Grand Knight Passive Skills System

C222 Bao Ke

C222 Bao Ke

Yu Yue held Irene's hand and walked forward. Her hand was very soft and comfortable to hold.    


Shett, who had landed behind, caught up and walked side by side with the two of them. She snatched Irene's hand from Yu Yue and held her hand as she continued to walk forward.    


Yu Yue looked at his hand that had been slapped off and shrugged his shoulders.    


"Where are we going now?" Shett asked as she walked.    


Yu Yue said, "Let's find an inn first and talk about escaping. It is not convenient to be outside."    


Xue specie nodded and did not speak. He just quietly followed him and walked forward.    


Although Shett did not speak, Irene raised her head and looked at him curiously.    


From a close distance, looking at her round oval face and white skin, she was really a very cute little girl. According to the legends, the Elf Clan were all handsome, the men were incomparably handsome, and the women were as beautiful as flowers. Now, it seemed like it really was the case. Even the fierce Shett was very beautiful.    


Her large watery blue eyes blinked, and she opened her cherry mouth and said softly, "Big brother, thank you very much for helping us."    


Her voice was not as weak as before. It was originally a little soft and soft, but now it sounded like a light spring water. It was very pleasant to the ear. This voice was exactly the same as the song she heard in Tree Devil Valley.    


little Irene looked very cute at the moment. Yu Yue could not help reaching out his hand to touch her head and smiled. "You are welcome."    


Realizing that Yu Yue actually used his hand to touch Irene's head, Shett glared at Yu Yue with a fierce look.    


Yu Yue withdrew his hand in time and was not hit by Shett's hand.    


Shett really had a deep prejudice against humans. Otherwise, after experiencing so many things just now, her attitude towards him still did not change much.    


little Irene was held by Shett's hand and could only raise her head and smile apologetically at him. Yu Yue also did not mind smiling at her.    


With the two of them, they once again came to the crowded street.    


It was very dangerous here. If they were not careful, their identities would be exposed. The three of them knew this and did not make any big moves.    


little Irene and Shett hid their faces under the shadow of the hood. If one did not look carefully, one could only see that the hood was completely black and their faces could not be seen.    


Yu Yue walked on the street at a pace little Irene could keep up with and did not speak to the two of them.    


He was thinking about what to do next in his heart.    


He had his own considerations when he subdued Shett with his sword just now. He wanted to let her know his strength. He also told her that helping them escape was not because he was threatened, but because he was willing to do so. There was a fundamental difference between the two.    


Moreover, it would also be very beneficial to send the two out of the city.    


If they did not listen to his opinion and acted on their own accord, it was very likely that they would fall into the most dangerous situation and even lose their lives.    


Thus, if they wanted to escape, the two of them would completely follow his instructions, and that was the most basic foundation.    


However, this was a very difficult mission.    


Smuggling two living people from a highly restricted city didn't sound difficult, but in reality, one would know how difficult it was.    


As long as the guards investigated carefully, with Irene and Shett's beautiful looks, they would definitely not be able to avoid the inspection. The method to directly walk out of the city gate was the first one to be eliminated. As for the other methods, he still had to carefully consider them.    


Regarding this method, Yu Yue had a headache thinking about it.    


He did not expect that he would hang it up so high just now. He felt that martial law had nothing to do with him. It hadn't even been an hour, and it had actually been related to him.    


While he was distressed, the three of them had already walked through two streets, and there wasn't much distance left from the destination he was about to arrive at.    


He planned to bring the two of them to an inn so that the following arrangements could be carried out smoothly. Since it was an inn, the first thing he thought of was Old Sun's inn.    


However, he didn't want these two elven ladies to stay at Old Sun's inn.    


Because the two of them were undoubtedly extremely dangerous explosive packages. Once they were discovered, they would immediately explode. If they were discovered at Old Sun's Inn, even though Uncle Sun Yang didn't know about it, it couldn't be helped.    


He was still very grateful to Uncle Sun Yang and didn't want to involve him in this mess.    


He wanted to bring the two of them to the inn. It was another inn.    


He had stayed in Qiluo City for a few months and had a basic understanding of the city. It was easier to choose a suitable inn that would not cause any trouble.    


Just as he was thinking, there was a commotion in front of him.    


Because the three of them were still in the crowd, the commotion was very obvious. However, he couldn't see what was happening in front of them.    


Currently, Yu Yue was highly alert. He had two explosives jars with him, so he did not dare to be careless.    


Because the surrounding people did not know what was happening, they were a little anxious.    


Yu Yue stood on his tiptoes and saw that there seemed to be a few armored guards patrolling in front of him.    


It looked like they were looking for the elves!    


He did not expect such a thing to happen in the middle of the road.    


Yu Yue made a prompt decision. He used his eyes and hands to signal Shett to take Irene and leave in the opposite direction.    


Although Shett was fierce and unreasonable, she was very intelligent on this point and immediately understood what Yu Yue meant. She nodded and turned around to hold little Irene's hand and return to the way they came from.    


Yu Yue also turned around and walked in front of them as a guide.    


But after a few steps, the three of them stopped at the same time.    


Because in front of them, there were even more guards walking in the opposite direction!    


As they walked, they blocked their way to ask questions!    


Damn it! They actually wrapped dumplings!    


This group of people who looked like guards was completely premeditated.    


They moved in two directions at the same time, completely surrounding the people on this street, not letting anyone leave.    


They had met a tough bone!    


With this kind of investigation, there was no room for escape. Moreover, these guards were mainly targeting those who wore hoods and used other methods to cover their faces. They were all holding a piece of paper in their hands, comparing it to the faces of the passers-by. It seemed like on that piece of paper... It was most likely a portrait of the two Elves.    


Now they were completely trapped in a predicament. If the search continued like this, the two people wearing hoods would definitely not be able to avoid the investigation. If they compared the portrait, their identities would be seen through!    


Furthermore, the two of them were tall and short, completely matching the characteristics of escaping elves. There was no reason for them to escape detection.    


Shett also panicked when she saw this scene. She bit her lips and her face gradually revealed a fierce expression. Her hand reached into her arms and Yu Yue seemed to have already seen her take out a small knife under the heavy robe.    


Although Irene was innocent and cute, it did not mean that she did not know anything. She also saw that she was in an extremely dangerous situation and her small hand tightly grabbed Shett's hand, revealing a nervous and worried expression.    


At this moment, Shett suddenly felt a pat on her shoulder. Being in a state of mental anxiety, she almost wanted to use a knife to kill this person.    


A calm voice stopped her movements.    


"Calm down, don't worry, I'll think of something"    


It was Yu Yue's voice.    


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