Super Little Farmer



In fact, the weather had long since turned cold, and Ye Shuzhen and I were still wearing more clothes. But we have to rest every time we get to a city, so we have to stay in a hotel. I had intended to share a room with Ye Shuzhen, but she thought it was a waste of money and eventually forced me to ask to share a room with her every night.    


Yes, I had volunteered to share a room with her. But she did force me to beg her!    


Was this a joke? No! That was the truth. One had to know that she had never taken the initiative to mention sharing the same room!    


Just because she didn't mention it didn't mean that she didn't know how to say anything else! Ye Shuzhen, seeing that I was about to open up two rooms, stood beside me and sneered. What do you mean Zhang Yun is now a rich man, a noble man, what do you mean he can spend money on, what do you mean she is not afraid of, what do you think a man is afraid of, etc. Although I was not criticized, I was not stupid. Of course, I could hear that what she said was the opposite of what she was saying. She was asking me to save the money by living in the same room with her!    


Of course, I could not bear her retorts, so I gave up the idea of living in the same room with her. Seeing that I only had one room, Ye Shuzhen didn't really want to take it on anymore. She called us men and women apart, like the clouds in the sky. I was exhausted by her teasing, unable to advance, unable to retreat, knowing that I was in her way, so I had no choice but to put my face down and beg her, to promise and to say good things, and it was with great difficulty that she reluctantly agreed. When she actually entered the room, she was once again full of smiles.    


She smiled, but I was bitter. Not only have I recognized the tricks of this little girl, but also the hot figure of her, Ye Shuzhen!    


You know, she knows there's a man like me in the room with her, but every night when she goes to bed, she's either in a three-spot style, or she's wearing a pair of panties with nothing on top of them but a nightgown, or she's wearing all her sleeping clothes, but there's not a single strand in them, or she's just wearing a nightgown, and she's just shaking her legs so that they're only blurring my eyes!    


She felt that this was very natural. But I am broken, how can that dress, whether bright or dark or hidden, be so enticing? Many times, I wanted to take her right, but I kept thinking about the few who were still in Jing Chu, so I could only swallow my saliva and desperately take a cold shower before finally getting rid of them!    


Just like this, the day of his return to Jing Chu finally arrived. That day, when we returned to Jing Chu, Ye Shuzhen wanted to talk about something with me, but I finally ignored her. I wrapped myself around Ronnie and Ling Zi to vent my anger, and only then did I relax a little. In the middle of the night, I suddenly thought of Ye Shuzhen's half revealed thighs. I had no choice but to sneak into Romer's room and do it. When I was done, I found that he was looking at me with a faint smile. I didn't know why she was smiling, but I had the feeling that her smile was a bit ambiguous, and that her smile must have something to do with me and Ye Shuzhen. Although he knew that Ye Shuzhen and I had nothing to do with each other, he still felt quite nervous in his heart. After exercising on Romel's body, he hurriedly left in a flustered manner. This caused Romel, who had come to see me off, to chuckle.    


The night passed in silence. The next day, he could only come back obediently and discuss the situation with Ye Shuzhen.    


Ye Shuzhen did not go to work today. She just lazily wore a nightgown and lightly sat at the table on the second floor to talk to me. Although she was also wearing this nightgown, I was certain that her nightgown was a vacuum! I could even make out the two faint grapes and the two faint buttocks under her nightgown. Ye Shuren, however, didn't seem to know that I was being seduced. She just smiled and discussed the opening of a shop with me.    


It was with great difficulty that I managed to talk to her in detail. As a result, the two of them reached an agreement on several points.    


The first was to establish the authority to manage chain supermarkets in various cities. In my opinion, finance is run by the chief financial officer of the headquarters, and although each development centre has a certain amount of financial self-care, it is only a sum of five per cent of the total annual profit of the centre and twenty per cent of the increase profit, which is eventually reported to the headquarters. As for promotion and procurement, it should also be managed by the headquarters, and the promotion should be implemented by the headquarters' department of business planning. The development centres are also dedicated to the department of business planning, which is subject to the dual management of the centres and the headquarters' department of business planning. In other words, the large-scale activities will be planned and implemented by the headquarter's department of business planning. There are some small activities in each branch, and the departments of business planning in each division can carry out them independently. As for procurement, the main body is still under the unified management of Headquarters, but considering the tastes of consumers in cities and municipalities, some of the products can be purchased by the centres themselves, but also have to be submitted to Headquarters for approval. All work except those three, including the principle of employment, is managed by the centres themselves.    


Second, is to establish the promotion model of chain supermarkets in various cities. Ye Shuzhen and I have done this over and over again. Because some time ago we visited these cities and found that the economy of these cities is obviously inferior to that of Jing Chu, we can use the corresponding method to deal with the local market. That is, each local market uses the "one master three times" opening mode. Each city would open a large scale raw food supermarket with a single store area of more than 30 thousand square meters as its flagship store in the golden district, a medium-sized raw food supermarket with a single store area of more than 10 thousand square meters in the slightly lower commercial district as its auxiliary store. In other good districts, there would be three to four small and medium-sized raw food supermarkets with a single store area of more than 5,000 square meters to 8000 square meters in the rest of the city. In this way, he would be able to take complete control of the city's mainstream.    


Third, was the speed and scale of opening a shop. Considering the property we have already seen, the next step is to have the expansion department negotiate a contract, and then quickly enter the opening state. According to the model that we were both currently establishing, it was entirely possible that we would open stores in several cities on the same day in the future. In this way, logistics and warehousing should be immediately brought into the process.    


At this point, I didn't say anything else and immediately called Luo Zhiwei. When he considered setting up a logistics fleet and a storage base in Jingkou, Jingshan and Jingzhen, respectively. Luo Zhiwei agreed and immediately went to prepare.    


Seeing that the other side agreed, I confirmed with Ye Shuzhen that we should open a shop in Jingkou City. There were three things he needed to do right now: to determine the properties and let Ye Shuzhen personally lead the Ministry of Expansion to discuss them; to recruit people at the local level and to transfer a portion of them from the headquarters; and to have the Department of Merchants and Markets initiate the recruitment process immediately.    


I stood up and poured a cup of tea into the kitchen. I poured another cup for Ye Shuzhen and brought it over with me. Seeing that she was still writing, he placed the cup of tea on the table and pushed it in front of her. Ye Shuzhen raised her head slightly, glanced at me, and continued writing.    




There was a strange thump in my head.    


What a beautiful pair of objects! At that moment, the pair of peaks in Ye Shuzhen's nightgown suddenly appeared before my eyes! Through the collar, I could see not only the two lumps of flesh, but also the two pink grapes!    


F * ck! This little girl really wasn't wearing any underwear!    


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