Top Immortal Emperor in the City



Heng Yanlin walked to the front of the car and casually opened the car door. The black clothed man behind the door, in that moment, held onto a blade and fiercely slashed at Heng Yanlin.    


Since things had gotten to this point, it could be said that if Heng Yanlin was dead, then he was dead. Therefore, when Heng Yanlin opened the car door, the black-clothed man could no longer endure as he prepared to fight to the death with Heng Yanlin.    


Heng Yanlin noticed the actions of the black clothed man and immediately frowned slightly. After that, with a sneer on his face, he quickly waved his right hand, and with a muffled sound, the black clothed man flew back before he could even get close to Heng Yanlin.    


Heng Yanlin then waved his hand and threw all of them into the carriage. Then, he climbed into the driver's seat and drove to a desolate place, and then turned to look at the people who were piled behind the carriage.    


"When you wake up, stop pretending to be unconscious. Are you going to honestly explain your origins, or should I make you suffer a little?"    


Heng Yanlin got up from the driver's seat, and then came to the carriage, and said to the black clothed man who was lying on the ground.    


Hearing Heng Yanlin's words, the black-clothed men were slightly startled, and then they started to panic. It was as Heng Yanlin had said, just a moment ago, they had already woken up.    


After waking up, they discovered that they were able to move and were not tied together. Immediately, they felt joy in their hearts. However, this joy did not last long as their hearts began to waver.    


They didn't know how to deal with the person in front of their eyes. Even if he woke up, would they be able to escape successfully? In their hearts, they had no confidence at all.    


Thus, when they thought about it, they immediately started pretending to be asleep to see where Heng Yanlin would go later. If he got out of the car midway, that would give them a chance to do so.    


How would he know that Heng Yanlin actually did not go anywhere and directly saw through them? This was already a fact of waking up.    


"If you want to kill us, then kill us! Where did all this nonsense come from? We won't tell you anything that you want to know!"    


Seeing that he could no longer conceal anything from Heng Yanlin, the leading man became extremely tenacious, and immediately said coldly. When they had initially decided to complete this mission, they had already considered the consequences.    


Once they were caught, they would definitely not reveal anything else. However, according to their thinking, the one who was able to capture them should be the military. But right now, it was Heng Yanlin.    


"That's right, I will not say anything else!" If you want to kill us, then kill us. We were truly unlucky to be in your hands. "    


The person at the side, upon hearing his own captain's words, also clenched his teeth and shouted sternly at Heng Yanlin. Only, even though he said that, his tensed mind was warning him, if Heng Yanlin were to attack, he would definitely retaliate.    


Before, it was true that he could not defeat Heng Yanlin, but this did not stop him from resisting a little when facing Heng Yanlin, rather than obediently waiting for his death.    


Seeing that, Heng Yanlin shook his head, with a flick of his finger, a few light dots flew out and landed on the foreheads of the men.    


"Since all of you are so unwilling to cooperate, you should suffer a little!" Heng Yanlin said with a cold and detached voice.    


The few men looked on helplessly as the light specks entered their foreheads, but they did not have the ability to react at all. They were immediately shocked, and then, their expressions changed as they questioned Heng Yanlin, "What did you do?"    


"It's nothing. I merely made you suffer a little. This sort of pain can only make you die. However, since you've died, you should die. In any case, I can roughly guess where you've come from."    


"No warrior would dare to attack me, so if you guys are not, then you guys are from nearby. And if you look at the person's face and speech, then that small country must be the biggest, right?"    


Hearing that, Heng Yanlin immediately shrugged his shoulders, and spoke to the rest. Heng Yanlin's tone was full of indifference, as if he had said it himself, he had roughly guessed the origin of the other party, so it was more or less the same if the other party did not say anything.    


However, if the other party could explain it to him, he could save some time. He didn't need to waste any more time, he could just directly capture those people who were still hiding.    


Moreover, the most important thing was that Heng Yanlin did not think that these people could survive, the torture that he had given them.    


Hearing Heng Yanlin's words, the expressions of the men changed. They never thought that since they did not say anything, Heng Yanlin had already guessed their origins. But at this time, to these words, how could they admit it?    


Immediately, he straightened his neck and said to Heng Yanlin in a coarse voice: "Whatever you say, we will not admit our identity." As long as they did not recognize his identity, what could Heng Yanlin do?    


Even if they did not admit it, their country would not admit it, and when the time came, there was nothing they could do about it.    


It's such a pity, the formula you guys wanted is not available there. However, there is a small and exquisite item that you guys did not take with you, it is the thing that was used to refine the Rejuvenation Toner.    


Heng Yanlin leisurely sat at the side, and said while looking at the person in front of him.    


After the few of them heard this, their minds were immediately shaken. They looked at Heng Yanlin with incomparable shock. Furthermore, the other party actually said that the object that they were not paying attention to was the item used to concoct the medicinal essences?    


They had always thought that in order to refine so many Rejuvenation Toner and in such a mystical situation, they would definitely need extremely precise equipment. As a result, they had not taken a single glance at that item.    


However, hearing his words, didn't he directly tell them that the item they were looking for was the thing they were looking for? Thinking about this, they regretted their actions so much. If they had brought that thing away with them, things wouldn't have happened as they had today.    


Unfortunately, they did not know that even though they had taken the item away, they would not be able to use it without the help of the jade pendant.    


They were all full of regret at this moment. Just as they wanted to say something, their faces suddenly paled and their eyes bulged. Their throats were filled with an impressive sound, as if they wanted to say something but were unable to do so.    


At this moment, everyone's bodies had directly twisted into the shape of curved prawns, indicating that they were in incomparable pain.    


Heng Yanlin looked at them in satisfaction. Because of the pain in his head, the veins on his face bulged, and his hands and feet couldn't help but spasm at this moment. It seemed like he wanted to do something, but was completely unable to do so.    


"If anyone wants to tell me everything, you can nod your head. I will make him speak. As for the others, you can leave them for now."    


Heng Yanlin's words were directly transmitted to everyone's ears. Right after Heng Yanlin's words fell, everyone frantically nodded their heads at this time, and the words that they had said before, seemed to have directly turned into rubbish at this time. No one was willing to abide by the words that they had said before.    


Seeing that everyone was nodding, Heng Yanlin smiled slightly, and then removed the Spiritual Energy from their bodies. Just now, Heng Yanlin had directly injected a wave of Spiritual Energy into their minds.    


With this Spiritual Energy, they would be able to directly tear their souls into tiny pieces. With this result, in the end, these people would naturally turn into vegetable.    


Even if Heng Yanlin stayed his hand, they would not be in a good situation, but Heng Yanlin did not care, since even if he said that, the final result would be death.    


They knew very well that was why they wanted to protect the secret of their country at the very end. However, from the looks of it, the thing they wanted to protect could no longer be kept.    


They would rather tell him what they knew, and only hoped that Heng Yanlin could let them die happily.    


"Speak, I am listening. If you hear anything that I am not satisfied with, you will know the consequences."    


As Heng Yanlin spoke, he took out his mobile phone and sent a message. When the few of them heard Heng Yanlin's words, their entire bodies shivered, as they saw the fear in each other's eyes.    


That leader clenched his teeth and said.    


Just as you said, we are the elite soldiers of a small country. We came here this time because we received an order to steal the formula of the Rejuvenation Toner.    


Don't lie to me, it has already been sent back to a small country. Although the Rejuvenation Toner is currently not in Jianghai City, I still know, it is only in a certain city in the south.    


Hearing that the person had admitted to it and that he had sat down, Heng Yanlin raised his eyebrows, as if he did not feel surprised at all.    


Only, Heng Yanlin's words were extremely clear to those few people's powers. What kind of monster was he exactly, that their actions were extremely neat and tidy, Heng Yanlin absolutely did not know that it was done by them.    


Otherwise, with Heng Yanlin's capabilities, how would he let them stay in the Jianghai City for so long? Most likely, after finding out, he would directly come to capture them.    


Just that, since Heng Yanlin did not know whether they had done it or not, how could he know the exact whereabouts of the jade bottle?    


Originally, they had wanted to say that the medicinal liquid had already been sent back to the small countries for research. Now, if they were to lie, they would have to try out that torture.    


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