as they walked. A little further on was the residential area of Myanmar. Clearly, these two children were the children of the residents of this area. They were currently coming to the mountain to play!    


As he looked at them one by one, he sighed in his heart. He knew that the two children wouldn't be able to live for long!    


He was familiar with this place. Because their troops fought a tough battle here with the 200 th Division of Huaxia, they planted a lot of mines in this mountain, especially in this area. He believed that the Great Japanese Imperial Army, as well as the Chinese Expeditionary Forces, as well as the British and Burmese Army, had all laid mines here. In other words, the density of mines in this area was quite high. As a sniper, he obviously knew about the state of the mines in his country, and he also knew a little about his opponents.    


When he had scanned the area just now, he had known that there were at least three minefields within 200 meters!    


In other words, if the two children were to continue forward no more than 20 meters, both of them would die from the lightning strikes!    


However, at the moment, he couldn't care that much because he had another powerful opponent, the extremely powerful Chinese sniper!    


The two children continued to move forward, getting closer and closer to the minefield!    


Ben the Island was still coldly aiming his gun at his opponent.    


Suddenly, the opponent moved! Almost immediately, the island pulled the trigger. But luckily, his reaction was fast enough because he discovered that his opponent wasn't moving against him, but to the side. He loosened his grip a little and kept his finger on the trigger. He was just about to shoot at the enemy if anything went wrong. At most, he would die together with the enemy!    


Unexpectedly, the Chinese soldier didn't care that his gun was pointed at his head. Instead, he turned sideways and the sniper rifle shot out, hitting a tall tree not too far away. One of the coconuts in the tree fell to the ground with a smack. However, he did not touch the lightning as he rolled on the ground.    


He immediately understood what his opponent meant!    


That Chinese soldier was disregarding his own life to save those two Burmese children!    


He couldn't help but sigh. Obviously, this Chinese soldier was aware of the dangerous situation in this area and the dangerous situation of the two Burmese children. His aim was to make the coconut fall to the ground and explode by hitting it, scare the two children away!    


It was just that his luck was a bit worse! His marksmanship was accurate and he managed to strike down the coconut fruit in an instant. However, he did not trigger any lightning strikes and did not achieve his goal!    


She sighed and felt ashamed. He made up his mind and temporarily stopped shooting. He would compete with the Chinese man in front of him in terms of guns after he saved the two Burmese children!    


However, what surprised him was that when the Chinese soldier opposite him saw that he missed, he immediately put down the gun and waved it at the two kids, shouting and shouting! Clearly, he was hinting for the two children to leave and leave the minefield! But the two kids obviously didn't understand the Chinese soldier's efforts, so they still came!    


It was clear that this Chinese soldier's gun was the same as his own. There was only one bullet left!    


He had actually used the last life saving bullet like this …    


Shimamoto was suddenly filled with emotion. He shifted the gun and also aimed at another tree and shot. The marksmanship was equally accurate. A coconut fell from another tree. However, his luck was much better. The moment the coconut fell, he would be struck by lightning. The moment the landmine exploded, the two Burmese children were shocked. They were stunned and immediately ran back!    


The island let out a sigh of relief, and the Chinese soldier also let out a sigh of relief!    


When he looked back, the Chinese soldier smiled at him and spread out his hands, indicating that he no longer had any bullets and would be at the disposal of the island. There was an inexplicable warmth in Shimamoto's heart. The gun struck empty air, indicating that it was the last bullet he had fired. That Chinese soldier was surprised for a moment and then smiled. For some inexplicable reason, Island was very happy, and it smiled inside its heart. In the end, the two men who were engaged in a life and death battle actually looked at each other and laughed out loud at the same time.    


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