Greedy System: Charge To Level Up

C88 Chapter 88 Knowledge

C88 Chapter 88 Knowledge

Under the lead of Zero, Wang Jiu arrived at the central control room of the secret lab.    


This was also where Zero's main body was located. At the same time, it stored the knowledge that Wang Jiu wanted.    


"The knowledge that you want is the most valuable knowledge in this base. So, even I don't have the right to send it to you remotely. " However, if knowledge is operated here, I can still do it. " After Zero finished speaking, he added," Do you really not need a storage device to take the knowledge away? "    


"No." Wang Jiu shook his head and said, "I believe in my brain."    


"Alright." Seeing how persistent Wang Jiu was, Zero did not say anything else. Instead, he guided Wang Jiu to a screen.    


At this moment, with Zero's help, the knowledge Wang Jiu wanted appeared in front of the screen, as well as the thoughts and ideas that were related to the knowledge.    


In fact, the importance of these thoughts and ideas was no less than the knowledge.    


Just like water, people with sufficient thoughts could use its high-pressure characteristics to develop high-pressure water guns and high-pressure water knives.    


In addition to these scientific thoughts and ideas, Wang Jiu could still see some finished products.    


Among them, what made Wang Jiu feel the most valuable was a set of armor.    


This set of armor was developed from the foundation of the exoskeleton armor. It covered the entire body and adapted to land and sea battles. It was also very powerful.    


At least an ordinary person wearing this set of armor would not have to waste any effort fighting a dozen human-shaped lions or eagles they had encountered before.    


However, the most valuable part of this set of armor was not anything else but its energy core.    


Its energy core was a miniaturized nuclear fusion device.    


Nuclear fusion could produce energy!    


Because Wang Jiu's previous world had started to colonize his own solar system, although there was nuclear fusion technology, there was no miniaturized nuclear fusion technology.    


The main reason was because there was no need for it!    


Perhaps one day in the future, a miniaturized nuclear fusion technology would appear, but based on the timeline when Wang Jiu left, it would take a very long time for this technology to appear.    


This was because every warship that sailed in the solar system was huge and huge. It means they need a lot of energy.    


Small nuclear fusion technology had many benefits, but there was one downside, and that was that it produced very little energy.    


Compared to other methods, there was naturally a lot of energy, but compared to the energy required by the battleship, it was too little.    


However, Wang Jiu knew that this technology was very popular.    


Because even if they did not need it now, there would be a day when they would need this technology.    


Other than that, other technologies were not that important.    


Although they all looked very powerful, in the previous world, there were already similar or more advanced technologies.    


That was true. After all, the technology level of this world was relatively low. There was a miniaturized nuclear fusion technology. It was already a treasure.    


Soon, Wang Jiu finished reading all the information.    


Whether it was the technology that he had developed or the ideas that only existed in theory, Wang Jiu had finished reading all of them.    


Zero asked, "I've already read all of them. Do I need to read them again?"    


Wang Jiu refused. "No, no, I've memorized all the information."    


Zero said in disbelief. "Really?"    


Wang Jiu said confidently, "Don't worry. This matter concerns the future of the human race. " Of course I won't lie under such circumstances. "    


Seeing Wang Jiu like this, Zero no longer insisted. He just nodded his head, indicating that he knew.    


Wang Jiu asked, "By the way, do you still have any weapons here?"    


"Yes." Zero said as he brought Wang Jiu to the armory. "The weapons here are all energy weapons. They can still be used because they are well preserved."    


Wang Jiu looked at the armory and observed it carefully.    


Although it was called an armory, there were only three types of weapons.    


The first type was an energy knife that could shoot out a small blade.    


The second type was an energy gun. It could shoot out energy bullets. As long as there was energy left, the bullets would never disappear.    


The third type was the energy sniper rifle. It could also shoot out energy bullets, but its power would be stronger than the energy bullets of the energy pistol.    


However, according to the law of energy conservation, its power would be stronger, and the amount of energy consumed would be greater.    


It could also be seen from here. These energy weapons must have been one of the most advanced technologies ten thousand years ago.    


Because even this secret experimental base only had these three types of weapons. In the outside world, not even one of them would appear.    


After that, Wang Jiu took half of the energy knives, energy pistols, and three energy sniper rifles.    


Because his storage ring was full, So they were in the backpack provided by Friendship Zero, carried by Little Seven.    


After that, Wang Jiu and Xiao Qi left the secret experiment base.    


"What will happen to the future of mankind?" Zero stood inside the lab, watching Wang Jiu and Xiao Qi leave. His expression suddenly became complicated.    


Then, his figure blurred and disappeared.    


When Wang Jiu returned, a group of human-shaped eagles suddenly appeared.    


"A group of reckless fellows." Wang Jiu looked at their figures and frowned slightly. There was a hint of anger on his face.    


"It's actually the legendary Twoleg Beast..." At this moment, a disdainful voice was heard.    


Immediately after, a white feathered eagle that looked more like a human than the other human-shaped eagles flew out. His face was filled with disdain.    


Wang Jiu asked, "It seems that you are very surprised to see us?"    


The human-shaped eagle chuckled and said, "Twoleg beasts. We haven't seen it for a long time. However, we've heard of them. They're in the territory of the lions not far away. There are some Twoleg survivors."    


Wang Jiu asked again, "What about the other places?"    


The eagle did not care. I don't know about the other places. Anyway, I haven't heard of any other places where two-legged beasts exist. "Perhaps, there are still some two-legged beasts living in places I don't know about."    


So that's how it is. " Wang Jiu nodded and said, "So, you stopped us because you wanted to kill us?"    


"Or else?" The human-shaped eagle said, "Eliminating the Twoleg Beast is the consensus of all races. " However, killing or not killing ordinary two-legged beasts is meaningless. But a two-legged beast like you absolutely cannot be allowed to live! "    


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