Top Immortal Emperor in the City



When Heng Yanlin had completely recovered all of the Spiritual Energy in his body, it was already the early morning of the next day. Seeing this, Heng Yanlin did not continue to continue cultivating outside.    


After re-establishing his foundation, Heng Yanlin once again cleaned up the magazine on his body. Because he had previously lost the Spiritual Energy, he ate the five grains and grains, and unavoidably, accumulated some impurities in his body.    


Just as Heng Yanlin finished dressing himself, his phone immediately rang. Heng Yanlin took out his phone and looked at it, frowning slightly. He did not recognize the number that was displayed on it.    


Hello, may I ask if you are Heng Yanlin?    


Heng Yanlin picked up the phone, and a voice filled with energy came out. After Heng Yanlin responded, the voice directly told Heng Yanlin, his car was parked outside, and he asked Heng Yanlin to go out.    


Hearing that, Heng Yanlin's heart suddenly came to a realization, he had already guessed who the caller was, and seeing that Heng Yanlin was not delaying, he immediately walked out of the villa, only to see a green SUV parked outside.    


Seeing Heng Yanlin walking out of the villa, the person in the carriage immediately opened the door of the carriage, and carefully compared it with Heng Yanlin's ID. After confirming that it was correct, he immediately gave a salute, and passed the ID in his hand to Heng Yanlin.    


"Captain, this is your certificate. Please confirm."    


After Heng Yanlin received it, he looked at it carefully. After confirming that there were no problems, he gave his thanks to the young man.    


Seeing this, the young man didn't delay and immediately turned around before driving away in his car.    


Heng Yanlin took out his identification and a small leather case, and directly walked into the villa. Inside the small case were a few sets of general's clothing, all of which had the title of Vice Captain. After Heng Yanlin took them out and casually looked at them, he keenly noticed that these sets of clothes all fit him very well.    


It was likely that before this, the people from the army had clearly assigned him to the next position. Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to be promoted to the next position with the speed of the army.    


Regarding this, Heng Yanlin did not care too much about it. He casually folded up the few sets of clothes and placed them in the case. As for the proof of identity, Heng Yanlin directly brought it along with him.    


He kept his ID card with him, which could save him a lot of trouble at times. One of them was that Heng Yanlin no longer needed to learn his driver's license, he just needed to take this book and he would be able to drive on the road. Even if someone were to look up him, Heng Yanlin would immediately take out this book, and he would be able to pass safely.    


It was at this time that someone knocked on the door. Heng Yanlin slightly tidied up the things in the room, then walked to the door and directly opened it, only to see a beautiful Mu Shishan in a purple dress standing in front of the door.    


Seeing Mu Shishan who was dressed like an ice-cold CEO, and seeing Mu Shishan dressed like that, he was slightly startled.    


"I thought you weren't up yet, so I came over to call for you. Let's have breakfast together, then we can go out and buy some clothes."    


Seeing Heng Yanlin staring at him in a daze, Mu Shishan felt a tinge of happiness in her heart. After trying hard to control the emotions in her heart, she asked Heng Yanlin softly as she looked at him.    


This kind of aura, made Heng Yanlin stand in front of her, but she still felt as if she couldn't touch Heng Yanlin at all. However, in this place, everything seemed to have calmed down, and it made her feel as if she was standing on top of a mountain, looking at the churning sea of clouds.    


Was it because she did not pay attention to Heng Yanlin in the past and did not notice this kind of temperament on his body, or was it because Heng Yanlin had this kind of temperament recently?    


Mu Shishan looked at Heng Yanlin in front of him and only felt that the miasma around his body was growing thicker and thicker. In the end, he only felt that he didn't care about Heng Yanlin before, so he didn't notice that Heng Yanlin had such an aura.    


"Buy clothes? Buy what?"    


Heng Yanlin looked at Mu Shishan who was in front of her, and asked curiously. She would probably not bring her own clothes, right?    


"Of course it's to buy clothes for you and go participate in my grandfather's birthday celebration. You should at least wear more formally, right?"    


Hearing Heng Yanlin's words, Mu Shishan seemed to directly give him a supercilious look. She had already put on her own clothes, so it was naturally impossible.    


And if you were to buy clothes for Heng Yanlin, it would also be hard for her to directly say it. Your clothes are simply too tattered, and it would be a little outrageous to wear them out, so she directly said it in order for Heng Yanlin to wear them more formally, then give her grandfather some face.    


In this way, it wouldn't cause Heng Yanlin to feel disgust towards what she had said. On the other hand, it meant that she had done it purely for her grandfather's sake, so Heng Yanlin didn't think too much about it.    


After all, she had not been on good terms with Heng Yanlin previously, so the current her still needed to slowly improve their relationship.    


"I feel that your grandfather wouldn't be unhappy if I put it on like this."    


Heng Yanlin rubbed his nose, then spoke to Mu Shishan. He was quite familiar with the old man, and knew that he seemed to know his identity, and was always extremely respectful towards him. It was probably because he was happy that he was able to attend his birthday.    


"Cut the crap, if I tell you to go, then go!"    


Mu Shishan raised her eyebrows slightly, coldly rebuked Heng Yanlin, and immediately turned around to leave the place while stepping on her high heels. Heng Yanlin watched in astonishment as Mu Shishan left, and was still unable to react to the sudden change in the other party.    


Although the scene in front of his eyes was somewhat suitable for Mu Shishan, Heng Yanlin still treated him the same, from start to finish, with both attitudes, which made him speechless. What he had said just a moment ago was fine, but in the blink of an eye, he had become extremely cold.    


Mu Shishan stepped on her high heels and slowly walked down the stairs. Her face was slightly red at this time, she did not know why she was like that, as though seeing that Heng Yanlin did not care and that Heng Yanlin had the intention to reject, she could not help but feel that way.    


To think that this fellow would go out to make an appointment with a friend and go out to buy clothes for her, yet he even said that he wanted to shirk from her hands... How could she bear with this?    


It was just that, she felt so comfortable, but Heng Yanlin did not know if she would leave a bad impression on Heng Yanlin, causing him to think worriedly.    


Heng Yanlin didn't know a single thing about Mu Shishan's feelings. After Mu Shishan left, Heng Yanlin immediately took the two protective talismans he had just crafted and walked down the stairs.    


Seeing that Mu Shishan was just sitting at the side eating breakfast, Heng Yanlin directly walked over, and then, handed the talisman in his hand over to her, as he spoke to her.    


"This is your protective talisman, it's already completed, take off the Jade Plate on your neck."    


Hearing that, Mu Shishan turned his head to look at the fiery-red jade pendant in front of him. It looked like a drop of blood, but it did not have that sad and beautiful feeling.    


"This is for me?"    


Mu Shishan's mind was completely immersed in the beauty of the jade pendant, and only after a while did she come back to her senses. She asked Heng Yanlin in a daze, because just this one drop of jade pendant, she was sure that the value of this drop, was definitely worth more than ten million levels.    


Such a jade pendant, it was truly beautiful, but this jade pendant in front of her, was actually understated. If she said that it was a gift, how could she not be stunned?    


"Didn't you pick out that piece of jade before? If it's not for you, then who is it for?"    


After Heng Yanlin heard what Mu Shishan had said, he replied and walked over to his seat. After sitting down, he lowered his head and started to eat his breakfast.    


"This was made with that piece of jade. It only took you one night to carve it, and it's still so perfect?"    


Mu Shishan was stunned once again. Looking at the complicated expression in Heng Yanlin's eyes, she had never thought that this jade pendant was actually the piece of jade that Heng Yanlin had mentioned earlier.    


Looking at the jade pendant, it was as if its entire body was in one piece, without any signs of being artificially carved. The jade pendant's sparkling color also told her that even if it was an industrial product, it would definitely not be able to produce such a product!    


But to be able to create such a jade pendant, then how scary was Heng Yanlin?    


If his own company changed its business into a jewelry store, with Heng Yanlin getting the top quality jade and carving them, he would definitely be able to sell them, right?    


Just by looking at this piece of jade in front of her, she dared to guarantee that as long as Heng Yanlin intended it in this way, then once this gem was opened, it would definitely be worth it.    


It was just that Heng Yanlin didn't seem to agree. Moreover, letting Heng Yanlin do those things, made her a little unhappy in her heart. In any case, she felt that it was worth it, so why did she have to worry about that jewelry store?    


Mu Shishan shook his head slightly. After dispelling this thought from his mind, he removed the jade pendant from his neck and placed it around the jade pendant's neck instead.    


The jade pendant that Heng Yanlin had created had a small hole at the top, and on the small hole, an incredibly slender, transparent rope could be seen. This was something that Heng Yanlin had refined using a light blue jade stone.    


So when Mu Shishan brought this piece of jade pendant with him, the thin rope immediately disappeared into his neck. That jade pendant seemed to directly wrap around Mu Shishan out of thin air, bringing him an astonishing charm.    


"How is it? Did it look good?"    


Noticing the look in Heng Yanlin's eyes, Mu Shishan raised his head and asked Heng Yanlin a question. Hearing what Heng Yanlin said, Heng Yanlin immediately nodded his head in confirmation.    


Then, when Mu Shishan saw that Heng Yanlin had only faintly nodded his head, he immediately pouted. He was slightly dissatisfied with Heng Yanlin's perfunctory reply, and directly took out a mirror to examine himself in it.    


She unconsciously stretched out her hand and touched the string around her neck. When she touched the string, she was sure that there was a rope around her neck that was holding the jade.    


Otherwise, even though she was so close to the jade pendant, she would not be able to see it.    


"This rope shouldn't be easy to break, right?"    


Mu Shishan caressed the rope worriedly and asked Heng Yanlin. Such a fine rope like this was indeed a little unreliable.    


"Don't worry, that rope won't break that easily."    


Heng Yanlin looked at the rope, other people could not see the sparkling rope, but he could see it clearly, so after comforting Mu Shishan, he lowered his head and started to eat his breakfast.    


Hearing this, Mu Shishan heaved a sigh of relief. Since Heng Yanlin said it was not easy to break, then it shouldn't be easy to break.    


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