Super Little Farmer



That's right! Very good! For one thing, Rommel's thoughts were very clear; the software she used was very practical. I even started to sigh at Romer's digital camera. Because the pictures she took with her camera, such as Tiger Treading Stones or Yanziya, were all extremely clear. It was impossible to see that, even though her camera had fallen into the water with her, the picture was unharmed. After a while, she recalled that every time she finished using the camera, she would use a special waterproof bag to store it. It was hard to tell that these meticulous actions of his had helped him a lot. Because with these pictures, this essay is very convincing!    


Of course I continued to read, and made some changes, and of course the subject was still Rommel's. However, for this restaurant name, I mean the exclusive use of "Gadfly Mountain", because I have the ownership of the brand, I can directly use it. After this name, there were the words "food house" and "catering chain organization". After some thought, I added a chapter to this article: "The establishment of a special company, the Gadfly Mountain Restaurant in Nanwei Province," with a registered capital of ten million yuan.    


After finishing all these, only then did I come back to my senses. Only then did I feel that there was someone sitting beside me. Turning around to look, it is Ronnie. I don't know when she stopped taking care of her elder sister, but she is already sitting by my side. I looked at her, and she looked back at me. Just like that, when they looked at each other, Ronnie's face suddenly turned red and she shyly lowered her head. I felt a strange shiver in my heart, for I could see a strange mist in her eyes!    


Not daring to look, I glanced over at Romel, who was reclining on the bed. As if understanding that my modification had been completed, Rommel got out of bed and walked over to look at the revised text as well. I gave her a seat and left the room to find Zhu Dantong. She was resting in her room, and when she saw that I was looking for her, she gave me a charming look before following me to Romel's room to look at the paperwork. Seeing that it was her, Rommel gave up his coordinates and sat on a bench with Zhu Dantong, looking at the computer.    


When I saw it, I couldn't help but laugh. It was obvious that these two smart beauties understood my meaning: Together, they would construct this dining establishment, and Zhu Dantong would be the one to decorate it!    


Seeing the two of them carefully watching, from time to time communicating a little, or using the computer to modify something, my heart was of course pleased. After a while, he remembered what had happened to him and went straight to the house of the spirit child. Seiko and Zhou Bingjie were laughing and talking about something, but this time — I came, and we all laughed. When I saw the malicious intent in their eyes, I guessed that it must have something to do with taking Romel with me. I felt a little awkward. Fortunately, we remembered what had happened, so we had Lingzi make the call to Yinzi, and we discussed it. After a while, Yukiko came up, and we sat down in her room to discuss the matter of the Gadfly House. There were a few basic points. First, the expansion of the current Gadfly Mountain Vegetable Company, which was responsible not only for the provision of wild vegetables from the hotels but also for the provision of wild vegetables from the newly established Gadfly Mountain Restaurant, and, accordingly, the expansion of logistics and transportation. Secondly, the mountaineers who are being guided by the Gadfly Mountain Vegetable Company to grow ordinary vegetables with their own resources, we are responsible for the unified purchase and sale of these vegetables, but demand that the mountaineers pay attention to the "original ecology" when they grow them, we would rather have more money to buy or subsidize them than use pesticides or chemical fertilizers. Thirdly, the Gadfly Mountain Vegetable Company shall guide the mountaineers of our mountain to feed tree frogs, wild boar, sika deer, etc., using their own resources; the company may fund the selection of people from the Gadfly Mountain to study the relevant breeding and planting experiences in the field, and after learning these experiences, the company shall fund them to engage in the related breeding and planting, and to sign a contract with the company for the full sale. The detailed list of personnel and operation details shall be jointly discussed by Yinzi and Lingzi, and shall be decided upon later by me. Fourthly, in the mountain area, some people are invited to the newly established food house to be responsible for cooking rice. The main task is to cook the special food like sweet potato rice, potato rice, sweet potato rice, yam rice, corn rice and so on. As for the specific personnel to be hired, Ying Zi and Ling Zi would be the first to make the selection. When the time came, they would have to agree on what to do. Fifth, the corresponding beverages, including fruit juices, rice wine, sweet wine, and the corresponding pickles, will be jointly decided by Confucius and Confucius, and the relevant candidates will be purchased and sold, and the list will be submitted to me for examination and approval.    


Zhou Bingjie and Zhou Yajie, who came in after me, just listened quietly and did not interrupt; while at some point, both Confucius and Confucius had each taken a notebook and written down every single one of my stories. I was satisfied or glad that they had this habit, for all I had just said was what I had thought, a passing thought, and they really had to do it; but I was a little frightened. Due to the fact that some of the things I just mentioned were discussed with Romer, I came up with a plan. Some of the ideas I came up with were purely my own, such as growing 'original ecology' of ordinary vegetables, or asking someone to make pickled vegetables, etc., but I didn't consult with anyone about them.    


Seeing that they had all finished, I stopped for a moment. I also asked Yukiko to set up a "game department" in the vegetable company. Yukiko nodded in agreement. I added, "Start with the money from the vegetable company. If you don't have enough money, find me." Inky continued to answer. I let the four girls discuss it among themselves, and after confirming some menu, I left and returned to Romel's room. The four girls agreed, and Zhou Bing Jie and Zhou Ya Jie were also considered half mountain people. Although the mountain near their home was not as big or as deep as ours, it was still more or less a mountain, so they had some suggestions. I did not say this, and it was clear that they had something to say; it would make me say it all the more. At this moment, I had no image of a lady, only a vision of development. They all ignored me and started to discuss among themselves.    


I went out to Rommel's room, and when I was in the corridor, I noticed the clock on the wall. It was late! However, when I entered the room, I found that it was still in full swing. Not only was Luo Mei, Ronnie, and Zhu Dantong present, but even Ye Shuzhen had come. I knew that they were discussing some matters regarding the operation of the new restaurant, so I didn't want to disturb them. He wanted to go back to his room to sleep, but he felt that these girls were all discussing things. It wouldn't be good if a man like him were to go back to his room to sleep. After a while, he recalled that Aitin had not recovered yet. He was afraid that there was no one taking care of her, so he ignored the two groups of people on the second floor and went to the first floor to look for her. As soon as I entered Aiten's room, I was surprised to find that she was happily chatting with two beauties!    


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