Strongest Guard

C63 Ten Thirty Tonight

C63 Ten Thirty Tonight

At 4 PM in the afternoon, Yue Zitong called her unit's office again.    


She was sure that Lao Jin had been waiting for her call.    


As expected, Lao Jin's dignified voice came after a few beeps: "I'm Jin Baiyong, who are you?"    


He could clearly tell from the caller ID that it was Yue Zitong's phone call, and he even put on a face like this, clearly trying to make sense of it.    


"Gold District, I've decided. I agree to your request."    


Yue Zitong said lightly, "The time and place will be decided by you."    


"I'm working. I'll contact you after I get off work."    


After Lao Jin said this, he hung up the phone very straightforwardly.    


Yue Zitong smiled and put down the microphone. Someone knocked on the door.    


Min Rou, who came in, was about to get off work. She had to report the summary of today's work as well as some important work arrangements for tomorrow's Director Yue.    


"Director Yue, the investigation team evacuated and took a lot of account books with them."    


The current Kaihuang Group is on the cusp of the wave, causing the employees to panic. This is the most important thing, "Although we can confirm that our accounts are genuine and clean, as long as they want to pick out the bones from the chicken egg, they will definitely —"    


Yue Zitong raised her hand and interrupted her, "Don't worry, everything will be fine. The account book that they took away today will be returned tomorrow. "    


Min Rou was stunned. She couldn't understand how Director Yue could be so confident.    


Yue Zitong initially didn't want to say much to her, but seeing her eyes filled with worry, her heart warmed up. "Xiao Rou, come. Sit down. Let's talk heartfelt."    


Min Rou was stunned again. In her impression, Director Yue had never used such a gentle manner to talk to her. However, he soon recovered and sat down on the sofa with an "oh".    


Like a big sister, Yue Zitong walked over and sat beside her. She even held her hand in her palm and patted the back of her hand. Min Rou's body trembled.    


It seems that I can't reveal my very gentle side!    


Director Yue was a bit angry. He let go of Min Rou's hand and a faint expression appeared on his face again.    


This is the Director Yue in my heart. It was scary just now... Min Rou let out a sigh of relief in her heart. She suddenly heard Director Yue ask, "What do you think about Lee Nanfang?"    


Min Rou was stunned for the third time. She really didn't understand Director Yue, so why would he ask her that?    


"To be honest, it doesn't matter if you praise him as good or if you say that he's bad. I won't blame you."    


Yue Zitong's eyes were filled with encouragement.    


The encouraged secretary lowered her head and hesitated for a moment, then she hummed like a mosquito, "I feel that he's quite a nice person. He's not as annoying as he looks on the surface, but he actually knows how to respect girls... Director Yue, this is just my opinion of him."    


Would he know how to respect girls?    


Hmph, I know you say that just because he beat someone up for you. You wouldn't say that if you knew what he did to me.    


With a snort in her heart, Yue Zitong lost her interest in discussing whether someone was good or not. She bluntly said, "Actually, I originally wanted to get the two of you together."    




Min Rou's small mouth had grown into an "O" shape, and her eyes were filled with little stars.    


"I know that the reason why you felt that he was not bad was also because he had helped you before. It was just an illusion. Actually, he is just a piece of scum, a despicable, shameless villain — cough, do you have water? "    


Min Rou quickly got up and poured Director Yue a cup of water.    


After gulping down a few mouthfuls, Yue Zitong suppressed the urge to curse Scumbag Lee out loud and said in a normal tone, "But at that time, I thought that I could train him into a normal person and prepare to give him some shares in the company to let him live a peaceful life. Finding a good girl for him can be considered my responsibility as his aunt."    


Min Rou didn't say anything. She opened her pure eyes wide and looked at Director Yue's face, which was slowly suffused with a sacred radiance that showed that Director Yue was a man with his heart and soul.    


"This is what I plan to do. As long as you can accept him, I will take out 10% of the company's shares as your wedding gift. I wish you two a hundred years of good relations, and that you will live together forever."    


After confirming that his blessings were quite touching, Director Yue changed the topic: "But what I didn't expect was that that bastard wouldn't be able to support the mud on the wall. No matter how hard I tried to change him and guide him, I was even willing to forgive his rudeness — cough, is there still water?"    


Min Rou's head was full of fog. She began to suspect if her eyes were suffering from some kind of cataract or something. Otherwise, how could she not see Director Yue's diligent efforts to change his mind and guide Lee Nanfang's actions?    


As for Lee Nanfang getting forgiveness after being rude to Director Yue, where did that come from?    


Of course, she would not ask these questions, as long as she could feel Director Yue's sincere blessings, "Director Yue, thank you for thinking for me. However, I don't have any plans for a boyfriend yet. Furthermore, Lee Nanfang already has a girlfriend, hur hur. "    


Only then did Yue Zitong remember that Lee Nanfang's girlfriend had come to see him on Friday.    


It was precisely because she heard that he had a girlfriend that she used the excuse of protecting him and expelled him.    


After Min Rou's unintentional reminder, Director Yue immediately felt powerless, and his mood became even more complicated. He lifted his cup of water and gulped down a mouthful of water, feeling that it was not hot at all.    


"Forget it, there's no need to mention him anymore. Since he's already gone, what's the use of saying it anyway?"    


Putting down the cup, Yue Zitong gave a self-deprecating smile and changed the topic, "Do you know why the gold zone is making things difficult for us? "That's because …"    


Director Yue said that he wouldn't mention Lee Nanfang anymore, but the next thing he said still revolved around him.    


No choice, Lee Nanfang was the main line of revenge for Director Yue in the Golden District. No matter how he tried, he couldn't get around it. He started with Blue Sky Bar and continued all the way until Young Master Jin was crippled and Lao Jin made his request.    


Sure, when Director Yue was telling these things, some places had to go through some minor artistic processing, such as how she wouldn't let Min Rou know that Lee Nanfang lived in her house, but instead said that when Lee Nanfang was tidied up by Young Master Jin, she called her to ask for help, and that she and the police had arrived in time to avoid the bad luck of being smashed into mud.    


After her artistic processing, the image of a great aunt caring for her nephew slowly surfaced before Min Rou's eyes, especially after she heard that in order to protect her nephew, her aunt had no choice but to shoulder all the responsibility. For his sake, for the happiness of the thousands of employees in the entire Kaihuang Group, she was forced to accept the despicable request of the gold district.    


As for the flaw, Min Rou couldn't care about it at all. After staring blankly for a while with her mouth wide open, she grabbed Director Yue's arm and whispered, "Director Yue, you can't go. You can't agree to the shameless request of that old scoundrel!"    


"Buddha said that if I don't enter hell, who will?"    


Aunt Yue slowly raised her head, looking as if she was looking at death with a tragic smile, "Xiao Rou, you don't have to persuade me anymore. You should know that besides doing this, I have no other choice. My personal honor and disgrace, compared with the peace and happiness of a thousand employees, is insignificant. "    


"Well, I'm not telling you this to spread it around with your mouth and make the staff feel grateful for my kindness, which is my responsibility in the first place. I just can't stand it. It's better to find someone to talk to. "    


Yue Zitong wasn't lying. No matter how she treated Lao Jin, she didn't plan to let him know. She was just holding it in, wanting to talk to someone.    


Now that she had said everything she needed to say, her mood was much more relaxed. She pushed Min Rou away from her, who was hugging her arm. Just as she was about to say something, the phone rang.    


It was Lao Jin. He couldn't wait to get off work even though it wasn't even time yet.    


Tonight, at ten-thirty, Qingshan Hotel number 1101, presidential suite, was reserved in the name of Kaihuang Group.    


In addition, he also hoped that Director Yue would personally visit his son in the hospital after work and apologize in front of him, hoping to gain Young Master Jin's forgiveness.    


Yue Zitong knew that Lao Jin asking her to go to the hotel to apologize to Young Master Jin was actually just a formality, to prevent his despicable behavior from being exposed.    


They were indeed old foxes of the martial arts world. Every step they took was a step forward. Before doing any evil deeds, they had already found a way out.    


Yue Zitong naturally agreed to Lao Jin's request.    


Only then did Min Rou realize why Director Yue had said that the company's crisis could be solved tomorrow. It turned out to be the price she had to pay for her humiliation.    


"Director Yue, you definitely can't go!"    


Yue Zitong had just put down the phone, when Min Rou once again hugged her arm, her little face flushed red from excitement, and started to stutter again: "I, I can guarantee that the old rogue is not only coveting you, he's even plotting Kaihuang Group! Despicable, shameless, in order to reach his goal, he can even use his son! "    


Yue Zitong didn't expect Min Rou to be able to see through Lao Jin's true intentions with such a sinister gaze.    


Of course, she wouldn't say it. Tonight might be the day of Lao Jin's death. She could only continue to laugh miserably: "Hehe, since things have come to this, do I have any other choice?"    


"Director Yue, I'll go!"    


Min Rou felt her head turn hot as she blurted out those words.    


"You're going?"    


Yue Zitong was stunned. She had not expected this little secretary to be so loyal. Yes, she would need to be raised more in the future.    


"I'll go."    


As soon as she said it, Min Rou could no longer go back on her word. She could only bite the bullet and say, "Anyway, I'm pretty pretty anyway, so he'll be satisfied."    


"Idiot, I don't just want people, I also want Kaihuang Group."    


Yue Zitong raised her hand and tapped Min Rou's forehead, saying softly, "Leave. I want to be alone."    


Min Rou left the CEO's office with hot tears in her eyes. When she returned to her room, she couldn't help but sob on the table. She couldn't bear to see a despicable villain sully Director Yue who was like a snow lotus on a mountain.    


However, Director Yue was right, what Lao Jin wanted wasn't just a human, but a Kaihuang Group with a huge market value. With such a huge appetite, how could he not be afraid of being stuffed to death?    


"This won't do, I have to tell Lee Nanfang about this. Why did he leave after causing trouble and let Director Yue resist for him?"    


As she was crying, Min Rou suddenly thought of Lee Nanfang. She ignored her tears and dialed Lee Nanfang's cell number: "Lee Nanfang, where are you now?"    


"He's sunning himself under the wall of his old home."    


Lee Nanfang's lazy voice sounded, "Secretary Min, did you eat chilies at noon? You sound so aggressive."    


"Immediately scram back to the Qingshan City. It's immediately!"    


Min Rou yelled into the phone, "Otherwise, I'll … I'll ignore you forever!"    


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